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Everybody Loves Raymond/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Parental Favoritism]]: Marie made no secret of the fact that Ray was her favorite child, much to Robert's chagrin. Frank on the other hand, appeared to treat the two equally... poorly.
* [[Ugly Guy, Hot Wife]]: Ugly Guy to Debra's Hot Wife, with his big nose and flabby body. ''Some'' women find him average at-worst, in reality and on the show, and he even got an attractive woman hitting on him when she didn't realize he was married, but everyone in-universe usually paints this as another example of Ray's status as "Born Lucky".
{{quote| '''Debra''': "I can't believe I just did thirty-six sit-ups for a man whose stomach looks like a deflated clown balloon!" }}
'''Debra Barone:'''
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* [[Armchair Military]]: Frank and his buddies like to reenact Civil War battles.
{{quote| Frank:*commenting on what someone said about dressing up in costumes* That's kinda like what me and my Civil War buddies do.<br />
Marie: What your buddies do is get drunk and pee outside! }}
* [[Aw, Look -- They Really Do Love Each Other]]: Frank and Marie were this to a tee.
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** [[Phrase Catcher]]: Likewise, Ray's response: "Hello...''Peggy.''"
* [[Establishing Character Moment]]
{{quote| Peggy: Now girls, when you're out selling cookies, and someone comes along, what do you say?<br />
Frontier Girl: "Would you like to buy some cookies?"<br />
Peggy: ''(bluntly)'' No. You say, "How ''many'' cookies would you like to buy?" }}
* [[Jerkass]]
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* [[Pair the Spares]]: As noted above, with {{spoiler|Peter}}.
* [[Sitcom Arch Nemesis]]: To Ray
{{quote| Robert: Oooh, you have an ''arch-enemy''. What are you, a super-hero now?}}
* [[Only Known by Their Nickname]]: Not technically true, but she was ''usually'' called "Peggy Hitler", "The Cookie Nazi" or "Cookie Hitler Lady", especially by Ray.
{{quote| Ray:*continuing the Nazi comparison* Similar uniform too!}}
* [[Smug Snake]]: When Ray objects to Peggy forcing all the kids' parents to buy $200+ dollar dresses to Molly's birthday party, Peggy sneers at him that Ally will stick out like her father's nose. There are other examples of Peggy being this trope.
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* {{spoiler|[[Pair the Spares]]: As noted above}}
* [[The Unfavorite]]: Peter and Robert finally make peace with each other when they realize that they have this in common with the way their parents treat them.
{{quote| '''Robert:''' ''It's like I was the 'test kid,' Like, 'Oh! Well now we know not to drop Raymond!''<br />
'''Peter:''' ''In my house it was 'Peter, Amy's playing the piano! Put away your cape and eat your dinner!'' }}
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* {{spoiler|[[Nuns Are Funny]]}}: Sort of. Actually, it was the other characters' belief in this trope and their ''reactions'' to her becoming a {{spoiler|nun}} that led to the hilarity.
* [[The Unfavorite]]: Jennifer was this while Debra was the favorite child. Ray deduces that Debra is annoyed that Jennifer is {{spoiler|becoming a nun}} because:
{{quote| '''Ray:''' ''When you were growing up, you were 'the good one.' But now she's {{spoiler|becoming a nun}}, which makes her the REALLY good one!''}}
'''Warren Whelan (Debra's father) '''
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