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Law & Order/Recap/S16/E07 House of Cards: Difference between revisions

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At the precinct, Van Buren writes up an Amber Alert. Fontana comes in and says that a bloody fingerprint was found on the crib, but it doesn't match anyone in the system. Green, behind Fontana, says that the canvas only turned up the one neighbor who heard the argument. Monroe has no record.
{{quote|"He seems like a pretty stand-up guy."<br />
"Yeah, well so did Scott Peterson."|Joe Fontana and Anita Van Buren}}
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At the restaurant, the detectives talk to the owner. The owner says that Stoll called in sick, and that while Stoll's address is somewhere in his office, it would take a long time to find it amongst all the papers. Green says they can start looking. Meanwhile, Fontana sees another worker in the kitchen glance at them when Green mentions Stoll. He goes to talk to the worker. The worker is reluctant to talk, so Fontana offers him a roll of bills.
{{quote|"I don't wanna get him jammed up."<br />
"Maybe this will ease the pain."|Worker and Joe Fontana}}
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Walters says that Arlene did come by Chelsea's house, but only to drop off a present. When she arrived, says Walters, Chelsea was already dead. The fingerprint was caused by Arlene feeling for a pulse. Arlene says that she was going to call the police, but they'd have taken the baby, and she thought she could give him a great life. McCoy asks if she thought of the baby's father Monroe, but she says that she wasn't thinking straight. McCoy asks who did kill Chelsea, and Arlene says she thought it was someone Chelsea knew from back when she did drugs. He then asks about abducting Connor Doyle, so Walters says she's moving to exclude that.
{{quote|"No one can accuse you of not being prepared."<br />
"I'll take that as a compliment."|Jack McCoy and Carolyn Walters}}
Judge Michael Schneider hears the motion. Walters argues that Doyle is young and an unwed mother.
{{quote|"The only reason McCoy is calling her is to portray my client as some kind of predator."<br />
"Which she is."|Carolyn Walters and Jack McCoy}}
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Outside, Walters asks McCoy for a deal. McCoy says that Arlene's crime was terrible and deserves a lot of punishment, but Walters tells him to save his speeches for the jury. She says that Arlene didn't kill anyone, and they will be using an affirmative defense for the kidnapping -- temporary insanity.
{{quote|"Postpartum depression?"<br />
"Postpartum psychosis. Makes postpartum depression look like a day at the beach."|Jack McCoy and Carolyn Walters}}
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Stuart tells Borgia that he was overseas, but spoke to her frequently. He says he would have done something had he thought Arlene was crazy. He gets mad when Borgia asks if he thought she was crazy. Borgia calms him down, and he says that Arlene is complicated. Borgia asks if Arlene had a close friend.
{{quote|"I am her best, and closest, friend."<br />
"Mr. Tarrington, you didn't even know that she miscarried."|Stuart Tarrington and Alexandra Borgia}}
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Later, Borgia asks Lindsay what went wrong. Lindsay tries to claim that Walters just got her mixed up, but Borgia says that she wants the truth. Lindsay says that she can't tell the truth because her mother would kill her.
{{quote|"If she finds out the truth, she'll totally lose it on me."<br />
"Lindsay, this is a murder trial."|Lindsay Doyle and Alexandra Borgia}}
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Walters asks for a deal, but McCoy says that Arlene has to talk first. Arlene states that Stoll promised that he could get her a baby, but Walters quickly shuts her up. McCoy then says that, if Arlene tells the truth and testifies against Stoll, he'll offer a 15-year sentence (the maximum sentence for kidnapping is 25 years). Walters asks for a 10-year sentence, but McCoy tells her that she is not in a position to bargain. Walters says that the jury might still go for the insanity defense.
{{quote|"And if you were confident about that, you wouldn't be here."<br />
"And if you didn't have concerns, you wouldn't be here either."|Jack McCoy and Carolyn Walters}}
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Tracer asks if Arlene can prove that she was waiting outside when Stoll killed Chelsea -- for instance, he asks, did anyone see her? She has to say that she can't prove it. Tracer insists that she wasn't outside but was inside, killing Chelsea in a psychotic rage.
{{quote|"You smashed her in the head, and then smothered her. Frank Stoll wasn't even in the room. He had your $50,000, why should he stick around?"<br />
"That's not what happened!"<br />
"No? You set this whole tragedy in motion. You. And you alone."|Daniel Tracer and Arlene Tarrington}}
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Outside, the two lawyers commiserate.
{{quote|"We took our shot."<br />
"Cold comfort."<br />
"Colder for Steven Monroe."|Alexandra Borgia and Jack McCoy}}
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