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{{quote| ''"Scooby Doo flashback!"''<br />
'''--Minato in chapter 83''' }}
{{quote| ''"My name is Minato Arisato, I'm a Fool Arcana so I got a bajillion Personae, but my first one was Orpheus. I use whatever weapon I can get my hands on but I always did like Shortswords, and my favourite fictional character is Simon the Digger."''<br />
'''--Minato in chapter 91, introducing himself to the previous generations of Persona users.''' }}
{{quote| ''"That thing came from you Yosuke. You have to admit it or it'll go bearzerk again." Next person that says that has this bottle shoved where the sun don't shine.''<br />
'''Teddie, followed by Souji's monolouge in Face Every Shadow, Chapter 7. }}
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** {{spoiler|[[Everyone Is a Super]]}} - Again, January is an interesting month.
* [[Facing the Bullets One-Liner]]
{{quote| "Will you say [[Candle Jack]]?" {{spoiler|{{smallcaps| ''Very well; [[Candle Jack]], happy?''}} }}}}
* {{color|white| [[Candle Jack|Hello.]]}}
* [[False-Flag Operation]] - {{spoiler|[[Framing the Guilty Party|Minato does this to shift the blame of destroying an old military warehouse to Strega by taking his shirt off, covering himself in demonic tattoos, putting on a hood and running aware from the scene of the crime with a gun.]]}} [[Magnificent Bastard|He thought this up seconds after the fight ended.]]
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* [[Humans Are Bastards]] - Yet, Minato likes them.
* [[Implausible Deniability]]
{{quote| If anyone asks, I'll say Junpei did it.}}
* [[Intimate Psychotherapy]] - {{spoiler|Empress social link. He didn't even want to at first.}}
** Turns out, {{spoiler|part of him did.}}
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* [[Line in the Sand]] - Done after the November Full Moon.
** Not quite what the trope means, but the following quote was just too good to pass up on.
{{quote| '''Minato in Chapter 59''': "This is the line in the sand... To cross this line is to cross me. And to cross me is to end."}}
** {{spoiler|Said to the protagonist of [[Shin Megami Tensei]] and Kerberos.}}
* [[Last Second Chance]] - If his enemy is human, he will usually give them a couple of warnings to back down before slaughtering them. [[Complete Monster|Usually.]]
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* [[Rage Against the Mentor]] - While he's still getting his act together, Minato takes this more than Mitsuru does.
** Minato sends that rage towards Ikutsuki.
*** Rage was due to Aigis's problems on her first day at school.
{{quote| "MEMO'S!!!"}}
* [[Real Men Wear Pink]] - Minato listens to women talk about shoes; Shinji has his own apron.
** {{spoiler|Jun Kurosu.}} Never has a gay florist been so badass since [[Yu Yu Hakusho|Kurama]].
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* [[Rule of Funny]]
* [[Running Gag]]
* [[Sarcastic Devotee]] - Pharos.
* [[Set Right What Once Went Wrong]] - One set of Shadows sent Minato back in time a week. He trained in Tartarus then jumped the Shadows ''just after'' they sent his past-self back.
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* [[Sphere of Destruction]] - How else do you {{spoiler|someone who keeps bursting out of her corpse alive and well every time you brutally slaughter her?}}
* [[Smith Will Suffice]]
{{quote| Well, I'd recommend calming down and getting to the front of the car and killing that Shadow. Oh, you were swearing. I was gonna say, I'm not that awesome.}}
* [[Standard Bleeding Spots]] - {{spoiler|Minato's forehead once the old wound cracks.}}
* [[The Stoic]] - Justified exceptionally well. {{spoiler|Brain damage from the car crash that killed his parents also killed the lobes that link emotion to facial expressions. He has to force every scowl, every laugh, every smile. He's learnt to be good at it.}}
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