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{{quote| ''I swear to drunk I'm not God.''}}
An intoxicated character is interacting with a police officer, generally as a result of a traffic stop. They are clearly impaired, but are trying to act as if they aren't. Expect an [[Alcohol Hic]] or two.
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* In ''[[The Man With Two Brains]]'', [[Steve Martin|Dr Hfuhruhurr]] is stopped by a traffic cop while attending a conference in Austria; when asked if he has been drinking, he replies "No, I dron't dink... don't drink".
* In ''[[Super Troopers]]'', some state troopers pull over some kids. The kids had to get rid of the drugs, so one of them eats all their weed before they throw out what was left. The troopers notice this, and play mind games to screw with the stoners before the arrest. (And after.)
{{quote| ''Littering and... littering aaaaand...<br />
...smokin' the reefer.'' }}
* In ''[[North by Northwest]]'', Cary Grant's character is force-fed a quart of bourbon and put behind the wheel of a car on a cliffside road to kill himself. He manages to escape his foes, but gets caught by the police. At the station he absolutely admits that he's drunk, but can't get them to believe the circumstances.
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== Literature ==
* In one of the ''[[Teenage Worrier]]'' books, Letty offers this advice;
{{quote| "If in trouble with the law, do not try to be funny. My own father was pulled over for drunk driving. He said 'I admit I've been driving but I'm perfectly fit to drink.' This Did Not Go Down Well. He might have done better if he hadn't been wearing a 'Free the Tottenham Three' T-shirt."}}
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* Several ''[[Chappelle's Show]]'' skits show various reactions to this. In one instance, the stoned driver convinced the cop to smoke his weed, and then sped off.
* ''[[That 70s Show]]''
{{quote| '''Leo:''' Is there a problem, Ociffer?<br />
'''Cop:''' Did you just call me[[Beat|...]] ''ociffer''? }}
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* ''[[South Park]]'': "What seems to be the officer, problem?"
* [[Robot Chicken]]: From one of the [[Star Wars]] specials:
{{quote| '''Boba Fett''': It's alright, I always drunk better when I'm driiiiiiiiiiive!}}
* ''[[American Dad]]'': An inebriated Francine gets pulled over by a cop, who she refers to as "Pig Fucker". Turns out his name is Officer Figpucker.
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