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Three the Hard Way: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Mr. Feather:''' Hello, I'm Mr. Feather. I know what you're thinking. ''Light'' as a feather.<br />
'''Wendy:''' Mister, you don't have the slightest idea what I'm thinking. }}
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* [[The Seventies]]: Leisure suits, huge afros, even bigger cars.
* [[They Call Me Mister Tibbs]]: Keyes' first name really is Mister.
{{quote| '''Crooked Cop:''' (looking at driver's license) Your name is ''Mister'' Keyes? What kind of a name is 'Mister'?<br />
'''Keyes:''' My momma wanted me to get some respect. }}
* [[Time Bomb]]: Feather is going to pollute the water supply of three American cities with an ethnically selective poison. They have to stop him before it's too late.
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