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** [[Word of God|And his lack of]] [[Character Development]].
* [[Expy]]: To Taichi.
* [[Flat Character]]
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: To Ken.
* [[Goggles Do Nothing]]: Had them even before Taichi gave him his own!
* [[Hey, You]]: Refers to Takeru as "omae" in the original due to jealousy of his relationship with Hikari; in the dub, this is rendered through Davis constantly messing up the initials of TK's name.
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Averted according to [[Word of God]].
* [[Hopeless Suitor]]: Former [[Trope Namer]].
* [[The Hero]]
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* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: To Hikari and Ken on separate occasions.
* [[Housewife]]/[[Hot Mom]]: In the [[Distant Finale]]. She and Ken share the most children.
* [[Japanese Pronouns]]: Atashi
* [[Meaningful Name]]: One of her first lines when introducing herself is that the kanji in her name is also the "Kyo" in "Kyoto." Foreshadowing for the field trip she takes during the BlackWarGreymon arc?
* [[Meganekko]]
* [[The Power of Love]]
* [[Punny Name]]: Related to the above: the Japanese name for the episode in which Miyako visits Kyoto is ''Kyō no Miyako wa Kyō no Miyako,'' translated on [[That Other Wiki]] as "Today Miyako is in Kyoto."
* [[Reluctant Warrior]]: {{spoiler|1=Her refusal to kill LadyDevimon in "Dark Sun, Dark Spore" is major [[Snark Bait|hate bait.]]}}
* [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]]: she and Hikari have two or three whiffs of the trope, specially in the episode that had them (and Ken) in the Sea of Darkness. (Between this and her attitude with Mimi, she's very easy fodder for [[Les Yay]].)
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* [[Big "Shut Up!"]]: The other kids have a slight tendency to ignore him, because [[Just a Kid|they're older and tend to assume that their plans are better]].
* [[Cross-Dressing Voices]]
* [[Dead Person Conversation]]
* [[Disappeared Dad]]
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** Which is slightly [[Irony|ironic]] given there was an uproar about his appearance being stereotyped. Last time I checked, [[Green Eyes]] were a western phenotype.
* [[Heir to the Dojo]]
* [[Japanese Pronouns]]: Boku
* [[Kid Samurai]]
* [[Reluctant Warrior]]: The most extreme case on the roster.
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* [[Berserk Button]]: "THE POWERS OF DARKNESS!"
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Good-natured and kind at first glance, mention [[The Dark Side]] and he does a 180. Expect a [[This Is Unforgivable!]] or two.
** [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Compare his characterization in 02 with his characterization in Adventure. And even back ''then'', the kid tried hard to do things on his own. Which made Yamato almost flip.
** [[Tranquil Fury]]
* [[Blood Upgrade]]
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* [[Dead Sidekick]]
* [[Good Is Not Nice]]: He is normally friendly and soft-spoken. Towards an enemy that's pissed him off, however, he can be quite violent and unforgiving.
* [[She Is's All Grown Up|He Is All Grown Up]]
* [[Holy Hand Grenade]]
* [[I Should Write a Book About This]]: In the [[Distant Finale]], Takeru became a novelist and wrote about their adventures.
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* [[The Chick]]
* [[Distaff Counterpart]]: To Takeru.
** Including their Digimon, that come as a pair of angels.
* [[Hair Decorations]]
* [[Fingerless Gloves]]: Pink ones that go halfway up her bicep.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: To Miyako, even she's shocked at how uncharacteristic this is for her.
* [[Gotta Get Your Head Together]]: She spends a good chunk of her Dark Ocean panic attack in this position.
* [[Holy Hand Grenade]]
* [[Holy Child]]: The people after her aren't necessarily all that interested in ''killing'' her, this time around, mind you.
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* [[Mysterious Waif]]: She's borderline telepathic, and soon it backfires on her.
* [[Naive Everygirl]]: Again deconstructed, since she suffers quite painful consequences.
* [[Ocean Madness]]
* [[Older and Wiser]]
* [[Plucky Girl]]
* [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]]: she and Miyako have two or three whiffs of the trope, specially in the episode that had them (and Ken) in the Sea of Darkness.
* [[She Is's All Grown Up]]
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: Girly Girl to Miyako's Tomboy.
* [[Who You Gonna Call?]]: Spoken word for word by her (not Gatomon) as a [[Shout-Out]] when Wizardmon's ghost haunts the Fuji TV Station in [http://www.digimon-uncensored.com/zero-two/17.html episode 17]{{Dead link}} (towards bottom of page).
=== ''Ken Ichijouji'', Part 1 (''Digimon Emperor''/''Digimon Kaiser'') ===
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A mysterious, ''human'' villain (a first for the series) who's taken over the Digital World and is causing random destruction and terror, using Dark Spires to prevent evolution and Dark Rings to mind-control Digimon.
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Romi Park]] (JP), [[Derek Stephen Prince]] (EN)}}
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* [[Child Prodigy]]
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]
* [[Evil Genius]]
* [[Evil Laugh]]
* [[Evil Overlord]]
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]: In the Japanese.
* [[Face Heel Turn]]: [[Its All There in the Manual|He started off as one of the two heroes in the Tag Tamer games, where he made a Diving Save in order to prevent Ryo from getting hit with Milleniumon's Dark Spores.]]
** [[Stable Time Loop]]: Milleniumon is a time traveller who consists of a fusion between Kimeramon and [[Digimon Adventure|Machinedramon]]. And who created Kimeramon...?
*** [[Continuity Snarl]]: Milleniumon first appears in a [[Digimon Adventure]] tie-in, where he is identified as a fusion of Kimeramon and Mugendramon. How and why he showed up before Kimeramon ever existed is still being debated.
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* [[Good Eyes, Evil Eyes]]
* [[Gratuitous German]]
* [[Hikikomori]]: On the surface -- to his parents, at least.
* [[Hey, It's That Voice!]]: [[Fullmetal Alchemist (manga)|Edward Elric]] [[Romi Park|and]] [[Bleach|Toshiro Hitsugaya]] or [[Bleach|Uryuu Ishida]] [[Derek Stephen Prince|and]] [[Kingdom Hearts|Vexen]] depending on which side of the Pacific you're referring to.
* [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]]: It comes out as early as episode nine that his haughtiness is actually a defense mechanism he uses against a crippling lack of self-esteem.
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Literally, in one case.
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* [[The Sadistic Choice]]: Tries once to force Davis to choose which of his captured friends should be eaten by a huge Digimon. He resorts to [[Take a Third Option|offering himself as a sacrificial lamb]] since he can't choose. Then it's all revealed to be a trap.
* [[Scary Shiny Glasses]]
* [[Smug Snake]]: Deconstructed via [[Inferiority Superiority Complex]].
* [[That Man Is Dead]]
* [[Used to Be a Sweet Kid]]
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** [[Villainous BSOD]]: What follows.
* [[Villain Song]]: Ken's [[Image Song]], "Only One", is done in the Emperor's persona
* [[You Meddling Kids]]: [[Hypocritical Humor|Well]], [[Kick the Dog|look]] [[Manipulative Bastard|who's]] [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|talking!]]
=== ''Ken Ichijouji'', part 2 (post-Digimon Emperor/Kaiser) ===
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* [[Dead Person Conversation]]
* [[Dead Sidekick]]: Wormmon. {{spoiler|Although he gets better shortly.}}
* [[Death Seeker]]: His dream in the [[Lotus Eater Machine]]? Watching himself get beaten to death, as the Kaiser, by the Digimon he's hurt. The poor kid's only ''eleven.''
** [[Blood on These Hands]]
** [[Out, Damned Spot!]]
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* [[Future Badass]]: In the [[Distant Finale]] he's become a [[Badass Longcoat]] detective (or a police officer in the Japanese version), fighting crime with Wormmon.
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]]: On the receiving edge of two, courtesy of Miyako and Daisuke.
* [[Heel Face Turn]]
* [[Heel Realization]]
* [[Heroic BSOD]]
* [[Ineffectual Loner]]: Subverted in that he is successful in knocking down Dark Towers with Stingmon after being reformed, but is far more effectual once he becomes part of the [[Nakama]]
* [[I Wished You Were Dead]]: His brother, Osamu/Sam.
* [[Japanese Pronouns]]: Boku
* [[The Lancer]]: Replaces Takeru once he joins the team. After he paired up with Davis as DNA partners the series have never looked back. Just look at any pictures of the team or of the Lancers of the Digimon franchise, official or otherwise.
* [[Laser-Guided Amnesia]]: Strongly implied to be the case with his memories of the [[All There in the Manual|Tag Tamer games]]. When the memories begin to surface as dreams, SkullSatamon remarks that he's "starting to remember".
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* [[Red Oni, Blue Oni]]: The blue to Daisuke's red, replacing Takeru once he joins the team.
* [[Shy Blue-Haired Girl|Shy Blue Haired Guy]]
* [[Sixth Ranger]]
* [[School Uniforms Are the New Black]]: He wears his gray Tamachi school uniform in both worlds. {{spoiler|He even wears it under his Digimon Kaizer outfit, which may or may not reflect his priorities and the expectations placed upon him.}}
* [[Talking to Himself]]: In the dub, Ken and Veemon are both voiced by Derek Stephen Prince, and in the original Japanese, Romi Park voiced both him and his brother Osamu.
** In the Swedish dub, both Ken and Matt are voiced by Leo Hallerstam. Which proves amusing in the World Tour Episode.
* [[The Unfavorite]]: As a child, the butt of this trope before his brother's death.
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{{quote|Voiced by: [[Ai Maeda]] (JP), [[Philece Sampler]] (EN)}}
* [[Cool Big Sis]]
* [[Dye Hard]]
* [[The Messiah]]: Continuing on from Adventure. Here, she even lets a brainwashed Digimon ''beat her up'' because she refused to let him hurt others.
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* [[Girl Next Door]]
* [[I Want My Beloved to Be Happy]]: The hate from Yamato/Sora shippers is doubly ridiculous, since she actually ''gave up on Yamato willingly'' as soon as she saw him with Sora and showed no bad feelings towards them, aside of just moping around a bit like almost any teenage girl would. If Taichi was the chosen one, she would likely behave the same way - and maybe even more, considering that Taichi is Daisuke's [[Big Brother Mentor]] of sorts.
* [[Official Couple]]: With Jou's middle brother Shuu. It's [[All There in the Manual]] according to the ''Michi e no Armor Shinka!'' audio drama, she even goes to meet Shuu's parents before a Valentine's date.
* [[Shorttank]]
* [[Tomboy and Girly Girl]]: The tomboy to Momoe, the eldest of Miyako's two sisters.
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* [[Early-Bird Cameo]]: Is one of the major opponent tamers in [[Digimon Wonder Swan Series|D-1 Tamers]], which occurs before the series proper. Chew on that, [[Continuity Snarl|Continuity]].
** When ''Hurricane Touchdown'' was absorbed into ''Digimon [[The Movie]]'', Willis ended up absorbing the [[Info Dump]] roles of two of Koushirou's foreign friends. {{spoiler|He also managed to create the Digimon that became Diaboromon when its egg was infected by a virus}}.
* [[Eldritch Abomination]]: Cherubimon ''Vice''.
* [[Everythings Better With Bunnies]]: Both of Willis' digimon have some decidedly rabbit-like traits (Terriermon and his [[Digimon Tamers|Evolution Line]] have contributed to the fandom-term "rabbit-dog" for both variants); [[Subverted]] quite powerfully in that one of them grows up to be [[Wendigo|Wendigomon]], and then [[Eldritch Abomination|Cherubimon Vice]].
* [[Free-Range Children]]: The boy hitch-hikes from New York to Colorado, which is how he meets Davis, Yolei, and Cody.
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* [[I Work Alone]]: In the beginning.
* [[Momma's Boy]]: He's shown going out of his way to call his mother frequently in the Japanese version.
* [[Phenotype Stereotype]]
* [[Ship Tease]]: With Hikari and Miyako. Possibly [[Ho Yay|Daisuke]].
* [[Surprisingly Good English]]: [[Book Ends]] the movie with it, though he self-identifies as "Warus".
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*** '''[[Playing with Fire|Courage]]''': Flamedramon ''(Fladramon)'', a larger Veemon with red fire armor.
*** '''[[Shock and Awe|Friendship]]''': Raidramon ''(Lighdramon)'', a larger Veemon on all fours with black electric armor.
*** '''[[Light'Em Up|Miracles]]''': Magnamon, a larger Veemon with golden armor.
** '''Champion''': ExVeemon ''(XV-mon)''. A giant bulked-up Veemon with wings.
** '''Ultimate (DNA)''': Paildramon, essentially ExVeemon with Stingmon's armor with [[More Dakka|hip-mounted machine guns]].
** '''Mega (DNA)''': Imperialdramon, a big black dragon with red wings.
*** Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, a humanoid version of Imperialdramon.
*** Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, basically an [[Palette Swap|all-white Fighter Mode]] with a [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]].
{{quote|Voiced by: Junko Noda (JP), Derek Stephen Prince (EN)}}
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* [[Steve Blum]]: Flamedramon, Raidramon, and Magnamon.
* [[Talking to Himself]]
* [[Temporary Bulk Change]]: Exveemon
* [[Tempting Fate]]: He wished to fly? Here come Exveemon!
* [[Transforming Mecha]]: Imperialdramon's Mode Change from Dragon to [[Humongous Mecha|Fighter]] would do [[Transformers]] proud.
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* [[Accessory-Wearing Cartoon Animal]]: A belt around his head
* [[Big Badass Bird of Prey]]: His further evolutions, particularly Aquilamon.
* [[Bishonen Line]]: Silphymon
* [[Elemental Powers]]
** [[Blow You Away]]: Halsemon
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* [[Fan Service]]: Silphymon. It's uncertain whether it's a guy or not, but that doesn't stop the fangirls.
* [[Polly Wants a Microphone]]
* [[Quintessential British Gentleman]]: In the dub. He is more of a samurai in the Japanese.
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: "Halsemon" is an attempted Anglicization of "Holsmon", where "Hols" is an attempted Anglicization of "[[Egyptian Mythology|Horusmon]]."<ref>Compare Sethmon, another Love Digimental evolution, but with V-mon as the base rather than Hawkmon.</ref>
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** '''Armors''':
*** '''[[Dishing Out Dirt|Knowledge]]''': Digmon, a big yellow beetle that shoots drills.
*** '''[[Making a Splash|Reliability]]''': Submarimon, a submarine with a [[Chainsaw Good|chainsaw nose]].
** '''Champion''': Ankylomon, an [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|ankylosaurus]].
** '''Ultimate (DNA)''': Shakkoumon, a white and gold angel/clay doll combination.
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** '''Fresh''': Leafmon, a green blob with a leaf.
** '''In-Training''': Minomon, Wormmon's head attached to a pinecone. Blows bubbles.
** '''Rookie''': Wormmon, his default form.
** '''Champion''': Stingmon. A green bug themed warrior.
** '''Ultimate (DNA)''': Paildramon, essentially ExVeemon with Stingmon's armor with [[More Dakka|hip-mounted machine guns]].
** '''Mega (DNA)''': Imperialdramon, a big black dragon with red wings.
*** Imperialdramon Fighter Mode, a humanoid version of Imperialdramon.
*** Imperialdramon Paladin Mode, basically an all-white Fighter Mode with a [[BFSBlade of Fearsome Size]].
{{quote|Voiced by: [[Naozumi Takahashi]] (JP), [[Paul St Peter]] (EN)}}
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* [[The Quiet One]]: As Stingmon, at least.
* [[Satellite Character]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Initially a [[Butt Monkey]], but when he's able to evolve into Stingmon, who in his 2nd fight was eventually matched Rockmon/Golemmon, who had taken on the rest of the main digimon and curbstomped them.
=== ''Patamon'' ===
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Back and a little more friendly now, although she's had a power downgrade after losing her tail-ring. Without it, she's only as powerful as a rookie.
Her new Digivolutions this season are:
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* [[Affably Evil]]: Mummymon, who always aims to act like a gentleman.
* BFG[[Big Freaking Gun]]: Mummymon carries a huge gun.
* [[Crouching Moron, Hidden Badass]]: Mummymon. One second, a bumbling fool. The next second, a total asskicker who can tear three Ultimate-level Digimon apart.
* [[Disc One Final Boss]]: Arukenimon.
* [[Dub -Induced Plot Hole]]: The kids know Arukenimon's name before she reveals herself to be a Digimon.
* {{spoiler|[[Family-Unfriendly Death]]}}
** {{spoiler|Though on an official Japanese poll, [[Word of God]] made a note that they, like all Digimon, got ressurected at Primary Village and lived in peace together afterwards. It doesn't make their deaths any less gruesome but yay, happy ending!}}
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* [[Anti-Villain]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Villains|Type II]]
* [[Arc Villain]]
* [[Badass]]: Good lord, and he loves to show it!
** [[Badass Baritone]]: Rivals or surpasses the real WarGreymon's.
* [[Beta Test Baddie]]
* [[Blood Knight]]
* [[Born as an Adult]]
* [[Cyborg]]: Implied, he sprung what looks like oil (or at least, black-colored blood) during his final battle with the Digidestines.
* [[Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life]]
* [[Determinator]]: ''Nothing'' will keep him from finding a worthy enough person to fight.
* [[The Determinator]]
* [[The Dragon]]: He was ''supposed'' to be this for Arukenimon, but he abandoned her immediately. The fact that his following actions during that arc matched Arukenimon's plans was pure coincidence; he was never loyal to her.
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]
* [[Evil Twin]]: To Agumon, if not 'genetically'.
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
* [[Hero-Killer]]
* [[Lightning Bruiser]]
* [[Made of Iron]]: Even after sustaining attacks from three Ultimate level Digimons powerful enough to destroy his shield, he gets back up just fine without falter.
* {{spoiler|1=[[Mirror Match]]: With WarGreymon near the end of the series.}}
* [[Man of Kryptonite]]: To the Digigods and the digital world.
* [[Palette Swap]]
* {{spoiler|[[Redemption Equals Death]] / [[Heroic Sacrifice]]}}
* [[Signature Move]]: '''Terra Destroyer'''
* [[Tin Man]]
* [[Villainous Valor]]: Shakkoumon shows up and is the firs thing to really start to hurt him, and despite taking a beating from him and Paildramon and Silphymon, he still gets back up, and promptly curbstomps all three of them.
* [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|What Measure is a Non Digimon?]]: Arukenimon's creations before and after him had no free will or intelligence and were basically bent on doing whatever she told them to do. Thus the Digidestined had no problems destroying them. BlackWarGreymon somehow ended up gaining free will due to the number of control spires used to make him, leaving everyone unsure of what to do about him, even he wondered if he was really alive or not.
=== ''{{spoiler|Myotismon (Vamdemon)}}'' ===
{{spoiler|1=His spirit survived destruction at the hands of WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon last season, and he spent three years possessing Oikawa and working on his eventual return. He's even more malicious and determined than he was last time - the first thing he did upon resurrecting was ''[[For the Evulz|torture and murder his minions to test his new power]]''.}}
His new Digivolutions this season are:
** '''Mega''': {{spoiler|1=MaloMyotismon ''(BelialVamdemon}})'')}}, a white form with both robotic and animalistic visual overtones, giant glider-wings, and [[Shut UP, Hannibal|according to Davis, a letter-opener on his face]].
{{quote|:Voiced by: [[Toshiyuki Morikawa]] (JP), [[Richard Epcar]] ([[EN]])}}
* {{spoiler|[[Back Fromfrom the Dead]]: Again}}.
* [[Big Bad]]: Of the series.
** [[Bigger Bad]]: To Oikawa
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* [[Complete Monster]]
* [[Dark Is Evil]]
* [[Deader Than Dead]]: His spirit was destroyed in the final battle...by being blown up with the light of millions of Digivices... shot out of a [[BFGBig Freaking Gun|darkmatter cannon]].
* [[Final Exam Finale]]: This battle is a [[Series Fauxnale]] for the show, but it's a [[Grand Finale]] for this continuity. It makes sense that every available form above the rookie level would be called upon. Better yet, they go into battle together!
* [[For the Evulz]]: Pretty much the reason for what he did to Arukenimon and Mummymon.
* [[Hijacked by Ganon]]: {{spoiler|A villain from Adventure}} who wasn't even the most powerful. However, at least this time it was foreshadowed by BlackWarGreymon sensing him inside his host.
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* [[Slasher Smile]]: Once he became {{spoiler|1=MaloMyotismon}} he got those, fitting his ugly nature.
* [[Talking the Monster to Death]]: And how!
* {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man|The Monster Behind The Man]]}}: {{spoiler|1=He's the one who is behind the major events in the series; from the manipulations of Oikawa and Ken and the creations of Arukenimon and Mummymon to the wars of the Digital Emperor, the creations of the Dark Towers, the Dark Rings and Kimeramon and then the invasions of the real world, creation of BlackWarGreymon, the destructions of the Destiny Stones and the power upgrades of the Dark Spores}}.
* [[Weakened by the Light]]
=== Daemon ===
A [[One-Scene Wonder|villain who led a small group of demonic Digimon that terrorized the town while attempt to retrieve Dark Spores from Oikawa and then is removed from the plot and into the Dark Ocean soon after]], he is most notably a [[Knight of Cerebus]] who is high above in the Digimon [[Sorting Algorithm of Evil]], that he is had to be sealed away. Which is shame that because [[They Wasted a Perfectly Good Plot|he was one of the few who knows the purpose of the spores and the Dark Ocean in general]].
* [[Knight of Cerebus]]: Justified as the person who wrote the script for his influence in the plot, would go on to write [[Digimon Tamers]]; which is infamous for going [[Darker and Edgier]] in the franchise.
* [[The Faceless]]
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* [[Time Master]]: As his name implies, Mille was able to freely travel through time and his attacks deal with manipulating space/time. This is how he was able to release Apocalymon to begin with.
[[Category:Digimon Adventure 02]]
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