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== [[The Fair Folk|Fairy/Phaery]] ==
* ''[[Gunnerkrigg Court]]'' lampshades it:
{{quote| '''Tea:''' Fairies? Faeries? Phayrighies? It doesn't matter; they all mean the same thing. }}
* ''Shelley Duvall's Faerie Tale Theater''.
* ''Faerie Wars'' by James Herbert Brennan is odd in that it uses two spellings ("fairy" and "faerie") depending on who is saying the term, most probably to distinguish between the "real" thing and the more mainstream usage.
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** Also, in the pilot there was an old-looking book titled ''Vampyr''.
* Also parodied in ''[[Discworld/Carpe Jugulum|Carpe Jugulum]]'':
{{quote| Vampyres are just the same, the only real difference being that they can't spell correctly.}}
* One ''[[Blade]]'' series implies that vampires and vampyres are actually different things.
* The [[Ravenloft]] campaign setting makes the distinction explicit: vampyres are living, predatory humanoids who consume blood and have the ability to supernaturally dominate the minds of their prey; vampires (generally) follow their traditional depictions.
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* While ''[[World of Warcraft]]'' has no vampires per se, the San'layn come close. One of the dungeon bosses in ''Wrath of the Lich King'', Prince Taldaram, has an attack called "Embrace of the Vampyr".
* ''[[Darkened Skye]]'':
{{quote| "You're the boss vampire?"<br />
"With a Y. Spell vampyre with a Y!" }}
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