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My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Tear Jerker: Difference between revisions

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* The ponies finding the Grand Galloping Gala to fall ''far'' short of their hopeful expectations.
** What really sells the scene is that slow, sad music that creeps up during the montage. The musical number just before also adds to the weight of this whole scene, showing how much all six ponies have banked so many of their hopes and dreams on this ''one night''. But the saddest part? Seeing Pinkie Pie, of all ponies, sitting alone and miserable, singing to herself, with her voice uncharacteristically flat.
{{quote| '''Pinkie Pie:''' ''I'm at the Grand Galloping Gala...'' and it's not what I dreamed.}}
** Rarity. From her portion of the "At The Gala" song, you can tell she's absolutely overjoyed at the possibility of finding herself a classy coltfriend, only to have reality kick her in the face when she finds out the one she has her eye on is a total ''prick''. She just wanted to be treated like a lady.
** Judging by how excited he was to go in the "The Ticket Master", because he wanted to spend time with his friends, Spike spending most of the night alone at the bar makes you want to hug the little guy.
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== The Return of Harmony, Part 2 ==
* Twilight having to deal with all her "Discorded" friends. Again, having to watch the friends Twilight has known and loved throughout the last season become [[Jerkass|Jerkasses]] is really heartbreaking. And if that wasn't enough {{spoiler|when they finally try to use the elements on Discord, it fails, and when everyone leaves Twilight sheds a tear that forms a broken heart as she too loses her colors.}}
{{quote| '''Twilight Sparkle:''' [[With Friends Like These...|With friends like these, who needs]]... [[Despair Event Horizon|enemies?]]}}
* The part where they're all in the library and the 'discorded' five are bullying Twilight.
* [[Manly Tears]] were shed when Twilight {{spoiler|reread the letters she had sent to the princess about the valuable lessons she learned from her friends}}
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* Seeing Luna all depressed at the fact that everyone is so scared of her when all she really wants is to make friends is really sad. When she speaks near the end, asking Twilight to leave her alone in her sadness, you can practically hear her on the verge of tears. Poor Luna.
** Especially if you remember [[Zero-Percent Approval Rating|one of the things]] that turned her into Nightmare Moon in the first place.
{{quote| "It is of no use, Twilight Sparkle. They have ''never'' liked us. And they never shall."}}
* The shattered reactions to Luna getting fed up with being treated like crap and canceling Nightmare Night, especially that one filly who sobs about wanting to be a zombie next year.
* At the end where {{spoiler|Pip nuzzles Princess Luna after he gives her some of his candy and calls her his "favorite princess".}} Happy tears. Definitely happy tears.
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* If Rainbow Dash {{spoiler|getting one of her wings getting pinned down by a boulder won't get you, then her [[Single Tear]] at the thought of being trapped in the valley forever will.}}
** Same counts when she is wailing after thinking that there is no hope for her anymore.
{{quote| '''Rainbow Dash:''' I'm doomed. Doomed I tell ya! ''(cries silently)''}}
* At the start. Who hasn't felt left out because they didn't have something that all your friends did have?
* Spike's reaction when it kicks in that Rainbow Dash was caught in the avalanche.
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* Everyone's heartbroken expressions when they think Applejack's not coming back to Ponyville. Made even worse when you remember the beginning of Applejack's Cutie Mark story from "The Cutie Mark Chronicles".
** In particular [[Manly Tears|Big Macintosh actually starting to cry]].
{{quote| '''Granny Smith:''' "Our little bushel just lost one apple."}}
* The entire conversation once the town gets Applejack's letter.
{{quote| '''Apple Bloom:''' Applejack's... not coming back?<br />
'''Rainbow Dash:''' What do you mean, Applejack's not coming back? She loves Ponyville.<br />
'''Granny Smith:''' And she loves Sweet Apple Acres.<br />
'''Apple Bloom:''' And she loves her family! }}
* Fluttershy trying to convince Applejack to come home, which also counts as a [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming]]. Even ''Rainbow Dash'' starts to tear up at this.
{{quote| '''Fluttershy:''' "Applejack, we can always find a way to fix the hole in the roof. If you never came back, we could never find a way to fix the hole in our hearts."}}
* The mailstallion who seemed so excited at the idea of everypony gathering for a surprise party for his birthday, only to have Twilight grab the letter and unceremoniously slam the door in his face without a word. Pinkie made it better though.
* The dejected, defeated looks on the rest of the Mane 6's faces after nopony at the rodeo knew where Applejack was.
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== The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000 ==
* Applejack's growing anxiety over losing the farm, culminating in {{spoiler|the Apple family losing, and somberly heading off to pack their bags.}} The ''entire town'' tears up and begins to have second thoughts at that last part.
{{quote| '''Applejack:''' "Go ahead, everypony. Go on, y'all. It's okay."}}
** Heck, the whole Apple family in general when they're worried about the Flim Flam brothers. Apple Bloom's watery eyes in particular are especially heartwrenching to see. Even worse is when the brothers are declared the winners, Apple Bloom gives out a little "What-?" while staring up at her sister with big eyes.
** Pinkie Pie crying with [[Ocular Gushers]] during this sequence, since it's actually [[Played for Drama]] this time.
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== A Friend In Deed ==
* The scene where Cranky throws Pinkie Pie out of his house after she accidentally ruins his scrap book, and tells her that he "never, ever, ever, ever, ever" wants to be friends with her. Pinkie's response is both silly and sad at the same time.
{{quote| '''Pinkie Pie:''' That's four "ever"s. That's, like... ''(tears up)'' forever...}}
* Cranky weeping over his ruined book, which has already been heavily implied to hold mementos of his lost love.
* Poor Apple Bloom not getting to play with the other fillies in Pinkie's song--and reversed when Pinkie gets her to be part of the group.
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** The conflict in this episode is presented in a heavier, more realistic fashion than is typical of this show. The fact that they can't get anyone to talk to them (some won't even look at them) makes the viewer realize what a heavy cross they had to bear for their insensitivity.
* The entire town shunning the CMC after {{spoiler|learning that they were Gabby Gums.}} Of particular note, is Applejack unwilling to speak to them and letting the normally stoic Big Macintosh voice their utter disappointment in them.
{{quote| '''Big Mac''': You should be ashamed of yourself, humiliatin' your sister 'n' me like that. We don't wanna talk to any y'all right now, so take [[Your Little Dismissive Diminutive|your little gossip column]] and your embarrassing photographs and just '''GO AWAY!'''}}
** The second most painful one to watch would be Rainbow Dash's reaction to the three. She pulls a cloud over their heads and makes it rain on them in anger.
* Watching the CMC try to get Rainbow Dash to read their open letter apology. They probably endured a lot of rain stomped out by an angry Rainbow Dash before she finally sees the paper.
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