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Off to See the Wizard: Difference between revisions

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== [[Fan Fiction]] ==
* The ''Oz arc'' of the [[Mega Crossover]] [[Fanfic|fan]][[Web Comic|comic]] ''[[Roommates 2007|Roommates]]''. It will also make you pity the Wizard a lot.
{{quote| '''Jareth''': "Well, come along, Dorothy. We're [[Off to See the Wizard]] and all that jazz."<br />
'''James''': "...Which one of us is Dorothy?"<br />
'''Erik''': O.o<br />
'''Javert''': "Not it." }}
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== [[Western Animation]] ==
* ''[[Futurama]]'' "Anthology of Interest II": Leela as Dorothy, Fry as the Scarecrow, Bender as the Tin Man, Zoidberg as the Lion, Mom as the Wicked Witch, Amy as the Good Witch, and the Professor as the Wizard.
{{quote| '''Leela:''' There's no place like ... I wanna be a witch! }}
* An episode of the ''[[ALF]]'' cartoon show.
* ''The World's Greatest [[Superfriends]]'' episode "The Planet of Oz": A tornado transports the Hall of Justice to Oz, where Mr. Mxyzptlk, who has once again escaped from the 5th Dimension, informs the Super Friends that they must find The Wizard to get home. Along the way they encounter the Wicked Witch of the Worst Kind in a gingerbread house. The witch turns [[Superman]] into the Tin Man, [[Wonder Woman]] into the Cowardly Lion and [[Aquaman]] into the Scarecrow.
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