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=== This Movie Contains Examples Of: ===
* [[Acronym and Abbreviation Overload]]
{{quote| '''Adrian Cronauer:''' Excuse me, sir. Seeing as how the V.P. is such a V.I.P., shouldn't we keep the P.C. on the Q.T.? 'Cause if it leaks to the V.C. he could end up M.I.A., and then we'd all be put out in K.P.<ref>Translation: Seeing as the Vice President is a Very Important Person, shouldn't we keep the Press Conference on the Quiet? Cause if it leaks to the Viet Cong he could end up Missing In Action, and then we'd all be put on Kitchen Patrol.</ref>}}
* [[Awesome Yet Practical]]: The reason Cronauer drew out his "Gooooooooood" was to time the beginning of his show with the top of the hour. (''viz.'' Paul Harvey's " ... Good day").
** The real Adrian Cronauer used the time to prepare for his broadcast; getting albums lined up, for example.
* [[Blithe Spirit]]: Adrian Cronauer, to the constant frustration of his superiors.
* [[Blunt Metaphors Trauma]]: Remedied, when Cronauer teaches English to a class of Vietnamese. One sample quiz:
{{quote| '''Adrian Cronauer:''' Okay, if someone is not telling the truth, you say that they are full of... <br />
'''Vietnamese Class:''' Shit! <br />
'''Adrian Cronauer:''' If someone has made you angry or angrier, they have... <br />
'''Vietnamese Class:''' Pissed me off! }}
* [[Bowdlerize]]: In a television broadcast, much of Robin's blue humor was bowdlerized. Ironic, considering the plot.
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* [[Could Say It, But...]]: Cronauer broadcasts an unapproved news report in this fashion and is yanked off the air because of it.
* [[Don't Call Me "Sir"!]]: Sgt. Dickerson is particularly insistent on this point, taking excessive pride in his non-commissioned status.
{{quote| '''Dickerson''': Cronauer, you better stay cool. You better not get involved in anything. You better not even come in range of anything that happens. Or your ass is grass and I'm a lawnmower. Am I being fairly clear?<br />
'''Cronauer''': Yes, sir.<br />
'''Dickerson''': Sir! Do you see anything on this uniform indicating an officer? ''[Pointing to his rank insignia]'' What does three up and three down mean to you, airman?<br />
'''Cronauer''': End of an inning? }}
** Also an example of [[Shown Their Work]]: In the US Air Force (Cronauer), it is common to call your superiors "sir" whether commissioned or not, but in the Army (Dickerson), the term is reserved for commissioned officers and will earn you the ire of any NCO on the receiving end.
* [[Fire-Breathing Diner]]: It's ''[[Captain Obvious|Vietnamese]]'' cooking!
{{quote| '''Adrian Cronauer:''' ''Shit! This stuff is burning the hair off my feet!''}}
* [[Giftedly Bad]]: Hauk has certain opinions on what is and isn't funny, but his routine falls flat. He even goes so far as to use a ''squeaky horn'' for comedic interrupts and [[This Trope Is Bleep|bleeping.]]
{{quote| '''Hauk:''' In my heart, I know I'm funny.}}
* [[Gung-Holier Than Thou]]: Dickerson.
{{quote| "That is humor. I recognize that. I also recognize your brand of soldier."}}
* [[Harpo Does Something Funny]]: It is impossible to write dialogue like Cronauer's radio broadcasts. They just pointed Robin in the general direction they wanted him to go and let him run.
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Cronauer gets into a bit of a funk following his suspension (see [[Could Say It, But...]] above). He's reluctant to return to the radio even after Gen. Taylor revokes the suspension, until...
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* [[Mood Whiplash]]: the movie starts off very funny and irreverent, as Cronauer adjusts (or doesn't) to life in South Vietnam with characteristic hilarity. Then {{spoiler|he's almost blown up by a VC bomb, and finds out that the Vietnamese kid he'd become friendly with is actually a North Vietnamese spy trying to kill as many Americans as he can, and Cronauer eventually becomes horribly disillusioned with the whole situation.}} [[The Vietnam War|Needless to say]], the movie ends on a bit of a [[Downer Ending|downer]].
* [[No Indoor Voice]]
{{quote| '''Cronauer''' (faking like he's taking a phone call): Who's this?<br />
'''Cronauer''' (faking like he's calling in): BOB!<br />
'''Cronauer''': Hey Bob, what do you do?<br />
'''Cronauer''': ARTILLERY!<br />
'''Cronauer''': What can we play for you?<br />
* [[Reassigned to Antarctica|Reassigned to Guam]]: Sgt. Dickerson's ultimate punishment for his vindictiveness towards Cronauer.
{{quote| '''[[Reasonable Authority Figure|General Taylor]]''': ''Dick, I've covered for you a lot of times cause I thought you were a little crazy. But you're not crazy, you're mean. [[Serious Business|And this is just radio.]]''}}
* [[Running Gag]]: "When the engine is already running, you generally don't need to turn the key, you know."
* [[Something Only They Would Say]]: "FLIP THEM THE BIRD!"
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