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Supernatural (TV series)/Tropes A-E: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| Main page is [[Supernatural (TV series)|HERE]]<br />
Tropes E-L are [[Supernatural (Anime)/Tropes E to L|HERE]]<br />
Tropes M-P are [[Supernatural (Anime)/Tropes M to P|HERE]]<br />
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* [[Archangel Raphael]]: Season 5 reveals little of import about him, but he {{spoiler|becomes a major [[Big Bad]] of season 6}}.
* [[Asexuality]]: Angels generally don't care about sex or sexual orientation even a tiny bit. Now, ''hypocrisy'' is something else entirely.
{{quote| '''Castiel:''' [[You Are What You Hate|Tell your flock where your genitals have been before you speak for me.]]}}
* [[Asshole Victim]]
** All of the Trickster's victims are described as being "dicks."
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* [[Badass Boast]]:
** The angels get a few of these.
{{quote| '''Castiel:''' You should show me some respect. I dragged you out of hell, and I can throw you back in.<br />
'''Zachariah:''' In Heaven I have six wings and four faces, one of which is a lion.<br />
'''Lucifer:''' I will never lie to you; I will never trick you; but you will say yes to me.<br />
'''Castiel:''' Maybe someday, but today, you're ''my'' little bitch. }}
** Anna gets two in "On the Head of a Pin":
{{quote| '''Castiel:''' We still have orders to kill you.<br />
'''Anna:''' Somehow, I don't think you'll try.<br />
And, later:<br />
'''Uriel:''' There is no will! No wrath! No God.<br />
'''Anna:''' {{spoiler|''stabbing him in the throat''}} Maybe, maybe not. But there's still...'''me.''' }}
** Demons get these too:
{{quote| '''Crowley:''' I've sold sin to saints for centuries.}}
** Sam, demanding (''not'' asking for) Castiel's help, say's he'll force the incredibly powerful angel to help them
{{quote| '''Castiel:''' Will you, ''boy''? How?<br />
'''Sam:''' I don't know. But I'll find a way. ''And I don't sleep.'' }}
** Dean is ''absolutely'' no exception, as he claims so in two words.
{{quote| '''Dean''': ''(after throwing a pen into a gun)'' I'm amazing... ''(knocks mook out with a TV remote)'' I'm Batman.'''}}
* [[Badass Longcoat]]:
** Castiel as part of his regular outfit.
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Sam Winchester - he's always got a kind word for someone shell-shocked from a brush with the supernatural, prefers to do research rather than pick locks and break faces, and will most certainly fuck you up if you even think about hurting his older brother.
** [[Our Angels Are Different|Castiel]] may seem [[Adorkable|amusingly out of touch]] much of the time, but you really don't want to make him angry. Hell, not even Castiel's [[True Companions]] are safe from this. At a perceived betrayal, Cas beats {{spoiler|Dean}} to within an inch of his life. Cas going off the rails is ''not'' a pretty sight.
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Dean}}:''' "Word of advice--don't piss off the nerd angels."}}
* [[Big Bad]]:
** Azazel in Seasons 1 and 2, Lilith in Seasons 3 and 4. {{spoiler|Late in Season 4, it turns out that Lucifer has been the true [[Big Bad]] all along and [http://www.buddytv.com/slideshows/supernatural-azazels-master-plan-43052.aspx everything in the plot], going back to decades before it, was [[Gambit Roulette|according to his plan]].}}
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** {{spoiler|Castiel}} pops in to save Sam and Dean in the Season 5 premiere. He plows through two angels and scares [[Jerkass|Zachariah]] away.
* [[Big Entrance]]: Castiel's first scene. All the lights start flickering and bursting, the roof starts rattling, and the barn door breaks open, and Castiel casually strolls in amidst the howling wind and sparks.
{{quote| '''Dean''': (Panicked) Who are you?<br />
'''Castiel''': I am the one who gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition. }}
* [[Big No]]:
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** Season finales "Devil's Trap" and "No Rest For The Wicked" both involve {{spoiler|Sam helplessly pinned to a wall by that season's [[Big Bad]] as said demon murders Dean in front of him.}}
** Compare the Season 3 and Season 5 finales:
{{quote| {{spoiler|''[hellhounds are ripping Dean to shreds, killing him]''}}<br />
'''Sam:''' ''No''!<br />
'''Lilith:''' Yes! ''(tries to fry him)'' }}
*** and:
{{quote| {{spoiler|''[Lucifer snaps Bobby's neck like a twig, killing him]''}}<br />
'''Dean:''' ''No''!<br />
'''Lucifer:''' Yes! ''(tries to beat him to death)'' }}
** While trying to convince Sam to come with him, Dean admits that he doesn't want to do it alone. He mentions this again in season seven {{spoiler|while on trial}} in "Defending Your Life".
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* [[Cut Apart]]: In "Folsom Prison Blues", {{spoiler|Sam and Dean pull a jailbreak and go to the cemetery to destroy the remains of a nurse who is haunting the prison. The FBI is headed to the cemetery to recapture them. The camera cuts back and forth until it is revealed that the FBI was directed to the wrong cemetery.}}
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: Crowley. He correctly deduces Lucifer’s inherent hatred of Demons, while his Demonic compatriots are all blind to this. In season 6 he takes the Winchesters very seriously as a threat and takes appropriate steps to foil them (including {{spoiler|faking his own death}}), even [[Lampshade Hanging|pointing out]] all the [[Big Bad|Big Bads]] who were killed or defeated by failing to do just that.
{{quote| ''Am I the only game piece on the board who doesn't underestimate those denim-wrapped nightmares?!''}}
** In "Season Seven, Time For a Wedding!", {{spoiler|Becky doses Sam with love potion, and then conceals it from Dean with the knowledge she learned from reading the Supernatural novels. She ''instantly'' realizes the guy who's been giving her the love potion is a Crossroads Demon when he flashes his demon eyes at her, and is reluctant to accept this offered [[Deal with the Devil]]. And the devil in question has been taking advantage of loopholes in the deal.}}
** [[Supernatural (Anime)/Recap/S07 E20 The Girl With the Dungeons And Dragons Tattoo|"The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo"]], Charlie, learns about Leviathans, and reasonably assumes the person she got the info from is nuts. Then she accidentally learns they're real, and promptly tries to pack up and vanish. When the Winchesters show up, she reasonably assumes they're Leviathans, until they prove otherwise. For the duration of the episode, she tries to stick to her skill set instead of getting in fights, and {{spoiler|leaves as soon as the episode is over. She gets [[Put on a Bus]] by herself.}}
* [[Danger Takes a Backseat]]: Lampshaded in "[[Supernatural (Anime)/Recap/S06 E15 The French Mistake|The French Mistake]]".
{{quote| '''Misha Collins''': (Typing into his phone) Ever. Get. The. Feeling. That. There's. Someone. In. The. Back. Seat? Frowny-face. }}
* [[Dark and Troubled Past]] / [[Dysfunction Junction]]: if you haven't realised already that this show '''is this trope incarnate'', then you obviously have not seen the first episode. Or any episode. Or were severely inebriated or high while watching... Or some combination of the above.
** Even Bobby (previously the [[Only Sane Man]]... okay, still the [[Only Sane Man]] but for this show that doesn't say much for his comparative sanity) has massive problems.
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* [[Demonic Possession]]:
** While demonic possession features heavily, particularly in later seasons, only one of the brothers has ever been possessed, and that was only once. This is explained through the use of protective charms and, later, through magical protective tattoos.
{{quote| '''Henrickson''': Smart. How long have you had those [tattoos of magical possession protection]?<br />
'''Sam''': Not long enough. }}
** Season 4 introduces the concept of angelic possession, as seeing the true form of an angel can [[Eye Scream|burn out your eyes]]. See [[Blind Seer]].
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* [[Demon Slaying]]
* [[Den of Iniquity]]
{{quote| '''Castiel:''' This is a den of iniquity. I should not be here.<br />
'''Dean:''' Dude, you full-on rebelled against Heaven. Iniquity is one of the ''perks.'' }}
* [[Depending on the Writer]]:
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* [[Diner Brawl]]: Happens frequently.
* [[Dirty Business]]: The first season finale has the first instance of the Winchesters being able to kill a demon - if they're willing to ice the innocent, possessed human too.
{{quote| '''Dean''': Killing that guy, killing Meg - I didn't hesitate, I didn't even flinch. For you or Dad, the things I'm willing to do or kill, it scares me sometimes.}}
** In seasons four and five, every time Sam drinks demon blood to fuel his powers he looks at it this way.
* [[Disabled Snarker]]:
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* [[Doppelganger]]: Shows up in "Skin" and in "Nightshifter." And "The End", to an extent.
* [[Do Not Pass Go]]: Said verbatim by the demon Alistair during Dean's [[Cold-Blooded Torture]] of him.
{{quote| '''Alistar''': ''Go directly to Hell. Do not pass go, do not collect 200 dollars.''}}
* [[Downer Ending]]:
** "Metamorphosis" {{spoiler|ends with the boys both on a whole new level of fucked-up and their relationship at an all-time low}}, "Time Is On My Side", "Red Sky At Morning", "Jus in Bello" ({{spoiler|demons kill nearly everyone}}), "Crossroad Blues", "What Is and What Should Never Be" ({{spoiler|the bit where Dean decides to get back to reality is more of a weak and mewling 'yay' moment and Sam can't even convince him that what they do is worth it}}), "All Hell Breaks Loose, Part I" ({{spoiler|Sam dies, but he recovers)}}, "Heart" ({{spoiler|Sam kills Madison, see [[Wangst]]}}), "Children Shouldn't Play With Dead Things" ({{spoiler|Dean's crying over John's death and there's nothing Sam can say to make it alright}}), "Everybody Loves A Clown" ({{spoiler|Dean shows how violently not okay he is by smashing his beloved car seventeen times}}), "In My Time of Dying" ({{spoiler|John sells his soul to save Dean}}), and...this is too depressing. There are a lot of downer endings for this show. ''A lot''.
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** The standard Winchester coping mechanism. Especially Dean. This seems to be a common thing among hunters in general.
** Castiel engages in this in "99 Problems", though it's tough for him due to his angelic constitution:
{{quote| '''Castiel''': I found a liquor store.<br />
'''Sam''': ...and?<br />
'''Castiel''': And I drank it!<br />
Later, Dean asks where he's been and he replies, "[[Crowning Moment of Funny|On a bender.]]" }}
* [[Drunk on the Dark Side]]: At the end of season six and the beginning of season seven, this has happened to {{spoiler|Castiel after he absorbed all the souls in Purgatory to gain the power to prevent [[Archangel Raphael]] from restarting the Apocalypse. After proclaiming himself [[A God Am I|a new god]],}} he threatens his friends' lives, goes out for some [[Disproportionate Revenge]], and then accidentally releases unkillable [[Eldritch Abomination|monsters]] on the world.
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