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The Internet Is for Porn/Quotes: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''Picture this scenario: It's 8 P.M. on a weekday night, and your 12-year-old child suddenly remembers that he has a major school report on the Spanish-American War due ''tomorrow''. He needs to do some research, but the library is closed. No problem? Your cyber-savvy youngster simply turns on your computer, activates your modem, logs on to the Internet--the revolutionary "Information Superhighway"--and, in a matter of minutes, is exchanging pictures of naked women with other youngsters all over North America.''|''[[Dave Barry]] in Cyberspace''}}
{{quote|'''Jason:''' ''(using Compunet for the first time)'' Ms. October sure has big hooters.<br />
'''Marcus:''' I wonder if that affects download time.|''[[FoxTrot]]''}}
{{quote|''Internet porn! Roman orgy scenes!''<br />
''Internet porn! Dominatrix queens!'' <br />
''Internet porn! [[Girl-On-Girl Is Hot|Girl on girl on girl on girl on girl]] on guy [[But You Screw One Goat!|on sheep]]!''|''Da Vinci's Notebook, Internet Porn.''}}
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{{quote|''"Well, thanks to the Internet, I'm now bored with sex."''|'''Phillip J. Fry''', ''[[Futurama]]''}}
{{quote|Carl: You're the Internet's #1 non-porno site. <br />
Lenny: Which makes you ten trillionth overall. |'''[[The Simpsons]]''', ''I Am Furious Yellow''}}
{{quote|'''Jay''': He's probably on the internet looking up the answers to the exam questions.<br />
'''Neil''': And then having a wank.<br />
'''Simon''': What?<br />
'''Neil''': Well, it's impossible, innit? I don't think I've ever been on the internet and not ended up having a wank.|'''series 2 episode 6''', ''[[The Inbetweeners]]''}}
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