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** [[Deconstructed]] in one chapter. At the fireworks festival, because Yotsuba hasn't realized the potential dangers of getting lost in a crowd, after she runs off (the panel after being told not to let go of Koiwai's hand, naturally), Koiwai has Jumbo, Ena, and Miura hide to teach her a lesson.
* Featured occasionally in ''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!]]''. The duelists on Pegasus's Island are mostly kids.
{{quote| '''[[Yu-Gi-Oh!: The Abridged Series|Abridged!Tristan]]''':[[Lampshade Hanging|Do our parents even care that we're missing?]]}}
* In ''[[Detective Conan]]'', five seven-year-old children with a knack for wandering into murder scenes are allowed free rein over Tokyo. Two of them happen to be [[Older Than They Look]] but the parents don't know that.
** [[Deconstructed]] in a [[Backstory]] arc when the Mouris, before separation, found the Kudos' laissez-faire parenting gotten a bit annoying.
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* ''[[Invasion of the Neptune Men]]'' has a group of children who can seemingly go ''anywhere''. And not simply around their neighborhood; they can waltz into government buildings during high stakes defense meetings and press conferences regarding an alien invasion. Lampshaded in the [[Mystery Science Theater 3000]] viewing: "Apparently the kids have level five security access".
** In the "[[Mystery Science Theater 3000]] Episode Guide" book, while reviewing ''[[Gamera]]'', Kevin Murphy elaborates:
{{quote| In Japan there is a class of children who are, well, special...these are the monster children. The merest, most remote chance encounter with a monster sweeps the child into the inner circle of Japanese military and government security and strategic planning...the monster child is a treaure to the Japanese matched only by the emperor and his family...}}
* All three youngsters (and the rest of their Sunday School class) in ''[[Whistle Down the Wind]]''.
* The kids in ''[[Super 8]]''.
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