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What an Idiot!/Game Show/Family Feud: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Host''': Name a [[Game Show]] known for stupid answers from contestants.<br />
'''[[Trope-tan]]''': ''[buzzes in]'' ''[[Family Feud]]''.<br />
'''Host''': Show me... ''Family Feud''!<br />
(''clang'') (''ding-ding-ding'')<br />
'''Host''': Number-one answer! You have control, play or pass?<br />
'''[[Trope-tan]]''': We're gonna play!<br />
'''Host''': Name a [[Game Show]] known for stupid answers from contestants.<br />
'''Next member of the Trope-Tan family''': ''Sixty Minutes''!<br />
'''Host''': ... }}
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* July 1976: "Name the time that you wake up." "[[Captain Obvious|In the morning.]]" "Name the time that you go to bed." "[[Captain Obvious|At night.]]" (Funnily, the second answer was actually worth two points.)
* September 2, 1977: One family had a member who gave "Frog" as an answer for "Name an animal with three letters in its name" in Fast Money, followed by "Regular" as "A brand of gasoline", then cranked the stupidity [[Up to Eleven]] with "Snow" as an answer for "Name something that comes with a Summer storm". His father managed to go [[Up to Eleven]] with an even worse answer of "Alligator" on the first question, but he at least had something of an excuse since he had apparently misheard the question (although the excuse only reduced it to being a pretty bad answer instead of a mind-bogglingly bad one, since he said he misheard it as "three of the same letter"). Also, he answered "Ethyl" for a brand of gasoline. He actually gave pretty decent (albeit not top-scoring) answers to the other three questions, supporting his claim that he had just misheard the two he gave bad answers for. However, he had no such excuse for an answer he gave on the following show:
{{quote| '''Richard Dawson''': You're a man of the world, traveled all over the world. Name something Russia is famous for, Bob.<br />
'''Bob''': [[Captain Obvious|Russians.]]<br />
''(audience laughs)''<br />
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** A member of the same family had also guessed "Wheat" too ... somehow.
* 1978: A plethora of bad answers:
{{quote| '''Dawson''': Name something made with milk.<br />
'''Contestant 1''': Calcium.<br />
'''Dawson''': Other than the burger, tell me something in a Big Mac.<br />
'''Contestant 1''': Tomato. (Which is not an ingredient.)<br />
'''Dawson''': Name the last TV show people watch before going to bed.<br />
'''Contestant 2''': Next question. (Taken as "pass.") }}
* Fall 1980: The [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bNoV_kSe7Dk "September" clip] is probably the most infamous one. Dawson just ''can't stop laughing'' when asking the same question ("During what months of pregnancy does a woman begin to look pregnant?") of the second contestant, and just as he finally gets back on track, the second contestant gives another stupid answer ("Name a noisy bird." "Cuckoo."). He then allows the second contestant to go past her time limit, shouting "to hell with that!" when the time's-up buzzer sounds.
* A string of bad answers, and a very rare example of the ''first'' contestant scoring 0 points in their turn at Fast Money:
{{quote| '''Dawson''': Name something associated with pigs.<br />
'''Contestant''': Grease.<br />
'''Dawson''': Name something you put in your ear.<br />
'''Contestant''': Ear wax.<br />
'''Dawson''': Something you add to tomato juice.<br />
'''Contestant''': Tomatoes. }}
** Even worse, this contestant dawdled so long on each answer they didn't get past that question!
* An incident where a contestant rushes to answer a question:
{{quote| '''Dawson''': Name something made of leather...<br />
(''contestant immediately buzzes in'')<br />
'''Dawson''': Yes, sir?<br />
'''Contestant''': A purse.<br />
'''Dawson''': You're gonna be [[Understatement|slightly embarrassed]] when I finish this question. A purse?<br />
(''Strike sound'')<br />
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(''audience laughs'') }}
* Another odd Face-Off:
{{quote| '''Dawson''': Name something you may accidentally leave on all night.<br />
'''Contestant''': (''after buzzing-in'') Your shoes.<br />
'''Dawson''': I hope you don't take this the wrong way, Kenneth, but you are weird. (''turns to board'') Shoes!<br />
(''Strike sound'')<br />
'''Contestant #2''': Your bra?<br />
'''Dawson''': Your bra!<br />
(''Strike sound'')<br />
'''Dawson''': You're a little strange. }}
* Dawson was nearly driven to despair on one occasion where the question was "Name a question such as 'How old are you?' that you might answer with a lie." Things quickly went wrong when the first contestant interrupted Dawson after he said, "How old are you?" and gave her supposed age ("18"), which of course got no points. Then, the second contestant in line ''also gave an age'' even after Dawson kept explaining the question; a third contestant gave "What's your occupation?" and fourth gave "Do you have a prison record?" (which Dawson replied "Do ''you''?") which both got no points. Finally, the ''fifth'' contestant asked gave the #1 answer of "How much do you weigh?"
** The next time they used this question, it was rephrased as "'How old are you?' is a question you might answer with a lie. Name another." No confusion that time.
* This trifecta of stupid answers:
{{quote| '''Dawson''': Name an article of clothing children always lose.<br />
'''Contestant''': Their pants.<br />
'''Dawson''': The price of a dozen roses.<br />
'''Contestant''': $1.75.<br />
'''Dawson''': Besides a bird, name something in a birdcage.<br />
'''Contestant''': Hamster.<br />
'''Dawson:''' A popular...<br />
(''timer stops'')<br />
'''Dawson''': (''[[Beat]]'') Make a note of this show. }}
* 1982: "Name something parents buy for their son before he goes to college." [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmuIBKL_Qmk "Toaster oven."]
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* "Name an invention that has since replaced stairs." "The wheel."
* Another weird Fast Money:
{{quote| '''Dawson''': Name something you squeeze.<br />
'''Contestant''': Peanut butter.<br />
(''timer stops, Dawson makes hand motions in an vain attempt to understand her logic'') }}
* This memorable question to a female contestant:
{{quote| '''Dawson''': Name the first article of clothing you take off when you get home from work.<br />
'''Contestant''': Um, underwear?<br />
(''everyone laughs as she gasps'')<br />
'''Contestant''': What am I saying?!<br />
'''Dawson''': Next question — what time do you get home from work? }}
* Another Face-Off question:
{{quote| '''Dawson''': Name a reason you might stay indoors on a beautiful day.<br />
(''teenage contestant immediately buzzes-in'')<br />
'''Contestant''': Because it's raining? (''immediately folds over, [[Face Palm|Face Palming]]'')<br />
'''Dawson''': Raining?<br />
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* "Name something you buy in a large size if you have a large family." "Jeans."
* This face-off:
{{quote| '''Dawson:''' Name something you wash once a week.<br />
(''contestant buzzes in'')<br />
'''Dawson:''' Claudia?<br />
'''Claudia:''' Yourself.<br />
'''Dawson:''' Yourself?<br />
(''the audience laughs'')<br />
'''Dawson:''' I will not be coming around... }}
* "Name a kind of bear." "Papa bear."
* 1985: This one didn't lead to an extended laughing attack (a la the infamous "September" answer), but Richard sure thought it was funny:
{{quote| '''Dawson:''' Name something you make conversation about when you meet a total stranger.<br />
'''Contestant:''' Mutual friends?<br />
'''Dawson:''' (chuckles, as audience begins to laugh) I don't think I've seen him before. How's Harry? (beat) Who's Harry? My friend ... " }}
* Unknown:
{{quote| '''Dawson:''' "Name a pie that does '''not''' contain fruit."<br />
'''Contestant:''' Lemon meringue. }}
* This particular Fast Money instant was featured in the ''Gameshow Marathon'' episode:
{{quote| '''Dawson:''' Name a food that comes in instant form.<br />
'''Contestant:''' Asparagus. }}
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* "Name something normally worn only by children." "Clothes."
* This gem:
{{quote| '''Combs''': Name a famous country/western singer.<br />
'''Contestant''': [[Van Halen|Van]] [[Waylon Jennings|Waylon]]?<br />
'''Combs''': Van Waylon. Van Waylon...we've got the #2 answer up there, and I'm pretty sure it's Van Waylon. I have no doubt. (''mouths "No way!" to the camera; cue audience's laughter'') Show me...Van Waylon! (''Strike sound'') }}
* During a Fast Money round:
{{quote| '''Combs''': I asked you to name a dangerous piece of playground equipment. You said "A tire." (''audience erupts'') Well, if it's still attached to the car, it would be dangerous.}}
* "Name a type of fly." "Butterfly."
** "Mosquito."
* Another gem:
{{quote| '''Combs''': Name a country in South America.<br />
'''Contestant:''' Africa. }}
There were more bad answers, including Spain, Fiji, Armenia and Saudi Arabia.
* "Name a birthday men dread the most." "Wife's."
{{quote| Must have forgotten the Mrs. a few times.}}
* "When kids finally move out of the house, name something specific they often leave behind." "[[Parental Abandonment|Your parents.]]"
** "A blender."
** "Their boyfriend or their girlfriend."
* [[Unfortunate Implications]] abound:
{{quote| '''Combs''': Name something associated with evil.<br />
'''Contestant''': The color black.<br />
(''the other team, an African-American family, grimaces'') }}
* Another bad Fast Money guess:
{{quote| '''Combs:''' A way parents reward children.<br />
'''Contestant:''' Time-out. (as in punishment time out) }}
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* "Name something teenage boys can do for hours at a time." "[[A Date with Rosie Palms|Masturbate.]]"
* One that's aired on blooper specials:
{{quote| '''Anderson''': Name a part of the body that gets bigger as adults get older.<br />
(''contestant buzzes-in'')<br />
'''Anderson''': Freddie.<br />
'''Contestant''': Uh...[[Bigger Is Better in Bed|penis]]. }}
* And all those answers that netted the respondent the [[Sarcasm Mode|coveted]] '''Dumb Answer of the Day''' trophy.
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== Richard Karn (2002-06) ==
* 2000s: Before a faceoff, a lady buzzed-in before Karn read the question.
{{quote| '''Karn''': Ooh, ooh, I know! Pick me!}}
* 2000s: "Name something you feel before you buy it."
{{quote| '''Contestant''': "Excited."}}
* March 14, 2003: One Fast Money round was just ''loaded'' with stupid answers. The first contestant offered 15 as an answer to "Tell me the age that even someone with good vision might need reading glasses", Los Angeles for "a city known for its museums" and ''milk'' for "something that pours very slowly". And the second contestant's answers were hardly any better:
{{quote| '''Karn''': Tell me a man's name that starts with the letter K.<br />
'''Contestant''': Kentucky Fried Chicken.<br />
'''Karn''': Name a food that's red on the inside.<br />
'''Contestant''': Watermelon. (''buzz-buzz'') Kiwi.<br />
'''Karn''': Name a city known for its museums.<br />
'''Contestant''': L.A. (''buzz-buzz'') England. }}
* 2000s: An idiot moment [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VqCSFXv70Js here], when the opposing family went for the steal with five of the six answers showing. The question was "Name a country beside the US that you admire." Africa and Europe were teammates suggestions and the captain went for Europe.
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* 2000s: One episode featured the question "Name something that rises." The first couple of contestants said reasonable things like "dough", but the third contestant replied with "a cock". Quoth the Karn, who was probably trying to dodge the issue: "You mean like a rooster, right?"
* 2000s: During a Fast Money round:
{{quote| '''Karn''': Name a sport husbands and wives play together, you said..."Kickball"! You know, you're not usually married in the 3rd Grade...}}
* From the same Fast Money round:
{{quote| '''Karn''': Name an animal you might see drinking out of a pond.<br />
'''Contestant''': Elephant.<br />
'''Karn''': Name a state that likes country music.<br />
'''Contestant''': Texas. (''buzz-buzz'') Idaho. }}
* Yet another pair of stupid answers:
{{quote| '''Karn''': An occupation that might make $100 an hour.<br />
'''Contestant''': Construction.<br />
'''Karn''': A class students enjoy going to.<br />
'''Contestant''': Beverly Hills. }}
* And this one:
{{quote| '''Richard''': Name an animal whose eggs you'd probably never eat for breakfast.<br />
'''Contestant''': Hamster.<br />
'''Richard''': A hamster! I hate to tell you but, you know, those little pellets aren't eggs. }}
* A case of the people surveyed giving stupid answers, one episode had Karn ask "What did Dorothy and her friends ask for when they met the Wizard of Oz?" (or something to that effect). All the answers on the board except the last one were uncovered and the teams were trying to guess what the last one could be. The last answer? "Which way does the road go?" The answer is obviously incorrect since they wouldn't need to know where the road goes, having already followed it to the Wizard! (Or you could just watch the movie). A few people asked must have confused the Wizard with Glinda.
* Name something you'd find in an operating room. You said: "Operator"! Well, somebody's gotta operate!
* This Fast Money round:
{{quote| '''Karn:''' Name something dogs do better than people. You said: "Pee"!<br />
(''everybody laughs'')<br />
'''Karn:''' They-they can do it better!<br />
'''Contestant:''' They got a lotta different ways...<br />
'''Karn:''' They-well, yeah! They got reasons, too! Survey says...<br />
(''buzzer sounds'') }}
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== Steve Harvey (2010-Present) ==
* Fall 2010: [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N9KfLFabAb8 Why you should wait for the question to finish.]
{{quote| '''Harvey''': Name something a woman does for her baby that she-<br />
'''Contestant''' (''after buzzing-in''): Changes his diaper.<br />
(''Strike sound; Steve leans toward her'')<br />
'''Harvey''' (''rereading question, a smirk on his face''): Name something a woman does for her baby that she also does for her ''hubby''. }}
* A contestant needed only about 40 points to win Fast Money. But...
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== Unknown/Other ==
* On at least ''three'' separate occasions — twice on Dawson's (one of which was the notorious "alligator" episode above) and once on Combs' — both contestants in Fast Money misinterpreted the question "Name a brand of gasoline", instead giving ''types'' of gasoline (e.g., unleaded). In response to the contestant from the "alligator" episode:
{{quote| '''Dawson''': You said "ethyl", [[Deadpan Snarker|which I believe you've been drinking]].}}
* "Name something commonly found in a woman's purse." "A cat."
* "Name something a blind man might use." "[[Handicapped Badass|A sword.]]"
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** The Facebook version seems to have been programmed by idiots. Completely random phrases will count as valid, and a Christmas-themed makeover had a question about "What do people associate with A Christmas Carol?" The top answer is Christmas, which suddenly makes that Russia question [[Hilarious in Hindsight|a whole lot funnier]].
* From the Australian version when it was hosted by Bert Newton.
{{quote| '''Bert''': Name a celebrity known by only one name.<br />
'''Contestant''': [[Brad Pitt|Bra]][[Angelina Jolie|ngelina.]] }}
* Another instance:
{{quote| '''Bert''': Name something that increases and decreases in price as people buy and sell it.<br />
'''Contestant''': Weet-Bix! }}
** Food in general was an answer, of course.
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