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Hobo with a Shotgun: Difference between revisions

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* [[Defictionalization]]: Started as a trailer in ''[[Grindhouse]]''.
* [[Dirty Cop]]: There is exactly one non-corrupt cop in the movie, which is [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshaded]] in lines that made it in from the fake trailer:
{{quote| '''Rookie Cop''': At least he's only killing the dirty cops.<br />
'''Dirty Cop''': We're all dirty cops! }}
* [[Dragged Off to Hell]]: {{spoiler|Slick}}.
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*** Not only that, but Drake actually encourages Slick to be a bigger bad than him.
* [[When All You Have Is a Hammer]]: Well, shotgun in this case.
{{quote| '''Abby''': You can't solve all the world's problems with a shotgun!<br />
'''Hobo''': It's all I know. }}
* [[When Life Gives You Lemons]]: Drake spins the phrase in his own hideous idiom to encourage his son.
{{quote| '''Drake''': When life gives you razor blades... you make a baseball bat covered in razor blades!}}
** He then gleefully demonstrates this concept by eviscerating a prisoner with just such a weapon.
* [[World Gone Mad]]: Or at least, the ''entire the fucking city.''
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