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{{quote| ''Listen to the MUSN'TS, child'' <br />
''Listen to the DON'TS''<br />
''Listen to the SHOULDN'TS''<br />
''The IMPOSSIBLES, the WON'TS''<br />
''Listen to the NEVER HAVES''<br />
''Then listen close to me-''<br />
''Anything can happen, child''<br />
''ANYTHING can be.'' }}
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* [[All Girls Like Ponies]]: The poem "Little Abigail and the Beautiful Pony". Let's just say it doesn't end well.
* [[An Aesop]]: Quite often, though sometimes sliding into [[Family-Unfriendly Aesop]]. For example, in "The Great Smoke Off":
{{quote| ''And underneath his fingers <br />
There's a little golden scroll <br />
That says, "Beware of being the roller <br />
When there's nothing left to roll."'' }}
** And another, from "Perfect High":
{{quote| ''"Well, that is that," says [[Hermit Guru|Baba Fats]], sitting back down on his stone, <br />
Facing another thousand years of talking to God alone. <br />
"It seems, Lord", says Fats, "it's always the same, old men or bright-eyed youth, <br />
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* [[Not a Mask]]: The poem "Best Mask?" is a rare example where the maskless person is the narrator.
* [[Now I Lay Me Down to Sleep]]: Parodied in "Prayer of the Selfish Child".
{{quote| ''Now I lay me down to sleep;''<br />
''I pray the Lord my soul to keep.''<br />
''If I should die before I wake,''<br />
''I pray the Lord my toys to break,''<br />
''So none of the other kids can use 'em...''<br />
''Amen.'' }}
* [[Phony Psychic]]: In the poem "Crystal Ball", the psychic accurately predicts everything her customer ate for lunch, then admits that she only figured it out by {{spoiler|looking at her dress.}}
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