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A Song of Ice and Fire/Tropes J To R: Difference between revisions

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* [[Lightning Bruiser]]: What makes the Hound one of the most dangerous fighters in Westeros, when he's not drunk off his arse.
* [[Like a Son to Me]]: Maester Cressen saw Stannis Baratheon in this light, having been maester for the Baratheons for decades and watching Stannis grow up. {{spoiler|This makes his shaming before the court, and his death, that much more tragic.}}
{{quote| '''Cressen, thinking: '''Stannis, my lord, my sad sullen boy, son I never had, you must not do this, don't you know how I have cared for you, lived for you, loved you despite all? Yes, loved you, better than Robert even, or Renly, for you were the one unloved, the one who needed me most.}}
* [[Line in the Sand]]: Theon in ''A Clash of Kings''.
* [[Line-of-Sight Name]]:
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* [[Not So Different]]:
** Tyrion comes to this conclusion regarding himself and his father.
{{quote| ''{{spoiler|Now that's where you're wrong, Father. Why, I believe I'm you writ small. Do me a kindness now, and die quickly.}}''}}
** At one point, characters come across a burnt out ruin of a village, and it's explained that the lord of the area was on the wrong side, and as punishment, Hoster Tully sent soldiers to [[Rape, Pillage and Burn]] and basically kill everyone. It shows the moral greyness of the series that the head of the Tullys (seemingly one of the "good guys") dealt with enemies just as ruthlessly as Tywin Lannister.
** The Starks are shown to have been ruthless in maintaining their power in the past. Long before the series begins, a branch of the Stark family called the Greystarks joined with the Boltons in a rebellion against the Starks. The Stark lord at the time crushed the rebellion and wiped out the Greystark branch of the family.
** Sandor Clegane calls out the Brotherhood Without Banners in what's both an example of this as well as [[At Least I Admit It]]:
{{quote| ''A knight's a sword with a horse. The rest, the vows and the sacred oils and [[The Lady's Favour|the lady's favours]], they're silk ribbons tied 'round the sword. Maybe the Sword's prettier with ribbons hanging of it, but it'll kill you just as dead. Well, bugger your ribbons, and shove your swords up your arses. I'm the same as you. The only difference is, I don't lie about what I am. So, kill me, but don't call me a murderer while you stand there telling each other your shit don't stink. You hear me?''}}
* [[The Oathbreaker]]:
** Jaime Lannister. He killed the king he was sworn to protect, and everyone - even the people who acknowledge that Aerys needed killing - treats him like the lowest of the low, even in a [[Crapsack World]] full of child rapists, [[Torture Technician|Torture Technicians]], and [[The Caligula|mad kings]] (like the one he killed to save King's Landing).
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* [[One-Scene Wonder]]:
** Ser Cortnay Penrose, castellan of [[Meaningful Name|Storm's End]].
{{quote| "Very well, ''ser''. Bring on your storm. And remember, if you will, the ''name'' of this castle." }}
** Archmaester Marwyn, called "The Mage" by the other archmaesters for his interest in the occult. He is very well-traveled and he is mentioned a few times throughout the story but so far he has only actually appeared once, at the end of the fourth book. Possibly his popularity with the fandom is a result of his [[Jumped At the Call|extremely proactive behaviour]] in what had been a very slow-paced book.
** Lord Manderly's granddaughter [[Plucky Girl|Wylla Manderly]], {{spoiler|who stands up for the Starks and gives Davos her support, despite her family's protests and attempts to silence her. Wyman Manderly praises her bravado once he reveals his plan to Davos.}}
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* [[Preemptive Apology]]: The modus operandi of the Sorrowful Men, a guild of assassins.
* [[Preemptive Declaration]]:
{{quote| '''Jaime Lannister to Ryman Frey''': "Only a fool makes threats he's not prepared to carry out. If I were to threaten to hit you unless you shut your mouth, and you presumed to speak, what do you think I'd do?"<br />
''''Ryman''': "Ser, you do not unders-" (cut off by Jaime backhanding him in the face) }}
* [[Pretty Boy]]:
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* [[Running Gag]]:
** Shagga's "I'll chop off your manhood and feed it to the goats!" There's a reference to this running gag in the ''Dunk and Egg'' stories, but with dogs instead of goats. Tyrion also gets in on the act:
{{quote| '''Tyrion:''' I'll chop off your manhood and feed it to the goats.<br />
'''Bronn:''' You don't have any goats.<br />
'''Tyrion:''' I'll get some, just for you. }}
** "As useless as nipples on a breastplate" is quipped by multiple people throughout the series. The gag continues when {{spoiler|Ser Jorah Mormont}} is shown in ''A Dance With Dragons'' wearing a breastplate with pierced nipples.
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