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* [[Tender Tears]]: Elh apparently does not have a problem with crying, possessing at least two separate sprites with small droplets at the eye corners and displaying them without shame. The second opening animation even includes a [[Sparkling Stream of Tears]].
* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: Inside Lares, there's a fork in the road. Red and {{spoiler|Béluga}} [[Let's Split Up, Gang!|decide to split up]], and you're forced to choose if Elh should stay with you or take the other path. Choose to go alone, and Elh will ''insist'' on going with you - but only because it's safer {{spoiler|to separate the Paladins}}, of course!
{{quote| "Hey! Don't get the wrong idea! I can see you getting it!"}}
* [[That Makes Me Feel Angry]]: Elh, who is not very good at dealing with emotions, occasionally says things like "I feel happy" or "I feel disappointed." This is usually only in cases of positive or mild emotions, however; extreme anger [[Armor-Piercing Slap|doesn't]] [[Megaton Punch|need]] [[Kuudere|words]].
* [[Three Amigos]]: With Red and Chocolat, by the end of the story. {{spoiler|Subverted in that both sidekicks are female.}}
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