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* The 2011 Libyan Civil War became this thanks to the UN intervention.
* [[wikipedia:Massacre of Elphinstonechr(27)s Army|Elphinstone's Defeat]] in the First Anglo-Afghan War was, and arguably is to this day, the worst disaster in British military history. After abandoning a fortified position in Kabul, General William George Keith Elphinstone decided to march his 4,500 men to the garrison of Jalalabad. 90 miles away. In winter. With some 12,000 civilians in tow. The outcome should surprise nobody. ''[[Flashman]]'' says it best:
{{quote| "For pure, vacillating stupidity, for superb incompetence to command, for ignorance combined with bad judgement - inshort, for the true talent for catastrophe - Elphy Bey stood alone. Others abide our question, but Elphy outshines them all as the greatest military idiot of our own or any other day. Only he could have permitted the First Afghan War and let it develop to such a ruinous defeat. It was not easy: he started with a good army, a secure position,some excellent officers, a disorganised enemy, and repeated opportunities to save the situation. But Elphy, with the touch of true genius, swept aside these obstacles with unerring precision, and out of order wrought complete chaos. We shall not, with luck, look upon his like again."}}
* [[wikipedia:Battle of Shewan|Battle of Shewan]]. 30 [[Semper Fi|Marines]] were ambushed by 250 Taliban insurgents carrying mortars, RPGs and various other small arms. The end result was 50+ dead Taliban insurgents and no dead Marines (2 were injured).
* How about the 1st Gulf War? Western media played up the training and equipment of battle-hardened Republican Guard units ("We will need 10,000 body bags to bring back our dead"). Coalition forces braced for heavy casualties from chemical weapons and Saddam Hussein announced that his entire country was ready to fight to the death in the "Mother of All Battles." Today, military science classes teach that the majority of Iraq's 25,000 military casualties were unfortunate conscripts who simply couldn't find anyone to surrender to fast enough.
** The success of Operation "Desert Storm" can be summarized here.[http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qw6lF-i6aGM\]
** Bill Hicks lays it out:
{{quote| "Remember when it started? They kept talking about the Elite Republican Guard in these hushed tones. "Yeah we're doing well, but we have yet to face...the ''Elite Republican Guard''." Yeah, like these are ten-feet-tall desert warriors. <stomping noises> Never lost a battle! <more stomping noises> We shit bullets! <even more stomping noises> Well, after three weeks of continuous carpet bombing and not one reaction at all from these fuckers, they became simply, "the Republican Guard." Not nearly as elite as we have led you to believe. And after another week of continuous bombing and no response AT ALL, they changed from the Elite Republican Guard to The Republican guard to "The Republicans made this shit up about there being guards out there; we hope you enjoyed your fireworks show!"}}
** A specific example was shown on the [[Discovery Channel]] in an episode of Extreme Machines, "Tanks". In one campaign of the ground wars, the allies' M1 Abrams battalion reduced the Iraqis' tank battalion (comprising of Russian tanks) to mere plies of scrap in just a few days, with no allied losses.
*** To be fair to the Iraqis, they were fighting with inferior tanks.
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** On January 23, 1944, the Detroit Red Wings delivered one to the New York Rangers, a 15-0 blowout, which remains the largest margin of victory by one NHL team to this day.
* Thai folklore contains an example of a possible real-life curbstomp battle. From [[wikipedia:Muay thai#|Nai_Khanom_Tom The Other Wiki]]:
{{quote| At the time of the fall of the ancient Siam capital of Ayutthaya in 1763, the invading Burmese troops rounded up a group of Thai residents and took them as prisoners. Among them were a large number of Thai kickboxers, who were taken by the Burmese to the city of Ungwa.<br />
In 1774, in the Burmese city of Rangoon, the king of the Burmese, Hsinbyushin (known in Thai as "King Mangra"), decided to organize a seven-day, seven-night religious festival in honor of Buddha's relics. The festivities included many forms of entertainment, such as the costume plays called likay, comedies and farces, and sword-fighting matches. At one point, King Hsinbyushin wanted to see how Muay Boran would compare to the Burmese art Lethwei[citation needed]. Nai Khanom Tom was selected to fight against the Burmese champion. The boxing ring was set up in front of the throne and Nai Khanom Tom did a traditional Wai Kru pre-fight dance, to pay his respects to his teachers and ancestor, as well as for all the spectators, dancing around his opponent, which amazed and perplexed all the Burmese people. When the fight began, he charged out, using punches, kicks, elbows, and knees, pummeling his opponent until he collapsed.<br />
The referee however stated that the Burmese opponent was too distracted by the kick, and the knockout was invalid. The King then asked if Nai Khanom Tom would fight nine other Burmese champions to prove himself. He agreed and fought them all, one after the other with no rest periods in between. His last opponent was a great kickboxing teacher from Ya Kai City. Nai Khanom Tom mangled him by his kicks and no one else dared to challenge him any further.<br />
King Mangra was so impressed that he remarked, "Every part of the Thai is blessed with venom. Even with his bare hands, he can fell nine or ten opponents. But his Lord was incompetent and lost the country to the enemy. If he would have been any good, there was no way the City of Ayutthaya would ever have fallen." }}
* The [[wikipedia:1916 Cumberland vs. Georgia Tech football game|1916 college football match between Georgia Tech and Cumberland]] remains the most brutal curbstomping in the history of organized American football. Tech won the game by a score of 222-0, scoring touchdowns on almost every single ''offensive play'', racking up almost 1,700 rushing yards and 32 touchdowns, and not even attempting a single pass play. Cumberland finished the game with -82 offensive yards.
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