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The Event: Difference between revisions

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* [[Genre Blind]]: Jarvis' one weakness. He is an excellent manipulator, constantly makes everyone swallow his [[Blatant Lies]] and keeps up his flawless act ''even when he is called out on it'' - but in the finale he falls for one of [[The Oldest Tricks in The Book]].
* [[Genre Savvy]]: '''''James Dempsey'''''. Let's see, he understands that Martinez will be a good President, but further predicts both his and Sophia's shifts to [[Well-Intentioned Extremist]]. Even better, he ''successfully identifies Sean as'' ''[[The Hero]]'', lures Sean in by putting his partner in [[Unresolved Sexual Tension|UST]] in a [[Death Trap]], and then offers him anything he needs to save the world. {{spoiler|When Sean [[Determinator|refuses to forget about chasing Dempsey]], Dempsey kills himself so Sean will move on to [[Bigger Bad|the true threat]]}}.
{{quote| '''Vicky:''' Why are you so interested in Walker?<br />
'''Dempsey:''' Because every time I put an obstacle in his path, he destroys it. }}
* [[Genre Shift]]: The show appears to be a conspiracy thriller (albeit one in [[Anachronic Order]]) until the very end when it shifts to science fiction when the kamikaze plane disappears into a big ol' ball of spacetime. On the other hand, the title itself is a pretty big hint. After all, you don't refer to things you understand (like terrorist threats or natural disasters) as "the Event."
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* [[Tomato Surprise]]: {{spoiler|Leila discovers that she and her sister}} are [[Half-Human Hybrid|half-alien.]]
* [[Title Drop]]: In an exchange between CIA agent Simon Lee and Sophia Maguire during the pilot episode.
{{quote| '''Lee''': "''We may have a problem. He thinks he can buy his freedom back. Trade it for information...''"<br />
'''Maguire''': "''What kind of information?''"<br />
'''Lee''': "''He's going to tell them[[Dramatic Pause|... about The Event]].''" }}
** At least some episodes titles are lines from that episode.
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** And the Vice President both as first Dempsey's then Sophia's pawn thinks he is acting for the best interests of his country.
* [[We Will Meet Again]]: Dempsey regarding Sean:
{{quote| '''Dempsey''': "''It's just that I have a feeling that this Mr. Walker and I will cross paths again... soon.''"}}
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Where's Leila's sister?
* [[What the Hell, Hero?]]: Simon Lee to Sophia after {{spoiler|she destroyed the Washington Monument}}
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