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* In [[Robert E. Howard]]'s "[[Xuthal of the Dusk|The Slithering Shadow]]", [[Conan the Barbarian]] is nearly overcome by incompetent soldiers who get in each other's way -- there are so many of them, and they do not lack courage.
** In "The Shadow Kingdom", [[Kull]] and Brule face a horde of Snakemen.
{{quote| ''"Valka! What a killing!" said Brule, shaking the blood from his eyes. "Kull, had these been warriors who knew how to use the steel, we had died here.<br />
"These serpent priests know naught of swordcraft and die easier than any men I ever slew. Yet had there been a few more, I think the matter had ended otherwise."'' }}
* In [[Henry David Thoreau]]'s ''[[Walden]],'' he discusses a war between red and black ants that played out like this.
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