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== Film ==
* ''[[Star Trek V: The Final Frontier]]''. The ''Enterprise'' passes through the barrier around the heart of the galaxy and finds the legendary planet Sha Ka Ree, believed to be the home of God. The protagonists find God apparently imprisoned there, and he tries to trick them into helping him escape. Kirk figures out there's something funny going on and manages to get "God" to reveal his true natu're before he gets away.
{{quote| '''Kirk:''' [[Armor-Piercing Question|"What does God need with a starship?"]]}}
* In ''[[Phantasm Oblivion]]'', in a dream, the Tall Man is caught by a noose and he begs the protagonist, Michael to cut him down.
{{quote| '''The Tall Man:''' Cut me down!<br />
'''Michael:''' No!<br />
'''The Tall Man:''' I won't hurt you.<br />
'''Michael:''' You're killing the world!<br />
'''The Tall Man:''' I'll go away... and I won't ever come back [gives mischievous grin]<br />
'''Michael:''' You will?<br />
'''The Tall Man:''' Yes. }}
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