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Norse Mythology: Difference between revisions

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** How many steps did Thor take in the Gotterdammerung? It's [[All There in the Manual|written on a skein somewhere, weaved by the fates]].
* [[You Cannot Kill an Idea]]: Odin's line from the ''Poetic Edda'':
{{quote| Cattle die, kinsmen die, we ourselves also die; but the fair fame never dies of him who has earned it.}}
* [[You Can't Fight Fate]]: As in all myths, every prophecy is inescapable. Mind you, this includes virtually ''everything'' that actually happens in the stories, including the [[Gotterdammerung|forthcoming destruction of the gods]].
** Some retellings of Loki's role in Baldur's death use this to explain Loki's actions. After devouring the heart of a witch with the power of prophecy, he saw that he was destined to suffer a horrific punishment at the hands of the other gods before dying in Ragnarok. Since Loki knew [[You Can't Fight Fate]], he figured he might as well do something to ''earn'' that punishment and make the other gods suffer.
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