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* Rincewind, from Terry Pratchett's ''[[Discworld]]''. He doesn't just want to be left alone, he actually wants his life to be ''boring''. But due partly to being the [[Cosmic Plaything|pawn of Luck]], and partly to his own self-defeating cowardice, he always ends up in the middle of some gigantic disaster surrounded by people who want him dead.
** Lampshaded (hilariously) in ''[[Discworld/The Last Hero|The Last Hero]]''.
{{quote| '''Rincewind:''' I do not wish to volunteer for this mission.<br />
'''Lord Vetinari:''' I beg your pardon?<br />
'''Rincewind:''' I do not wish to volunteer, sir.<br />
'''Lord Vetinari:''' No one was asking you to.<br />
'''Rincewind:''' ''(wagging a weary finger)'' Oh, but they will, sir. They will. Someone will say: hey, that Rincewind fella, he's the adventurous sort, he knows the Horde, Cohen seems to like him, he knows all there is to know about cruel and unusual geography, he'd be just the job for something like this. ''(sighing)'' And then I'll run away, and probably hide in a crate somewhere that'll be loaded on to the flying machine in any case.<br />
'''Lord Vetinari:''' Will you?<br />
'''Rincewind:''' Probably, sir. Or there'll be a whole string of accidents that end up causing the same thing. Trust me. sir, I know how my life works. So I thought I'd better cut through the whole tedious business and come along and tell you I don't wish to volunteer.<br />
'''Lord Vetinari:''' I think you've left out a logical step somewhere...<br />
'''Rincewind:''' No, sir. It's very simple. I'm volunteering. I just don't wish to. But, after all, when did that ever have anything to do with anything? }}
*** Note that very few people manage to even momentarily confuse the Patrician. Rincewind is a sort of singularity.
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