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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Played straight on the one or two occasions we can see Cindy is a wild vixen. Subverted on one memorable occasion with Randy, who showed up to chase Dusk off ''with a rifle''. (He was sleepwalking at the time.)
* [[Big Eater]]: Myrtle, when she and Randy go on a trip away from home to find Cindy. She has a tendency to pause every 20 minutes or so for lunch, even though (since she's riding Randy) the fox is doing all the work.
{{quote| '''Myrtle:''' With the sandwiches all gone, at least the load is lighter, eh? <br />
'''Randy:''' All that food went out the pack, and into you! You didn't lighten the load-- you just raised the center of gravity. }}
* [[Big No]]: It's Toast's turn to "play" with Randy, but he wouldn't dare do so with Cindy around. When he's told Cindy is heading to the woods, he gets excited because he's been waiting forever, but he lets out a big "NOOO!" when told that Randy's going with her.
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* [[Clueless Chick Magnet]]: Randy, to some extent.
* [[Completely Missing the Point]]:
{{quote| ''[http://www.ozfoxes.net/cgi/pl-fp1.cgi?1240 "By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes..."]'' <br />
"Is he going on about thumbs '''''again??!'''''" "Looks like..." }}
* [[Cunning Like a Fox]]: Definitely Dusk, probably Cindy, ''utterly'' averted by Randy.
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* [[I Think You Broke Him|I Think You Broke Her]]: When Myrtle's television is taken away, she stands staring at where it used to be, in a catatonic state. When a remote control is put in her hands, she mindlessly clicks it, repeatedly. Eventually, the cats start using her to play Living Statues.
* [[The Illegible]]: Myrtle is this to the other animals; she does the record-keeping because no one else can read her chicken scratches. The humans can read it, somewhat, even though they mistake "Myrtle Dehen" for "Meghan Dalton." Eventually they find her a typewriter.
{{quote| '''Myrtle:''' Hey -- that's just my unique penmanship! }}
* [[Incredibly Lame Pun]]: When Myrtle asks Kira where Randy is, she replies that he's doing quite ''well.'' It turns out the cats tossed him down a well.
** When Myrtle finds Randy after looking for him for hours, Randy says, "I was tied up all morning." Myrtle is furious, saying that Randy had promised he'd be helping ''her,'' when they overhear a cat telling Kira that her fox got loose -- yes, Randy was ''literally'' tied up all morning.
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* [[Love At First Sight]]: Randy is immediately tongue-tied around Cindy. It takes him a ''long'' time to admit his feelings, though.
* [[Love Triangle]]: [[Triang Relations]] Type 4.
{{quote| '''April''' ''[to Randy]:'' It looks like you have ''two'' healthy, willing vixens to choose from as a mate. Way to go, brother mine!}}
* [[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane]]: Stu was a magician's rabbit and is implied to have some magic of his own, but we're not sure how much.
* [[My Life Flashed Before My Eyes]]: Played with by one of the cats who hadn't yet learned of Cindy's presence, and thus thought Randy was the only fox around. Focused on dumping a bucket of green paint on Randy, Cindy inadvertently snuck up on him, causing him to dump the paint on himself.
{{quote| '''Cat:''' Criminy! Three of my lives flashed before my eyes! }}
* [[A Man Is Not a Virgin]]: Averted so very hard.
* [[Noodle Incident]]: When Randy is in the barn recovering from being doped up, and Cindy and Toast go out to try and find Stu, the cats see it as an opportunity to play with Randy, and such opportunities have been hard to come by now that Cindy's living in the barn. When next we see Randy, he's inside a giant ball of string. We don't see how he got there.
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* [[Schedule Slip]]: Sadly, real life often intrudes on this strip. When it does, the creators will offer up some nicely done filler art and an explanation of the reason they haven't updated. Always ended by some variation of "And be of good cheer".
* [[Schmuck Bait]]: Which Randy falls into nevertheless.
{{quote| '''Kira:''' It's amazing you lived so long to be so trusting!}}
* [[Selective Obliviousness]]: Randy's innocence about sex is drifting from 'painful naivete' to 'deliberately maintained ignorance,' though Cindy apparently has plans to give him an education.
* [[Shout-Out]]: [http://www.ozfoxes.net/cgi/pl-fp1.cgi?1284 Here] by the cats, of all characters to [[Star Wars]], of all things.
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* [[Talking Animal]]
* [[Tempting Fate]]: Myrtle with this internal monologue:
{{quote| '''Myrtle:''' This is just great. Randy's terrified of the cats, we have a new set of owners... what else can go wrong here? <br />
[One of the human owners tries to ride Arthur, who gallops at high-speed in a panic.] <br />
'''Myrtle:''' I give up! }}
** [http://ozfoxes.net/cgi/pl-fp1.cgi?1209 This strip] also provides an example.
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* [[Trauma Conga Line]]: When Cindy first comes to live in the barn, she is bashed on the head with a bucket of water from a doorsill trap, frightened away by the "cannons" section of the 1812 Overture played at full blast, catches cold from a miserable night in unfamiliar territory, and finally is overdosed with cold medicine in a misguided attempt by Myrtle to make her feel better.
* [[Tsundere]]: Eddie plays Type B for all it's worth. Made worse when she's pregnant, naturally.
{{quote| '''Eddie:''' Kids? One thing. We're ''all'' worried about your father. He may need your help getting home. If he's hurt, then help him get back, any way you can. ''However''-- if you find he's having fun while ''I'm'' home worrying, I authorize you to subdue him and ''drag'' his fuzzy tail ''home!'' '''Is that clear??!''' }}
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]: When Randy takes Cindy to see his human owners so he can translate what they're saying, the humans start wondering out loud whether Randy and Cindy will mate and raise a family, which embarrasses Randy no end. He translates it for Cindy as "talking about the weather" -- which soon becomes code, among the guys, for sex.
{{quote| '''Cindy:''' I don't understand ''any'' of this, Kira. <br />
'''Kira:''' Must be a guy thing. }}
* [[Virginity Makes You Stupid]]: Randy has no idea.
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* [[Weirdness Censor]]: Cocky is a bird who can speak ''conversational'' English and French, and it's been proven that he can translate what Randy is saying. And the humans let it pass without a whole lot of commenting!
* [[Weirdness Magnet]]: Raccoons Ricky and Al lampshade this quality of Randy's when he asks how they found him at the farm:
{{quote| '''Al:''' Well, first we saw a rainbow-colored, grumbling vixen... <br />
'''Ricky:''' And a cat covered in feathers, running for its life... <br />
'''Al:''' ...then we tailed a fat chicken crawl-jogging by midnight... it seemed like your kind of crowd! <br />
'''Ricky:''' Plus, [[Captain Obvious|there's the sign out front.]] }}
* [[Why Waste a Wedding?]]: {{spoiler|Penny and Jon}} appear headed this direction, after {{spoiler|Cindy and Randy}} decide to wait, since {{spoiler|foxes only mate in the winter.}} Myrtle needs ''someone'' to get married, after all her preparations.
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