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{{quote|''"Mermaid, oh murmur into my ear<br />
The answers to questions I'm longing to hear;<br />
Does it relax you to hear the sound of the land?<br />
Do you, O mermaid, have slightly webbed hands?"''|'''[[Flight of the Conchords]]''', "Mermaid"}}
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* ''[[The Man From Atlantis]]'' looks like a human but has webbed digits, can breathe underwater, and can withstand extreme depths and pressures.
* In one episode of ''[[Red Dwarf]]'' when the characters are in a Virtual Reality Program Cat creates himself a Mermaid girlfriend. She's a reverse mermaid with the fish part on top.
{{quote| '''Holly:''' Somehow, I'd imagined she'd be a woman on the top and a fish on the bottom.<br />
'''Cat:''' No, that's the stupid way around! }}
* The [[British Brevity|short lived]] Pirate [[Sitcom]] ''[[Captain Butler]]'' had the eponymous Captain (played by [[Craig Charles]]) almost marry a mermaid till he found out he'd become a reverse merman if he did.
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* The [[Regina Spektor]] song "Mermaid" is a sideways adaptation of [[Hans Christian Andersen]]'s ''[[The Little Mermaid]]'' set in a modern day city, and mentions that the painful stabbing feeling in her feet causes her to bleed. She claims to have sold her voice for, among other things, a bottle of gin and a bump of cocaine before [[It Makes Sense in Context|the narrative goes completely off the rails]].
* A song about an ocean-going vessel:
{{quote| It was Friday night, when we set sail<br />
And we were not far from the land,<br />
When the captain spied a lovely mermaid<br />
With a comb and a brush in her hand, hand, hand,<br />
With a comb and a brush in her hand. }}
* "The Keeper of the Eddystone Light".
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* In an episode of ''[[The Adventures of Super Mario Bros 3]]'', Mario met a reverse mermaid named [[Punny Name|Holly Mackerel]] who was both unattractive (hence that episode's title, "The Ugly Mermaid") and not very bright (she thought Mario, wearing a Frog Suit, was an actual frog).
* In ''[[The Marvelous Misadventures of Flapjack]]'' Mermaids cry candy tears that grant wishes when eaten that are stored in a heart-shaped jar. Making wishes causes the Mermaids to [[Body Horror|rapidly age and disintegrate]] until all of the tears are used up. {{spoiler|Then they turn into beautiful, healthy Skymaids.}}
{{quote| '''Captain K'nuckles:''' "Mermaids are weird."}}
* In the first season of ''[[Metalocalypse]]'', Dethklok writes the song Murmaider. The [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iS6Bf4G-qLA video] features traditional mermaids at war with considerably uglier, crustacean-themed mermaids.
{{quote| '''Nathan:''' "This one's called Murmaider!"<br />
'''Murderface:''' "It's about mermaid murder." }}
* In one episode of [[Re Boot]], Dot and Bob turn into shark-people to participate in a game. Unusually, their fin stroke horizontally, like true fish. Their bodies are also slender, and very long.
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* An extremely rare human birth defect, in which both legs are fused together from crotch to feet, is known as sirenomelia or "mermaid syndrome". Sadly, people with this condition usually die within a day of birth, due to associated abnormalities of kidneys and bladder; to date, only a handful of sirenomelia patients have survived for long, and only with drastic surgical help.
* The ''Annals of the Four Masters'' (a collection of medieval Irish histories compiled in the early 17th century) casually mention mermaids being caught several times. Most impressive is a mermaid listed as having washed ashore in the year 887:
{{quote| ''One hundred and ninety five feet was her length, eighteen feet was the length of her hair, seven feet was the length of the fingers of her hand, seven feet also was the length of her nose; she was whiter than the swan all over.''}}
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