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S.T.A.L.K.E.R. (series): Difference between revisions

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{{quote| ''"You are approaching the military secured border of an ecological disaster zone."''}}
S.T.A.L.K.E.R.: Shadow of Chernobyl is a [[Wide Open Sandbox]] [[First-Person Shooter]] loosely based on the Russian novel ''[[Roadside Picnic]]'', as well as the visually stunning Russian film ''[[Stalker]]'' by Andrei Tarkovsky, which was based on the novel.
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*** ''Call of Pripyat'' also has an insanely annoying side quest (the most insanely annoying one in the game) where you have to protect a group of Ecologist stalkers studying an anomaly from waves of wild boars. The stalkers are [[Made of Plasticine]] and die ''after one hit'' from a boar, and won't defend themselves until one of them actually gets hit. Even if you have the maximum of 4 stalkers in the group by saving them all in an earlier quest, it's still an incredibly annoying mission, especially if you're trying to keep all 4 of them alive for the maximum reward.
* [[Everything Trying to Kill You]]: Monsters - and the Zone itself - want every human in its boundaries dead. The military will shoot you on sight. Bandits will rob - and kill you. There are only a few places in the whole ''game'' where you won't be attacked.
{{quote| ''"Such is life in the zone"'' - [[Memetic Mutation|Popular maxim]]}}
* [[The Evils of Free Will]]: {{spoiler|The Zone came into existence as the direct result of a botched attempt by a team of ex-Soviet scientists to tap into humanity's collective unconscious and manually remove all thoughts and impulses they considered to be dangerous - in essence, they were attempting to create a [[Hive Mind]] under their direct control. The fact that they've literally ripped a hole in reality hasn't caused them to give up in the attempt, either, and they continue to experiment right up until Strelok kills them at the end of ''Shadow of Chernobyl''.}}
* [[Fackler Scale of FPS Realism]]: Heavily on the realistic side (unless you're wearing military-grade combat armor, expect to die after only a few assault rifle shots), with very tactical combat similar to the ''[[Ghost Recon]]'' series.
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* [[Lead the Target]]: Thanks to a detailed ballistic system, this is often a necessity. Have fun learning how to use that VSS Vintorez and the subsonic rounds it fires.
* [[Leaning on the Fourth Wall]]: Some artifacts in the game are radioactive, and equipping them might kill you if you don't have any countermeasures, but are completely safe while they're in your bag. Game dialogue in SoC gives us this story:
{{quote| One more anecdote... A stalker walks in the bar and says:<br />
'''Stalker:''' Hey, can anyone sell me a Goldfish artifact? Heard it can protect you from bullets.<br />
'''Local:''' Got one, but it's unlikely you're gonna use one - it's very radioactive!<br />
'''Stalker:''' Like I'm going to put it in my pants? Nah, I will wear it on a chain! }}
* [[Lost in Translation]]: In Russian, "C-Consciousness" is "О-Сознание": either "O-Consciousness" or "R-Ealisation", depending on how you read it.
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* [[Punch Clock Villain]]: Borov, a Bandit leader you have to kill in Shadow of Chernobyl, reveals in his journal that he ''really'' hates leading around a bunch of [[Chaotic Evil]] bastards who'd stab each other for fun and profit.
* [[Punctuated for Emphasis]] - Quoth a Freedom stalker during a raid:
{{quote| '''Stalker''': ''How... I... hate... to run!''}}
* [[Ragnarok Proofing]]: Almost completely averted. Buildings, vehicles, {{spoiler|secret underground laboratories}}, and pretty much everything else in the Zone has deteriorated exactly as much as you would expect something that's been abandoned for two decades to have deteriorated. Paint is peeling or gone altogether, wood is beginning to rot, glass has mostly shattered, moss is growing, rust is spreading, and pretty much every vehicle is completely beyond all hope of repair.
** However, the underground tunnels beneath the Agroprom Research Institute still somehow have enough emergency power left to keep a few lights on even though the Institute has been abandoned for at least six months.
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* [[With This Herring]]: Averted. In first and second installment you start as accident victim theoretically indebted to your helpers. In the third you are equipped with average gear quite well suited for your default task.
* [[Welcome to Corneria]]: In the bar area, one character in particular (Snitch) repeats the same two phrases [[Most Annoying Sound|over and over again]]. Also the current page quote and the last page quote.
{{quote| ''I said come in! Don't stand there.''<br />
Get out of here stalker }}
** The scientist merchant at Yantar. ''"Hello? Hello."''
* [[Zombie Gait]]:
** Zombified stalkers shuffle slowly while moaning out Russian phrases yet are still quite capable of firing and reloading automatic weapons (though they're hilariously incapable of [[A-Team Firing|aiming]] those weapons}. When they die, they do cry for their mothers, and in fact, most of their phrases are actually fragments of the stuff stalkers talk about:
{{quote| ''...it's so cold here...''<br />
''...just one more artifact, aarrrgh, then I would...'' }}
** "Real" zombies and their cousins, Izlolms, some sort of hunchbacks (brought back in the Oblivion Lost mod, and countless other mods), do the same thing. Snorks count a bit, but run on all fours.
{{quote| ''...I said come in, don't stand there!''
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