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BioShock (series)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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=== Jack ===
{{quote| ''"They told me: Son, you're special, you were born to do great things. You know what? They were right."''}}
The protagonist of the first game, an American of rural origin who ended up in a plane crash over the Atlantic ocean in early 1960. {{spoiler|He is later revealed to have been Andrew Ryan's bastard son by way of Jasmine Jolene, donated to Dr. Suchong, who engineered Jack to be a [[Laser Guided Tykebomb]].}} Voiced by Adam Sietz.
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=== Andrew Ryan ===
{{quote| ''"I am Andrew Ryan, and I'm here to ask you a question. Is a man not entitled to the sweat of his brow? 'No!' says the man in Washington, 'It belongs to the poor.' 'No!' says the man in the Vatican, 'It belongs to God.' 'No!' says the man in Moscow, 'It belongs to everyone.' I rejected those answers; instead, I chose something different. I chose the impossible. I chose... Rapture, a city where the artist would not fear the censor, where the scientist would not be bound by petty morality, Where the great would not be constrained by the small! And with the sweat of your brow, Rapture can become your city as well."''}}
The creator and ruler of Rapture. Ryan fled from society after becoming dissatisfied with America and its 'parasites'. Voiced by Armin Shimerman / [[Unsho Ishizuka]].
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=== Atlas ===
{{quote| ''"I'm Atlas, and I aim to keep you alive."''}}
An Irish fisherman who guides Jack over his shortwave radio. He brought his wife and son to Rapture in search of a better life, but is now desperately trying to get them out. He is gradually revealed to be the leader of the Anti-Ryan rebellion. {{spoiler|'Atlas' is later revealed to be a persona adopted by Frank Fontaine, who has been manipulating Jack even before the game begins.}} Voiced by Karl Hanover.
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=== Brigid Tenenbaum ===
{{quote| ''"What makes something like me? I look at genes all day long, and never do I see the blueprint of sin. I could blame the Germans, but in truth, I did not find tormentors in the Prison Camp, but kindred spirits. These children I brutalized have awoken something inside that for most is beautiful and natural, but in me, is an abomination... my maternal instinct."''}}
A high ranking scientist of German-Jewish origin within Rapture, who mothered the Little Sister project and later came to view them as her surrogate children, in atonement for removing them from their parents and experimenting on them. Voiced by Anne Bobby.
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=== Frank Fontaine ===
{{quote| ''"Spent the morning jawing with that Kraut scientist. She's damaged goods, all right. Just like all those chumps they scraped out of them prison camps. But she's no crackpot... she's gonna make me the kinda scratch that'll have Ryan look like he's runnin' a paper route. She just needs some supplies to get the ball rolling... and a friend to watch her back."''}}
An infamous New York mobster and former business rival of Andrew Ryan's whose rise to prominence and power through the marketing of plasmid technology proved instrumental in provoking Rapture's civil war and downfall. Voiced by Greg Baldwin {{spoiler|and Karl Hanover (in Bioshock 2)}}
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=== Sander Cohen ===
{{quote| ''"I know why you've come, little moth. You've your own canvas. One you'll paint with the blood of a man I once loved. Yes. I'll send you to Ryan, but first, you must be part of my masterpiece. Go to the Atrium. Hurry now! My muse is a fickle bitch, with a very short attention span!"''}}
[[Renaissance Man|Artist, writer, actor, director and composer]], famous for writing Rapture's national anthem, "Rise, Rapture, Rise", as well as many other strange and eccentric works. Notably hostile towards those who question his art and/or closeness to Andrew Ryan. Jack first encounters him in Fort Frolic, after Cohen jams Atlas' radio transmission and blocks the exists; welcoming Jack as a fellow artist, he gives him the task of killing his former disciples and photographing their corpses..
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=== Dr. J.S. Steinman ===
{{quote| ''"There was a time, I was happy enough to take off a wart or two, or turn a real circus freak into something you can show in the daylight. But that was then, when we took what we got, but with ADAM... the flesh becomes clay. What excuse do we have not to sculpt, and sculpt, and sculpt, until the job is done?"''}}
Before Rapture's societal collapse, J.S. Steinman was one of the city's most famous medical professionals; already a highly innovative plastic surgeon, he used ADAM to sculpt his patients to the highest possible standard of beauty. Unfortunately, he also tried a few of these new techniques himself. As such, by the time Jack meets him, Steinman has degenerated into a splicer, and now sees his patients as little more than human-shaped canvases on which to practice his skills as an artist- specifically, cubism.
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* [[Apocalyptic Log]]: His audio diaries, especially "Not What She Wanted," which records the moment in which Steinman finally loses his mind and begins performing a facelift on a patient- who'd only been scheduled for a nosejob- while a nurse screams for help in the background.
* [[Berserk Button]]: By the time Jack meets him, Steinman is a very strong believer in [[Beauty Equals Goodness]], and considers anything ugly to be offensive to the point that he's willing to kill and/or mutilate it on sight.
{{quote| What's this, Goddess? An intruder? He is ugly! Ugly! UGLY! (opening fire) UUUUGGGLLLYYYY!!!}}
* [[Blue and Orange Morality]]: Good luck trying to determine his standards of beauty.
* [[Deadly Doctor]]
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=== Peach Wilkins ===
{{quote| ''"We all come down here, figured we'd all be part of Ryan's Great Chain. Turns out Ryan's chain is made of gold, and ours are the sort with the big iron ball around your ankle."''}}
Initially just a worker in Neptune's Bounty fisheries, Peach was drawn into becoming the leader of Fontaine's smuggling ring. As Fontaine started to take advantage of his employees and the Rapture Death Penalty was introduced, he found himself trapped between a rock and a hard place. He became paranoid and reclusive, refusing to believe Fontaine was really dead.
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=== Yi Suchong ===
{{quote| ''"War. A terrible thing. Japanese kill every man in my city. Except for Suchong. Suchong have opium. Very good opium. This was, terrible thing too. But not for Suchong."''}}
Dr. Yi Suchong was one of the leading scientists in Rapture, who worked for Fontaine on plasmid tests, as well as designing Little Sisters and the first of the Big Daddies. {{spoiler|He and Dr. Tenembaum were also responsible for creating Jack and the mental conditioning that would be used to control him.}}
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* [[Child-Hater]]: Suchong hated children, and scarcely bothered to conceal it in any way. One of his big dreams was to find a way to make children age quickly to make them more efficient and "domesticatable."
{{quote| ''"Before ADAM, you could no more domesticate a child than a boa constrictor. They eat and drink like pig, and give nothing back. Must find way to accelerate process."'' }}
** {{spoiler|Eventually, he succeeded in this by creating Jack.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Death by Irony]]: Minutes before his death, he complained that the Big Daddies didn't seem to be especially protective of the Little Sisters; after he made the mistake of slapping one of said Little Sisters in the face, he ended up getting drilled to a desk by one of the supposedly neglectful Big Daddies.}}
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=== Dr. Sofia Lamb ===
{{quote| ''"Until ADAM, the human animal was a slave to the gene... the inner Tyrant. Lust... greed... rage; self obsession was etched into our DNA. We were not pulling the 'Great Chain of progress,' as Ryan believed - but shackled to it. But now, in theory, we can redraft the human blueprint. Serving the common interest can become as natural as breathing."''}}
The [[Big Bad]] of [[Bioshock]] 2. ''[[Doctor Who]]'' fans [[Hey, It's That Guy!|may recognize her as]] [[Agatha Christie]], played by Fenella Woolgar. An idealist as obsessive as Ryan, but with a philosophy that's diametrically opposite. She believes in absolute collectivism, denouncing individuality and. indeed, sentience as a curse. She plans to use her daughter Eleanor to set the foundations for Utopia, [[Utopia Justifies the Means|whatever it takes]].
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=== Augustus Sinclair ===
{{quote| ''"You do business as long as I have, and you learn to pick a brand name from the writin' on the wall."''}}
A [[Affably Evil|friendly, charming and somewhat amoral]] businessman who aids Subject Delta in his quest to reunite with Eleanor Lamb. Voiced by Doug Boyd
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=== Dr. Gilbert Alexander ===
{{quote| ''"October 9th, 1967. Hello. My name is Gilbert Alexander, and by the time you hear this, I will be clinically insane."''}}
Another one of Fontaine Futuristic's leading scientists, Gilbert "Gil" Alexander replaced Dr. Suchong as head of the Protector Program; in this position, he created the Alpha Series and the symbiotic bond with their Little Sisters- making him indirectly responsible for {{spoiler|Johnny Topside's}} conversion into Subject Delta. Following the collapse of Rapture's security police, he also designed the city's automated security system. However, he eventually fell in with Sofia Lamb and the Rapture Family, assisting in their development of a "Utopian," {{spoiler|even submitting himself to the first attempt to create one.}} Unfortunately, {{spoiler|the experiment resulted in him being horribly mutated and deranged by mass amounts of ADAM, ultimately reducing him to a nightmarish aquatic monster kept within a tank in the basement of Fontaine Futuristics.}}
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== Brute ==
{{quote| ''"I'm an 'ard man, mate. That's how it is down 'ere: survival of the 'ardest man."''}}
Self-styled top of Rapture's food chain, the Brute has spliced himself into a musclebound gorilla of a human being; on top of being overbuilt, he's also aggressive, pugnacious, coarse, violently homophobic, and very ''very'' vocal about it. Appearing exclusively in the second game, he also seems to be the only member of Sofia Lamb's "Rapture Family" who isn't motivated by religious fervour, but an addiction to violence.
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* [[Armoured Closet Gay]]: In spite of all his homophobia, the Brute can be heard making a few interesting remarks to the opposite effect when alone; and when he's under the effects of the Hypnotize plasmid...
* [[Baddie Flattery]]: Of course, while hypnotized, he starts complimenting Delta a great deal.
{{quote| "I'd look a poof in that suit, but you carry it."}}
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Boomerang Bigot]]
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** "I feel... nnn... nothin'..."
* [[Foe Yay]]: The Brute gets downright flirtatious with Delta under the influence of the Hypnotize plasmid.
{{quote| "Feel so -whatcha call it- comfortable witcha." <br />
"Nice to have a proper mate at last." <br />
"Cor, we're da biggest pair on da block."<br />
"Mates, right? Mates. Yeah." <br />
"Do anything for ya. I mean that." }}
* [[Hair-Trigger Temper]]
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== Crawler ==
Though the Crawler is a Spider Splicer by default, he tends to offset the stealth aspect of the character by being the noisiest of all enemies in Bioshock 2, with the possible exception of the Big Sister. More disfigured than any other splicer in Rapture and even more deranged, the Crawler is very vocal about his problems, screaming and wailing with every move, sometimes even accusing the player of being a figment of his imagination.
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== Baby Jane ==
{{quote| ''"Came here to be a star! Came here to be a star- Not too late, not too late!"''}}
Evidently in show business before the Civil War, the Baby Jane splicer is still trying to find work in the theatre, and can often be heard insisting that she's a star. Sometimes, she experiences moments of lucidity when she realises that Rapture is no longer fit for theatrical performances and her face has been ruined by constant splicing; unfortunately, she uses these moments to take out her frustrations on the player.
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== Breadwinner ==
{{quote| ''"These assholes don't get it. I'm a winner; gonna show Ryan and all of 'em."''}}
A businessman of some sort, the Breadwinner is under the delusion that Rapture's steady collapse is "just a bad quarter," and he still has a chance to make it big- when he isn't under the impression that he's already made it to the top.
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== Ducky ==
{{quote| ''"They want what we got. And we gotta defend what's ours!"''}}
An elderly security guard, Ducky differs from most of the other Splicers in that, rather than being delusional or lost in his own private fantasy, he's just aggressive and paranoid- not to mention insanely nationalistic.
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* [[Badass Grandpa]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: In spite of his nationalism, Ducky has a very obvious hate-on for Rapture's leaders, especially exploitative ones like Ryan and Fontaine.
{{quote| "You can't take it from me, Ryan! ''I earned it, I EARNED IT!"''}}
* [[Conspiracy Theorist]]
* [[Cowboy Cop]]
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== Dr. Grossman ==
{{quote| ''"I swore an oath to do no harm, and I... mostly... meant it."'' }}
A surgeon in the mould of Dr. Steinman (they share the same basic model), dialogue reveals that he's not exactly the most professional in the business- freely admitting to making up answers to questions posed by concerned patients, and forgetting what his various medical supplies actually do. And worse still, he's a germophobe.
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* [[Expy]]: Of the William S. Burroughs character Dr. Benway, possibly.
* [[Kryptonite Is Everywhere]]: Taken to ludricrous levels with his rampant germophobia:
{{quote| "There's semen on everything! ''EVERYTHING!''}}
* [[Mad Doctor]]
* [[The Mean Brit]]
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== Pigskin ==
{{quote| ''"Where are you?! They'll kill me if I don't find you!"''}}
A member of one of Rapture's football teams, Pigskin is more lucid than most of the Splicers- apart from his slightly desperate belief that his parents are somewhere in the area. Nevertheless, he still suffers considerable pain, both from the deformities induced by ADAM overdosing, and from his fellow Splicers.
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