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{{quote|''"My name is Ozymandias, King of Kings:''<br />
''[[Look on My Works Ye Mighty and Despair|Look on my works, ye Mighty, and despair!]]"''|'''Percy Shelley''', "Ozymandias"}}
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* Pride is the ultimate source of all the misery Winterbourne and Daisy suffer in ''[[Daisy Miller]]''.
* As [[C. S. Lewis|CS Lewis]] puts it in ''Mere Christianity'':
{{quote| ...the essential vice, the utmost evil, is Pride. Unchastity, anger, greed, drunkenness, and all that, are mere fleabites in comparison: it was through Pride that the devil became the devil: Pride leads to every other vice: it is the complete anti-God state of mind.}}
* Being as ''[[Things Fall Apart]]'' is more or less stated to be a classical Greek tragedy set in pre-colonial and early colonial Nigeria, it makes sense that Okonkwo's driving force and {{spoiler|ultimate cause of death}} is Pride. Subverted in that the author does not condemn Okonkwo's pride but rather is saddened by it.<br /><br />The backstory of his deadbeat father, who spent his days idling and died in massive debt, provides a [[Freudian Excuse]] in this case. Okonkwo swore to himself he would be a pillar of strength and manliness, not a failure like his father.
* In J.R.R Tolkien's ''[[The Silmarillion]]'', pride literally goes before a Fall:
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** All the Noldor were prideful, but Fëanor's arrogance was such that he lead the majority of them into exile, thinking he would be able to defy the Valar (godlike angels delegated to rule the world), and that he would stand a chance of defeating Morgoth in combat. Predictably, it ended very badly for him and most of his people.
* ''[[Discworld]]'': Her pride is one of the defining character traits of [[Knight in Sour Armor]] Granny Weatherwax.
{{quote| "You could bounce rocks off her pride."}}
* ''[[Farsala Trilogy]]'': This is the fatal flaw of the deghans -- they are so confident that [[The Empire|the Hrum]] could never defeat them that they fail to listen to intelligence reports or gather an army beyond the (very small) elite fighting class.
* In Andy Hoare's ''[[White Scars]]'' novel ''Hunt for Voldorius'', Kor'sarro is warned against the sin of pride while talking with the Raven Guard captain; he manages to move from [[H Divided We Fall]] to [[Teeth-Clenched Teamwork]].
* ''[[Conan the Barbarian]]'': In "The Hyborian Age" <ref>the [[Backstory]] to the main stories.</ref> the Aquilonian empire suffered from this.
{{quote| ''Always a rich kingdom, untold wealth had been rolled in by conquest, and sumptuous splendor had taken the place of simple and hardy living. But degeneracy had not yet sapped the kings and the people; though clad in silks and cloth-of-gold, they were still a vital, virile race. But arrogance was supplanting their former simplicity. They treated less powerful people with growing contempt, levying more and more tributes on the conquered. Argos, Zingara, Ophir, Zamora and the Shemite countries were treated as subjugated provinces, which was especially galling to the proud Zingarans, who often revolted, despite savage retaliations.''}}
* Daniel Dravot in ''[[The Man Who Would Be King]]'' (both short story and film). Getting yourself acclaimed as a god in order to take over (and loot) a country is fine, but when you start believing it you're officially entering the realm of hubris. At least he realised what he had done in time to apologise to his best friend.
* Zeus/Jupiter from the [[Percy Jackson]] book series unsurprisingly suffers from this. Many of the crisis are caused or made worse by Zeus' pride. In [[The Heroes of Olympus]] Jupiter's wounded pride at being helped and told off by mortals in the Titan War leads him to seal Olympus and do nothing to stop the Giants. Luckily, the other gods are not so stupid and work behind his back.
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* ''[[Jack (webcomic)|Jack]]'': Pride/Vanity is a minor antagonist. As a punishment for some undisclosed Pride-themed crimes she is disfigured beyond description (think of being literally turned inside out and left that way) and is obsessed with looking beautiful again. Her preferred method is to skin other Hell-denizens and clad herself in their hides.
* ''[[Dan and Mab's Furry Adventures]]'' gives us [http://www.missmab.com/Comics/Vol_313.php the following exchange]:
{{quote| '''Dan''': "You know... last time I checked... pride was considered to be a deadly sin!!!"<br />
'''Aaryanna''': "And it's a sin you should be proud of, dammit!!!" }}
* In ''[[American Barbarian]]'', [http://www.ambarb.com/?p=60 Yoosamon tells the king that his pride cost him a son, and the king must not like his pride likewise injure his kingdom.]
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* Applejack has at least twice allowed her pride to cause problems in ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]''.
** In the season one episode "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S1 E4 Applebuck Season|Applebuck Season]]", her stubborn refusal to accept help after insisting she could handle her family's orchard harvest alone combined with her trying to meet obligations to help her friends ends in nothing but disaster all over.
{{quote| '''Twilight Sparkle:''' It's over-propelled pegasus, practically poisoned plenty of ponies, and terrorized bushels of brand new bouncing baby bunnies.}}
** Meanwhile, "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E14 The Last Roundup|The Last Roundup]]" features Applejack essentially running away from home in shame when she doesn't win as big as she and everypony else had expected her to in a big rodeo competition she'd won ten years straight.
** "[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic/Recap/S2 E15 The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000|The Super Speedy Cider Squeezy 6000]]" shows Applejack's learned her lessons when she readily accepts help from her friends in a desperate situation.
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