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=== Contains examples of: ===
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* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: The mountain hamlet does the [[Torches and Pitchforks]] thing to Skärva and Derk once because he demanded food as their ruler, then because he tried to steal it, and then finally he gave up and just tried buying it, but he didn't have any money.
* [[Art Evolution]]: Compare the first page of the comic with some of the newer ones.
* [[Art Shift]]: A crayon coloring illustrates the path that must be taken to reach Frostbite Fortress.
** Skärva's moments of overlord mania often induce these.
** Lorelei's recurring nightmare.
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* [[Bookcase Passage]]: In Skärva's office.
* [[Bow Ties Are Cool]]: Davis is never seen without one.
* [[Burning with Anger]]: The wizard of the Temple of Terror.
* [[But for Me It Was Tuesday]]: Skärva delightfully proclaims his name to anyone that will listen. Many people, including Lorelei, have never heard of him.
** When Davis returns, it takes some prodding before Skärva remembers who he is.
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* [[Embarrassing First Name]]: Floyd's keeping his well under wraps.
* [[Ensemble Darkhorse]]: Who knew that the young doorman of the Tower of Terror would gain such an audience?
* [[Everything's Better with Penguins]]: [[Added Alliterative AppealAlliteration|Frozio of Frostbite Fortress]] is a penguin.
* [[Evil Makes You Monstrous]]: At least, in the case of Lord Skärva's great-grandfather. If it wasn't for him, the Skärva's would never look like they do.
* [[Evil Plan]]: On the tram ride to Frostbite Fortress, Skärva explains that he is looking for a place to hide the last piece of the [[Infinity+1 Sword|Sword of Stabbing]] to the newcomer, Lorelei. But before he finishes his [[Evil Gloating]], [[Crowning Moment of Funny|the tram driver points out a "No Evil Plotting" sign.]]
* [[Excited Kids' Show Host]]: Derk is ''very'' excited to be [[M Cing]] a castle staff meeting. The crowd, not so much.
** Except [[Cloudcuckoolander|Slice.]]
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{{quote|'''Lorelei''': It's a town, silly! Of course there's a wise old man!}}
* [[Hyperspace Arsenal]]: One page dedicates a panel to Blank rummaging around in his pocket to pull out a spray plunger.
* [[I Am Not My Father]]: Lord Tiberius Skärva the Fourth WILL be the one to destroy that pesky [[The Hero|Blank]] if it kills him!
** ...which it might.
* [[Improbable Weapon User]]: Blank defeats Ecta and the ghosts with a spray plunger full of starch.
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** Someone shoves a spear through her, which she understandably is rather offended about.
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Well duh.
* [[Ki Attacks]]: Floyd prepares to unleash one on Blank, but Blank counters with his sword's [[Cold Flames]]. Not long, later, though, Blank comes across Derk...who unleashes a [[Kamehame Hadouken]] on him. [[Took a Level Inin Badass|The ascension of badass levels cannot be counted that high.]]
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Skärva finally gets fed up with Cyril, [["The Reason You Suck" Speech|tells him exactly what he thinks of him]], and tells him to take a hike. Cyril was last seen [[Break the Cutie|in mute tears.]]
* [[Kubrick Stare]]: Skärva pulls this off frequently.
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* [[Lethal Lava Land]]: [[Deconstructed Trope|Deconstructed]] with Molten Mountain; Skärva notes with mounting dismay just how un-lethal it is.
* [[Light Is Not Good]]: Turns out light magic is Derk's weapon-of-choice.
{{quote|'''[[The Hero|Blank]]''': Why light magic? [[Lampshade Hanging|I would have figured all of Skärva's minions use dark.]]<br />
'''[[The Dragon|Derk]]''': Well, you figured wrong. Besides, you may be protected by the Gods, [[Dangerously Genre Savvy|but only against dark magic.]] }}
* [[Literal Surveillance Bug]]: Veronika's birds spy on Skärva.
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* [[Precision F-Strike]]: Dropped by Lorelei when running to Skärva's aid. Not the F-word you think it is, though.
* [[Princesses Prefer Pink]]: Averted; Veronika does ''not''.
* [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!]]: A rare non-shouted version, instead more exasperated.
{{quote|'''Skärva''': Let's. Just. Move. On.}}
* [[Puppy Dog Eyes]]: Lorelei has quite the pair.
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* [[Scenery Porn]]: In spades.
* [[Schedule Slip]]: Not often, but occasionally. To their credit, Victor and Courtney are the first to acknowledge it and usually put up something anyway to tide the fans over until the next release, so [[Tropes Are Not Bad|it's not really a loss.]]
* [[Slippy-Slidey Ice World]]: Frostbite Fortress.
* [[Spirit Advisor]]: Skärva's dead father tries to be this for him. Skärva, however, will have none of it.
* [[Shark Man]]: Skärva, and presumably his ancestors up to the First (upon whom the original curse that produced this effect was placed).
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]: Implied. After so much time spent touring through Frostbite Fortress and Molten Mountain, Blank's progress through them comes under [[Time Skip|Time Skips]] and he immediately reaches Skärva's castle. After Frozen Fortress, the only remote mention of the dungeon is the fact that Blank acquired the Sword of Stabbing, which is what Skärva hid there.
* [[Shout-Out]]: The whole comic's premise is based on [[The Legend of Zelda]]
* [[Shut UP, Hannibal]]: Davis's [[Badass Boast]] gets cut off midsentence by Blank.
* [[Shutting Up Now]]: Ecta furiously demands a more competent team than Floyd and Slice. Skärva gives her a magnificent [[Death Glare]] and she sheepishly runs like hell.
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* [[Time Skip]]: After the first onscreen encounter with Blank, there's a jump forward. Enough for Lorelei to have seen a lot of failures, apparently.
* [[Token Trio]]: With Derk as the white male, Lorelei as the white female, and Lord Skärva as the male of [[Petting Zoo People|shark-man descent.]]
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: The first time we see Blank and Derk together, Derk is huddled up on the ground in fear. The second time...Derk unleashes [[Ki Attacks]].
* [[Torches and Pitchforks]]: Mountain hamlets don't take well to megalomaniacal shark men.
** Initially it's because he demanded food. Then it's because he tried to steal it. Then it's because he didn't have the money to buy it...
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[[Category:Fantasy Webcomics]]
[[Category:TheWeb FourthComics]]
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