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Amy and Rory nearly don't make it, though, since House has brought Nephew along for the ride and tries to use him to kill them. In the nick of time, Nephew is killed, and the Doctor and Sexy are back inside the TARDIS husk.
{{quote| '''The Doctor:''' Uh, Amy. This is... well... she’s my TARDIS. Except she’s a woman. She’s a woman, and she’s my TARDIS.<br />
'''Amy:''' She’s the TARDIS?<br />
'''The Doctor:''' And she’s a woman. She’s a woman, and she’s the TARDIS.<br />
'''Amy:''' [[Beat|(beat)]] Did you wish ''really'' hard?<br />
'''The Doctor:''' Shut up! Not like that.<br />
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=== Tropes ===
* [[A Boy and His X]]: Amy refers to this trope by name at the end:
{{quote| '''Amy:''' It's always you and her, isn't it? A boy and his box, off to see the universe.}}
* [[Alien Geometries]]: The chase through the TARDIS corridors.
** Affects not only the three dimensions of space, but time as well. [[Mind Rape|With gruesome consequences.]]
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** Compare the line about people being [[Bigger on the Inside]] with [[Neil Gaiman]]'s own page quote.
* [[Badass Boast]] / [[Do Not Taunt Cthulhu]]
{{quote| '''House''': Fear me. I've killed hundreds of Time Lords.<br />
'''The Doctor''': Fear ''[[Badass Boast|me]]''. [[Where I Was Born and Razed|I've killed all of them.]] }}
* [[Berserk Button]]: The Doctor's button is definitely pushed in this episode. Doubles as an ironic echo to his first appearance.
{{quote| '''Doctor''': You gave me hope and then you took it all away. Thats enough to make anyone dangerous, god knows what it'll ''[[Bullying a Dragon|do to me]]''. '''BASICALLY, RUN!'''}}
* [[Big No]]: Amy on seeing {{spoiler|Rory's body}}. Helped on by the fact that she sounds like she's going to throw up in grief.
* [[Bigger on the Inside]]: {{spoiler|The TARDIS}} thinks humans are. ("Bigger On the Inside" was one of the episode's working titles.)
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* [[Cannot Spit It Out]]: Idris{{spoiler|!TARDIS}} has difficulty with certain words {{spoiler|including her real name}}. {{spoiler|She's not ''used'' to having a body, or even being able to talk, for that matter. Anyone would be a bit off under the circumstances.}}
* [[Cargo Ship]]:
{{quote| '''Doctor:''' She's a woman...''(breathless with excitement)'' ''and'' she's {{spoiler|the TARDIS}}!<br />
'''Amy:''' Did you wish ''really'' hard?<br />
'''Doctor:''' ...shut up! Not like that.<br />
'''Idris:''' Hello. I'm...[[I Call It Vera|Sexy]].<br />
'''Doctor:''' Still shut up! }}
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** Ever since the episode aired there has been rampant speculation in fandom as to whether one of the uncredited voice actors heard during the Time Lord distress calls is Paul [[Mc Gann]], who played the Eighth Doctor in the 1996 TV and has since reprised the character in dozens of BBC-licensed audio plays.
* [[Chekhov's Gun]]: Pretty much everything Idris says early on. Okay, not ''everything'' ("Biting's excellent! It's like kissing, only there's a ''winner!''"), but a lot.
{{quote| '''Idris:''' The smell of dust after the rain.<br />
'''Rory:''' ...I'm sorry, what?<br />
'''Idris:''' The answer to your question.<br />
'''Rory:''' I didn't ask a question.<br />
'''Idris:''' You will. }}
** Reportedly the line of gibberish Idris in her cell spouts was originally intended to be {{spoiler|"the only water in the forest is the river".}}
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** These seem to be developing into one of Eleven's [[Catch Phrase|Catchphrases]].
* [[Don't Make Me Destroy You]]
{{quote| '''The Doctor''': You gave me hope and then you took it away. That's enough to make anyone dangerous. [[Beware the Nice Ones|God knows what it will do to me.]] [[Call Back|Basically...]] '''[[Doctor Who/Recap/S31 E01 The Eleventh Hour|RUN!]]'''}}
* [[Evil Sounds Deep]]: House.
* [[Expospeak Gag]]: When the Ood was "redistributed." Translation: {{spoiler|you're breathing him.}}
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** Of course, the TARDIS has always been one, ever since the very beginning.
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Amy gets the honor this episode and is right on the mark.
{{quote| '''Amy''': Doctor, listen to me. Don't get emotional, because that's when you make mistakes.<br />
'''Amy''': It's what [Time Lords] called. It doesn't mean [The Doctor] actually knows what he's doing.<br />
'''Amy''': No sonic screwdriver, also the doors seem to have locked behind us. Rory believes there's a perfectly innocent explanation, but '''I''' think you lied to us. }}
** Rory also displays some by knowing that the villain never wants to just kill someone when there's a chance to psychologically torture then instead.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Amy and Rory asking the Doctor not to give them a bunk bed {{spoiler|in their new bedroom, as the old one got destroyed in that battle with House.}} If you think about it, a bunk bed is not conducive for... fun time.
{{quote| "No, bunk beds are cool! A bed — with a ''ladder!'' You can't beat that!"}}
** It was sufficient to {{spoiler|[[Doctor Who/Recap/S32 E7 A Good Man Goes to War|conceive a time-headed baby, at least.]]}}
** When the Doctor explains a bit incoherently that {{spoiler|Idris is the TARDIS in a woman's body}}, Amy's response is, "[[Cargo Ship|Did you wish really, really hard?]]"
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* [[Hope Spot]]: {{spoiler|The message the Doctor receives in the beginning of the episode, making him think there are still living Time Lords in existence.}}
* [[Ho Yay]]:
{{quote| '''Rory:''' "Doctor, do you have a [bed]room?"<br />
'''Amy:''' [''quickly pulls Rory away''] }}
* [[I Call It Vera]]: The TARDIS's name is apparently {{spoiler|"Sexy Thing"}}
* [[Insistent Terminology]]: Idris keeps insisting ''she'' stole the Doctor. {{spoiler|By leaving her door unlocked.}}
** The Doctor repeats that he ''borrowed'' the TARDIS.
{{quote| ''' {{spoiler|The TARDIS}}:''' "Borrowing" implies an eventual intention to return the thing which was taken. {{spoiler|What makes you think I would ever give you back?}}}}
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: {{spoiler|Time Lord/TARDIS, now confirmed as canon.}}
* [[Ironic Echo]]: The Doctor repeats his threat from ''The Eleventh Hour'', but this time, his [[Berserk Button]] has been pushed.
{{quote| '''The Doctor''': You gave me hope and then you took it away. That's enough to make anyone dangerous... God knows what it will do to ''me''. Basically… '''RUN!'''}}
* [[Like an Old Married Couple]]: The Doctor and Idris. The episode ''is'' "The Doctor's Wife," after all.
{{quote| '''Idris:''' There are instructions on the door. What do they say?<br />
'''The Doctor:''' Those aren't instructions!<br />
'''Idris:''' You've walked by them every day for seven hundred years. What do they say?<br />
'''The Doctor:''' ..."Pull to open."<br />
'''Idris:''' And what do ''you'' do?<br />
'''The Doctor:''' ...Push. }}
* [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]]: Idris has strong overtones of this. {{spoiler|Fitting, seeing as she's been the Doctor's [[Manic Pixie Dream Girl]] for centuries now... and he's been her [[Spear Counterpart|Manic Pixie Dream Guy]].}}
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** The Doctor's plan of building a new TARDIS from scratch, as said by Idris: "Let's take these half digested corpses and sew them together into a single body and then make it go for a run" is basically what House was doing to Aunty and Uncle<ref> Although the Doctor at least wasn't using living ones</ref>.
** Or how both react after getting new bodies:
{{quote| '''Doctor''': ''[newly regenerated]'' Legs! I've still got legs. - [[Doctor Who/NS/Recap/S4 E17 E18 The End of Time|"The End of Time"]]<br />
'''House''': ''[newly possessed the TARDIS]'' Corridors. I have so many corridors. - ''The Doctor's Wife'' }}
* [[One-Gender Race]]: Implied with {{spoiler|1=TARDISes}}, given Idris's reference to her 'sisters' scattered across the planet.
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* [[Phrase Catcher]]: "Bigger on the inside," the Doctor Who classic. Extrapolated on, however, because {{spoiler|The TARDIS herself uses it in reference to the Doctor, and the reason she can push out House is because he is just so ''small'' on the inside.}}
** {{spoiler|The TARDIS}} also asks the Doctor
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|TARDIS}}''': Are all people like this?<br />
'''The Doctor''': Like what?<br />
'''{{spoiler|TARDIS}}''': So much bigger on the inside. }}
* [[Pstandard Psychic Pstance]]: Amy adopts this pose trying to think of the passcode to the control room. So does Rory, actually, when {{spoiler|Idris aims for the "pretty one" and gets him}} Semi-justified because they probably don't know any better; in Rory's case the communication clearly gives him a headache.
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* [[Robo Ship]]: Like never before! {{spoiler|1=The soul of the TARDIS is ripped out and put into a woman, Idris, allowing the Doctor and his beloved ship to talk to each other for the first time. They spend most of the episode flirting and have an emotional goodbye when she has to return to "the box" - and her last words to him are even "I love you". And in the ''Confidential'', they make [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Hc5mf6srrU4 this music video].}}
** [[Matt Smith]] even said {{spoiler|The Doctor is definitely really turned on by this.}}
{{quote| '''Amy:''' Did you wish ''really'' hard?}}
** {{spoiler|The Doctor asks Idris to send a message to Amy. She asks if Amy's the pretty one. Seconds later, ''Rory'' gets a message. Given how flirty Rory's wife gets with the Doctor at times, it's fitting that the Doctor's wife should turn the tables.}}
* [[Room Full of Crazy]]: Amy encounters a section of hallway where all the walls are covered with "HATE AMY", "KILL AMY", and even "KILL ME AMY". {{spoiler|The kicker is that those words were written by a long-dead Rory. It was a [[Mind Rape]] via The House}}.
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* [[Sickly Green Glow]]: The House takes the form of a green cloud.
* [[Sleeping Single]]: An unwilling example. It appears the Doctor is unwilling to change the bed in Rory and Amy's room from a bunkbed to a doublebed.
{{quote| '''The Doctor:''' But bunkbeds are cool! It's a ''bed'' with a ''ladder!''}}
* [[Snipe Hunt]]: The Doctor sends Amy and Rory back to the TARDIS to fetch his sonic screwdriver. When they're inside, the Doctor turns out to actually have his screwdriver already and locks them inside.
{{quote| '''Amy:''' We couldn't find your screwdriver. Plus the doors seem to have locked behind us. Rory thinks there's a perfectly innocent explanation, but '''I''' think you lied to us.<br />
'''The Doctor:''' Time Lord stuff. I needed you out of the way.<br />
'''Amy:''' What, we're not smart enough for your new friends? }}
* [[Space Pirates|Space Pirate]]: The Corsair, at least in name if not spirit. Although what little we learn about him/her suggests that she/he might have been a benevolent version of this.
* [[Spaceship Girl]]: But in reverse of usual.
* [[Take Me Instead!]]: [[Inverted Trope|Inverted]] and [[Played for Laughs]]. [[Crossing the Line Twice|At the same time.]]
{{quote| '''Uncle''': I only wish I could go in your place Idris...nah, I don't 'cause it's ''really'' gonna hurt.}}
* [[Tele Frag]]: {{spoiler|Nephew is killed when the Doctor's makeshift TARDIS lands where he's standing.}}
* [[Tempting Fate]]: You'd think the Doctor would be more careful than to ask "What could possibly go wrong?"
* [[This Is My Human|This Is My Time Lord]]
* [[Time Travel Tense Trouble]]: Idris suffers from this, as it seems she's experiencing every moment of her past, present and future at the ''same time''.
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''The Doctor''': What did I steal?}}<br />
{{spoiler|'''Idris''': Me. You're going to steal me, you have stolen me, you are stealing me. Oh, tenses are difficult.}} }}
* [[Timey-Wimey Ball]]: The TARDIS has 30 console rooms archived. [[Mind Screw|Including at least 17 that haven't been created yet]].
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