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* The entire premise behind ''[[Dungeon Keeper]]'' and ''[[Holy Invasion of Privacy Badman|Holy Invasion Of Privacy, Badman!]]'' is spotlighting that being an evil overlord and having a dungeon created to slaughter hapless adventurers is hard work.
* In ''Adventure'', the progenitor of the [[Adventure Game]] ''and'' [[Interactive Fiction]] genres, completing the main quest causes the cave system to close for the evening. The player is stranded behind the scenes.
{{quote| You are at the northeast end of an immense room, even larger than the giant room. It appears to be a repository for the "Adventure" program. Massive torches far overhead bathe the room with smoky yellow light. Scattered about you can be seen a pile of bottles (all of them empty), a nursery of young beanstalks murmuring quietly, a bed of oysters, a bundle of black rods with rusty stars on their ends, and a collection of brass lanterns. Off to one side a great many dwarves are sleeping on the floor, snoring loudly. A sign nearby reads: "Do not disturb the dwarves!"}}
* ''[[Dragon Fable]]'' has a starter level quest that lampshades this. You meet Robina, who takes you to distribute gold on wild animals for adventurer purposes. Of course, the animals don't see any reason to carry gold, so they need to be knocked unconscious first...
* ''[[Embric of Wulfhammers Castle]]'': Our heroine can get to an empty treasure chest before the government official responsible for refilling them. She's outraged by this lapse in standards.
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* Also from the world of [[Interactive Fiction]] is (the far less in-depth) "Wandering Monster Ready Room", where you play a wandering monster waiting for hapless adventurers to happen across you. (Turns out it's a pretty tedious and thankless job.)
* ''Augmented Fourth'' has a hidden control room, and it's full of gnomes. Lenny the Head Gnome shouts orders, approves NPCS, oversees puzzle construction, and gets irritated at you for entering a restricted area. You can do so ten times and watch him get ever more disgusted.
{{quote| '''Lenny''': "D'you put that music in the volcano yet, Larry?"}}
== [[Comic Books]] ==
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