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== [[Web Original]] ==
* The web series ''[[Chapel]]'' has [[Stealth Pun|Butch Sauft]], the man who originally caught Chapel. But [[Punch Clock Hero|it wasn't personal]].
{{quote| '''Butch:''' Sorry I caught you.<br />
'''Chapel:''' Sorry I ''ran.'' }}
* ''[[The Gungan Council]]'', being in the [[Star Wars]] universe, has had tons of bounty hunters. Kane E. Smart is one of the more prolific and dedicated bounty hunters flying around, having faked his death for months in order to get a mark.
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* In the ''[[Batman: The Animated Series|Batman the Animated Series]]'' episode "Showdown", the real hero of the story is Jonah Hex, a cynical [[The Western|Wild West]] bounty hunter with a hideously scarred face and gruff manners that hide his heroism.
* And, in sharp contrast, we have the villainous Lockdown of ''[[Transformers Animated]]'', who [[Organ Theft|takes parts of his quarry as trophies]] before turning them over to his employer. [[Psycho for Hire]] with a dash of creepiness to boot.
{{quote| '''Lockdown''': Some 'bots are in it for the glory, some for the adventure, some even actually believe in the "cause." Me, I'm in it for the upgrades.}}
* ''[[Bounty Hamster]]''. Marion the hamster and The Horse With No Name (a double spoof, on Clint Eastwood's [[No Name Given|Man With No Name]] along with the song by the band America).
* From ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'':
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[[Category:Western Characters]]
[[Category:The Wild West]]
[[Category:Bounty Hunter]][[Category:Big Trope Hunting]]
[[Category:Big Trope Hunting]]
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