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BioShock (series)/WMG: Difference between revisions

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** This troper agrees with this theory, and would like to make an addition. The ADAM slugs are the gibletized remains of a [[Eldritch Abomination]]. after all, {{spoiler|[[Mass Effect 2|Even dead gods still dream.]]}}
* Also, one of the idle Little Sister quotes in Bioschock 2 (when she's with another Big Daddy, to be precise) is;
{{quote| "God is sleeping Mr. B, in the water. Wait 'n see."}}
* Which is a pretty obvious reference to [[Cthulhu Mythos|Cthulhu]]. This is also relevant to the previous WMG.
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== The plot of Bioshock 3 will be as follows. ==
The [[Big Bad]] of Bioshock 3 will be Orrin Oscar Lutwidge, who was a character who was featured prominently in the "There's Something in the Sea" viral campaign that preceded Bioshock 2's release and by the end his final fate is left ambiguous. While he may have died his body isn't accounted for, and his background reveals he not only once went to Rapture but expressed a desire to return to it. Having already been noticably mutated by splicing in his original visit to the city, Lutwidge wouldn't immediately be considered an outsider (and thus, not marked for death) by it's inhabitants but because he hadn't had the opportunity to abuse ADAM as much as they had due to leaving he retains much of his mental abilities (if not sanity). Using his genius engineering talents, he is able to save the city from completely falling apart following the departure of both Ryan and Lamb, uses his charisma to get the remaining splicers to name him the new leader of Rapture, and as a huge fan of Lewis Caroll, he turns Rapture into a creepy "Alice in Wonderland"-themed environment. And rather then trying to make Rapture an ideal free-market or collectivist society like Ryan or Lamb respectively, Lutwidge (who was less sane then either of them) turns it into utopia for the insane, where splicers give free reign to their psychotic tendencies, making them more dangerous and upredictable then ever.
{{quote| '''Chesire Cat:''' ''We're all mad here. I'm mad, you're mad.''<br />
'''Alice:''' ''How do you know I'm mad?''<br />
'''Chesire Cat:''' ''You must be, or you wouldn't have come here.'' }}
And then, as Rapture is basically on its last knees, the US Government and Soviet agents show up to crash the "tea party" [[Call Back|just as Ryan always feared.]] Which is when Lutwidge's [[Xanatos Gambit]] is revealed, {{spoiler|he ''wanted'' them to find Rapture and eventually had outside contacts clue them off. And using superpowered splicers loyal to him he plans to take both invading forces out and seize their vessels and resources to "bring the party to the surface" and make the bad ending of the original Bioshock a reality.}}
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