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Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4/E16 Who Are You: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Faith:''' I am not a killer! I am the Slayer! And you don't know the first thing about me.<br />
'''Forrest:''' You really care what I think? <br />
'''Faith:''' No. I don't care. God, I don't care... }}
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* [[Being Evil Sucks]]
* [[Becoming the Mask]]: On the verge of leaving Sunnydale, Faith returns to deal with a gang of vampires who have taken over a church.
{{quote| '''Faith:''' I'm Buffy. I have to do this.}}
* [[Blessed with Suck]]: Adam points out that vampires, being immortal, fear dying even more than those to whom death is inevitable.
* [[Book'Em Danno]]: Averted when the spec ops team are hauling off an injured Buffy.
{{quote| '''Weatherby:''' By order of the Watcher's Council, you are being taken into custody until such time-- <br />
'''Collins:''' Skip the speech. }}
* [[Call Back]]: Tara says that Buffy was cruel to her and may be possessed; Willow asks if hyenas are involved, referring to Season 1's "The Pack" where hyena spirits possessed Xander, making him act cruel towards Willow.
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* [[Fade to White]]: Willow reaching orgasm...I mean the nether-realm.
* [[Fetish Fuel]]: Faith taunting Spike at the Bronze. It's not surprising he still remembers it in Season 7's "Dirty Girls".
{{quote| I could have anything. Anyone. Even you, Spike. I could ride you at a gallop until your legs buckled and your eyes rolled up. I've got muscles you've never even ''dreamed'' of. I could ''squeeze'' you until you pop like warm champagne and you'd ''beg'' me to hurt you just a little bit more.}}
* [[Foe Yay]]: If Spike wasn't sexually obsessed with Slayers before, he certainly would be after Faith's little speech.
* [[Foreshadowing]]: "When they get this chip out, [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S6 E9 Smashed|you and me are going to have a confrontation]]."
** The next stage in Adam's plan is shown by his gaining followers [[Fantastic Racism|across the vampire/demon divide]].
* [[Friend Versus Lover]]: Subverted; Willow thinks Tara is pulling this, but Tara means it [[Not Herself|literally]].
{{quote| '''WILLOW:''' I'm sorry you're feeling all blechy. But we'll get together with Buffy another time. Sometime soon. I think you'll really like her.<br />
'''TARA:''' She's not your friend.<br />
'''WILLOW:''' ...I may have overestimated the 'you liking her' factor.<br />
'''TARA:''' No, no. I mean, I don't -- I don't think she's... ''her''. }}
* [[Funny Background Event]]: Buffy tries to hold Smith hostage, but the two other spec ops guys just say they're all expendable and walk off. As they discuss what they're going to do with their prisoner if she continues to be troublesome, Smith goes flying out the back of the truck behind them.
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Imagine how many [[Slash Fic|Slash Fics]] were inspired by ''this'' line...
{{quote| '''Giles:''' All right. If you really are Buffy, you'll let me tie you up, without killing me, until we can work this out.<br />
'''Buffy:''' Giles, Faith has stolen my body and for all I know she has taken it to Mexico by now. We don't have time for bondage fun. }}
* [[The Glomp]]: Buffy (in Faith's body) glomps Riley at the church, leaving him rather confused.
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* [[Heel Realization]]: Faith begins to come to terms that she had become a monster.
* [[Hey, That's My Line!]]
{{quote| '''Anya:''' We were going to light a bunch of candles and have sex near them.<br />
'''Faith-in-Buffy's-body:''' Well, we certainly don't want to cut into that seven minutes.<br />
'''Anya:''' Hey!<br />
'''Xander:''' ''(to Anya)'' I believe that's my "hey". ''(to Faith)'' ''Hey!'' }}
* [[History Repeats]]: Buffy saving Faith from a vampire; the reverse happened in "Consequences" right down to her saviour being suddenly revealed when the vampire dusts (as we see [[Eliza Dushku]] on both occasions the effect is particularly pronounced).
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* [[Ironic Echo]]: "I'm Buffy" and "Because it's wrong" -- by the time Faith uses it at the church, she's [[Becoming the Mask|bought into the Buffy role so much she actually means it]].
* [[It Doesn't Mean Anything]]: Faith tries to convince herself of this after having sex with Riley, babbling "Who are you? What do you want from her? This is meaningless."
{{quote| '''Riley:''' You're shaking. What happened?<br />
'''Faith:''' Nothing... Nothing. }}
* [[Kick the Dog]]: Since Faith is trying to ruin Buffy's life she does this with [[True Companions|Xander]] and [[The Woobie|Tara.]] She attempts this on Spike, but he's able to play it cool until she leaves.
* [[Killed Mid-Sentence]]: Vampire Boone.
{{quote| [[Badass Boast|I have strength you couldn't dream of.]] (punches Faith hard in the face) [[Dark Messiah|Adam has shown me the way,]] (punches her again) and [[Tempting Fate|there is nothing]]-- (Buffy stakes him from behind)}}
* [[Limited Social Circle]]: Willow is reluctant to invite Tara into the Scoobies because she wants a friend that's hers alone.
* [[Longing Look]]: Faith realises instantly from the look Tara gives Willow that the two are gay lovers.
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* [[Most Definitely Not a Villain]]: In an effort to avert this, Faith is shown in a [[Montage]] practising Buffy's speech patterns in front of the mirror, though a lot of it is how she views Buffy (a stuck-up tightass with no sense of fun) rather than how Buffy actually is. However some fans think Faith nailed it, in particular in the last two seasons some did see Buffy as...well, that, and it might have even been brought up in canon, such as a conversation Faith and Spike later have.
* [[Never Heard That One Before]]: Giles is alarmed when 'Faith' walks in the door.
{{quote| '''Giles:''' Look, I-I know what you're going to say, and-and, uh--<br />
'''Buffy:''' I'm Buffy.<br />
'''Giles:''' ([[Beat]]) All right, I didn't know what you were going to say. }}
* [[Not Herself]]: Faith keeps all her mannerisms, and has to wildly improvise when meeting Buffy's newer friends (like Anya) for the first time.
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** Particularly apparent when Buffy tries much the same hostage trick Faith used to escape the Watchers before. They don't care.
* [[Off with His Head]]: Adam is showing Boone's vampire gang who's top dog.
{{quote| '''Adam:''' You fear the cross. The sun. Fire. And, oh, yes... (Adam pulls a vampire's head off through sheer strength) I believe decapitation is a problem as well. }}
* [[Prison Rape]]: Buffy!Faith shocks Joyce by laughing over how 'Faith' will be showered with affection by "big ole Bertha" in prison -- she quickly backpedals pretending to be upset over how Joyce was attacked. Ironically Buffy has made similar comments in the past, though of course never in front of her mother.
* [[Professional Killer|Professional Killers]]: The Watchers Council Special Operations Team.
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* [[Put on a Bus]]: Faith doesn't reappear in Sunnydale until three years later. She does however become a recurring character in ''[[Angel]]''.
* [[Rage Against the Reflection]]: By the time [[Grand Theft Me|Fuffy and Baith]] throw down, Faith sees herself as a [[Complete Monster]]. So she wails on Buffy with [[Punctuated Pounding|a number of derogatory remarks]]...about herself, despite Buffy being in Faith's body Faith is trying to hurt herself.
{{quote| '''Buffy-in-Faith's-body:''' You can't win this.<br />
'''Faith-in-Buffy's-body:''' Shut up! Do you think I'm afraid of you? ''(starts punching Buffy, beating her own face)'' You're nothing! Disgusting! Murderous bitch! You're nothing! [[You Make Me Sick|You're disgusting!]] }}
* [[Required Spinoff Crossover]]: Faith's story continues in the ''[[Angel]]'' episode "[[Angel/Recap/S01 E18 Five By Five|Five by Five]]"
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* [[Romantic Two-Girl Friendship]]: Why is Willow wearing one of Buffy's rings?
* [[Seeking Sanctuary]]: Inverted - on Adam's encouragement, vampires barge into a church and take everyone hostage to prove they've risen above old superstitions.
{{quote| '''Boone:''' It's hard to believe. I've been avoiding this place for so many years, and it's nothing. It's nice, got the pretty windows, the pillars, lots of folks to eat. Where's the thing I was so afraid of? You know, the Lord? He's supposed to be here! He gave us this address. Well, we'll just have to start killing off his people, and see if he shows up.}}
* [[Sexy Discretion Shot]]: The Riley/Faith love scene cuts away to Willow/Tara doing their spell with lots of suggestive heavy breathing, which means we have a [[Sexy Discretion Shot]] covered by a [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]] shot!
* [[Sexy Shirt Switch]]: Faith dresses in Riley's shirt while [[Not Staying for Breakfast]], a sign that their encounter meant something more than usual.
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* [[Speech Impediment]]: Tara starts stuttering when Faith talks about how much Willow loved Oz; Faith then mocks her for it. This casual cruelty tips off Tara that Buffy isn't the friend that Willow has described to her.
* [[Spiteful Spit]]: Weatherby spits in 'Faith's' face.
{{quote| The Watcher's Council used to mean something. You perverted it. You trash. We should have killed you while you were asleep.}}
* [[Stating the Simple Solution]]: Faith turns up at the church and finds Riley already taking charge of the crisis.
{{quote| '''Faith:''' How'd you get here so fast?<br />
'''Riley:''' I didn't, [[Real Men Love Jesus|I'm just late for church.]] }}
* [[Take That]]: When Giles asks Faith who's President to see if it's really Buffy; she replies they're not checking for a concussion. Subtle.
* [[That Came Out Wrong]]: Riley has just found out the woman he slept with was Faith.
{{quote| '''Riley:''' Man, would I like to get my hands on her. (quickly) Not in a sex way.}}
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: Smith seems to be this, being the only one to question the need for Faith's execution.
* [[To Make a Long Story Short]]: Willow already knowing what happened to Buffy.
* [[Transparent Closet]]: Faith figures out Willow and Tara's relationship in about eight seconds.
{{quote| '''Faith:''' So, Willow's not driving stick anymore.}}
* [[Two Part Episode]]
* [[Unusual Euphemism]]
{{quote| '''Willow:''' What's wetworks?<br />
'''Xander:''' [[Blatant Lies|Scuba-type stuff.]]<br />
'''Anya:''' [[Brutal Honesty|I thought it was murder?]]<br />
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* [[Victoria's Secret Compartment]]: Faith steals money from Joyce's purse and tucks it inside her blouse.
* [[We Need a Distraction]]: Giles pretends to be a distraught family member to allow Buffy a chance to slip past the police line into the church. Unfortunately his acting [[Narm|needs some work]].
{{quote| Damn it, man! We have to get inside! Our, uh, uh, families are-are in there! Our, uh, m-mothers and-and tiny, tiny babies!}}
* [[Wham! Line]] / [[Relationship Reveal]]: Not that some fans still didn't get it.
{{quote| '''Willow:''' I just want something that's mine.<br />
'''Tara:''' I am, you know. Yours. }}
* [[While You Were in Diapers]]: Faith to Forrest.
{{quote| "I've been fighting demons since before you could shave."}}
* [[Who Are You?]]: The [[Title Drop]] -- Faith asks it of Riley (after being freaked out by his gentleness) and later Riley asks the question of Buffy (being puzzled as to why a strange girl is addressing him in a familiar manner).
* [[With My Hands Tied]]: Collins goes to execute Buffy-in-Faith's body; Buffy grabs his pistol between her feet and pulls his head into the bars, then uses the gun to shoot out the various locks.
* [[You Have to Believe Me]] / [[Spot the Imposter]]: Buffy is quite able to convince Giles that it's her by rattling off a string of rather embarrassing facts about their relationship that Faith couldn't know.
{{quote| '''Buffy-in-Faith:''' Giles, [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S4 E12 A New Man|you turned into a demon]] and I knew it was you! I mean, can't you just look in my eyes and be all intuitive?<br />
'''Giles:''' ''(suddenly interested)'' How did I turn into a demon?<br />
'''Buffy-in-Faith:''' Oh! 'cause, uh... Ethan Rayne! And-and you have a girlfriend named Olivia, and you haven't had a job since we blew up the school... ''(beat)'' ... which is valid, lifestyle-wise. ''(Giles is abashed)'' I mean, it's not like you're a slacker type or - Oh, oh! [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3 E19 Earshot|When I had psychic power]], I heard my mom think that you were [[Buffy the Vampire Slayer/Recap/S3 E6 Band Candy|like a stevedore during sex]]. Wh- Do you want me to continue?<br />
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