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Bruiser with a Soft Center: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''''My beloved monster is tough<br />
If she wants she will destroy you<br />
But if you lay her down for a kiss<br />
Her little heart it could explode''''|'''[[Eels]]''', "My Beloved Monster"}}
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** Wrex in the ''[[Mass Effect]]'' series is mostly angry and bitingly sarcastic, but he does have the occasional emotional moment (the end of his personal quest in the first game and his reunion with Shepard in the second, especially).
*** Wrex meeting Shepard in the second game is something like [[The Eeyore]] going Squee.
{{quote| Wrex: SHEPARD! ''MY FRIEND''!}}
** [[Jerkass Woobie|Jack]] in ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' is a prime example. If she makes it to the third game, she starts teaching a squad of biotic students at Grissom Academy. Then Cerberus tries to kidnap them. [[Badass Teacher|Big]] [[Mama Bear|mistake.]]
** Heck, Renegade!Shepard him/herself has got a few softer moments.
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** The [[Ben 10: Ultimate Alien]] version of Cooper Daniels; which got a vast improvement over his ''[[Ben 10: Alien Force|Ben 10 Alien Force]]'' self. Muscular, taller and shares this and the ''[[Boisterous Bruiser]]'' trope with Kevin Levin.
* [[Old Soldier]] Panthro of ''[[Thundercats 2011]]'' reveals his soft center when he [[Defrosting Ice King|warms up to]] the Ro-Bear Berbils, weeping [[Manly Tears]] when they do him a large favor by helping repair his [[Tank Goodness|Thundertank]]. When he openly hugs his new friend Ro-Bear Bill, and is witnessed by the team's [[Tagalong Kid|Tagalong Kids]], this exchange occurs:
{{quote| '''Wilykat:''' Busted!<br />
'''Wilykit:''' Panthro's a big ol' softy!<br />
'''Panthro:''' *[[Death Glare]]* Is that a ''problem?''<br />
'''Wilykit:''' *stiffens nervously* Nope.<br />
'''Wilykat:''' It's cool. }}
* Spinelli from ''[[Recess]]''
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