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So Bad It's Horrible/Literature: Difference between revisions

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* [[Glenn Beck]]'s ''The Overton Window'' is called one of the worst works of literature ever written. The LA Times said it was less a train-wreck than "[http://articles.latimes.com/2010/jun/23/entertainment/la-et-rutten-20100623 a lurching, low-speed derailment halfway out of the station]". [http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2010/06/14/AR2010061405423.html The Washington Post concurs.]
** How terrible is Beck's [[Purple Prose|prose]]? Here's an excerpt from the novel:
{{quote| ''"these liberated chestnut curls framed a handsome face made twice as radiant by the mysteries surely waiting just behind those light green eyes."''}}
** The book is even worse than previously thought established. [http://www.huffingtonpost.com/chris-kelly/glenn-becks-new-novel-abo_b_613861.html It turns out] ''The Overton Window'' is a blatant retread of the 2005 thriller ''Circumference of Darkness''. ''Overton'' was even ghostwritten by ''Circumference'' writer Jack Henderson. The only difference is that the names are swapped, and the bad guys in ''Overton'' are left-wing lunatics instead of right-wing lunatics.
* Pacione, Nickolaus. He is a horror writer known for self-publishing unreadable, barely literate, mistake-riddled prose, but even better known for picking fights with everyone on the Internet that dislikes his work (up to and including threatening murder, the rape of their children and the like). Read any sentence of his writings, if you dare.
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