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* ''Synopsis'': AU. [[Iron Man (film)|Movieverseinfluenced!Tony]]. A 'verse where Steve Rogers is found and thawed out in the middle of the twenty-first century, a nasty and suspicious time called "The Golden Age of America". The government kept him locked up to experiment on, and Tony was only able to get him out by [[Citizenship Marriage]], hoping to use him in changing the future of America.
* ''Comments'': Kind of a mix between man-out-of-time-in-a-dystopia, an arranged marriage, and speculative fiction. So far, pretty good.
{{quote| Since he'd woken up, he'd felt a little bit like Gulliver, stuck in a different world that everyone claimed made sense but really didn't seem to for him. Only now, it seemed more like H. P. Lovecraft than Jonathan Swift.}}
''[http://eighth-horizon.livejournal.com/60024.html Atonement]'' by eighth_horizon
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* ''Synopsis:'' Iron Man is the Avengers' main villain. He also seems to have a thing for [[Captain America]]. Plus, something else shady with the true purpose of SHIELD and what exactly [[Iron Man]]'s motives actually are seems to be going on here...
* ''Comments:'' [[A Match Made in Stockholm|This is a match made in Stockhlom]]. Iron Man is in the process of [[Distress Ball|kidnapping]] [[Foe Yay|his favorite hero for the fifth time]] and exchanging banter when the story starts, and the author seems to have done this in part to screw around with the tropes involved. [[Crowning Moment of Funny|Plus, this is utterly, absolutely beyond hysterical]]. [[Foe Yay]] cranked up high enough that even [[Everyone Can See It|the rest of the Avengers can see it]], and the best bit is, [[Shipper on Deck|they're shipping it.]] There really are lines in here that are priceless, like this interaction where they're trying to lure Iron Man somewhere.
{{quote| "Steve's pretty enough to lure in ten Iron Men," Jan offered. "We'll doll him up and stick him on a roof somewhere. Ten minutes, tops."<br />
"Why didn't we think of that a year ago?" Luke complained. "Think of how much time we've wasted when we could have just tied Cap up and put him under a box."<br />
"I'm still here," Steve felt the need to remind them.<br />
"Quiet, bait," Spider-Man waved him off, making a shadow dinosaur, much to Hulk's delight. }}
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