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{{quote|'''The Doctor:''' You want dominion over the living, but all you do is kill.<br />
'''[[The Master]]:''' [[Shut Up, Kirk|Life is wasted on the living!]]|''[[Doctor Who]]'' ([[The Movie]])}}
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* Of all people, [[The Stoic|Heero Yuy]] delivers one in the final battle of ''[[Gundam Wing]]'', rejecting [[Big Bad|Zechs]]'s assertion that humans need to be forcibly made to give up war. [[Batman Gambit|Though Zechs may have been faking the whole thing]]. The anime isn't as clear on this as the manga.
* Subverted several times in ''[[One Piece]]''. [[Idiot Hero|Luffy]] gets straight to the point when fighting someone. Key example, arc [[Big Bad]] Arlong asks why Luffy is willing to risk his life fighting him, and Luffy's simple answer is:
{{quote| '''Luffy:''' [[Berserk Button|You made my navigator cry.]]}}
* The King in ''[[The Law of Ueki]]'' delivers one of these to Margaret, and the entire race of Protectorates. Nobody listens.
* In ''[[Digimon Adventure]]'', Angemon and Angewomon make absolutely sure that Myotismon has no remorse for any of his evil deeds before killing him.
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== Fan Works ==
* In the ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'' fanfic [http://www.fimfiction.net/story/16112/Whispers Whispers], Celestia attempts to talk Nightmare Moon down:
{{quote| '''Celestia''': "Lower the moon, Luna. We shall extend upon [[Flowery Elizabethan English|you]] but one chance."<br />
'''Nightmare Moon''': [[Shut Up, Kirk|"Are you finished yet? If that was meant to intimidate me, you don't even pass on effort."]] }}
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== Film ==
* Played straight between Optimus and Megatron during the climatic battle of ''[[Transformers Film Series|Transformers]]'':
{{quote| '''Megatron:''' Humans don't deserve to live.<br />
'''Optimus:''' They deserve to choose for themselves!<br />
'''Megatron:''' Then you will die with them! Join them in extinction! }}
* In the ''[[X-Men (film)|X-Men]]'' movie, Magneto tells our heroes (whom he has handily all bound up with metal) his plan. Wolverine calls him out.
{{quote| '''Wolverine:''' You're so full of shit. If you were really so righteous, it'd be you in that thing.}}
* Flipped in ''[[Serenity]]'': The [[Anti-Villain]] tries presenting this trope to the [[Anti-Hero]], who in turn delivers the [[Shut Up, Kirk]] by shooting him.
* ''[[The Lawnmower Man]]'' features this exchange:
{{quote| '''Dr. Angelo:''' This technology was meant to expand human communication, but [[What Measure Is a Non-Human?|you're not even human anymore]]! [[A God Am I|What you've become]] terrifies me. You're a freak!<br />
'''Jobe:''' [[Silly Rabbit, Idealism Is for Kids|Your naive idiocy]] [[Shut Up, Kirk|makes me]] '''[[Chewing the Scenery|very angryyyyy! Huuumaaaan!]]''' }}
* In ''[[Spy Kids]] [[3D Movie|3D]]'', Valentin uses this tactic to {{spoiler|forgive Sebastian for crippling him. [[Heel Face Turn|It worked.]]}}
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* [[Harry Potter]] vs. Voldemort, round 4. {{spoiler|Harry calls him "Riddle" and suggests he repent, before summarizing: "So it all comes down to this, doesn't it? Does the wand in your hand know its last master was Disarmed? Because if it does... I am the true master of the Elder Wand."}}
* Not a villainous example, but [[X Wing Series|Wedge Antilles]], on a world of [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Proud Warrior Race Humans]], repeatedly hints at his disgust for a moral system that revolves around killing for honor. The native fighter acting as his guide falls for him, sees that she has no chance, and tries to go through honorable suicide-through-combat. He stops her when he sees what she's doing, and they have an exchange where he tries to convince her not only to stay alive, but to see and move past the flaws in her culture's beliefs.
{{quote| '''Wedge:''' Circular thinking. I'm honorable because I kill the enemy, and I kill the enemy for the honor. There's nothing there, Cheriss. Here's the truth: I kill the enemy so someone, somewhere -- probably someone I've never met and never will meet -- will be happy. [...] I told you how I lost my parents. Nothing I ever do can make up for that loss. But if I put myself in the way of people just as bad as the ones who killed my family, if I burn them down, then someone else they would have hurt gets to stay happy. That's the only honorable thing about my profession. It's not the killing. It's making the galaxy a little better.}}
** The [[Star Wars Expanded Universe]] has many, many examples. Basically, any time a New Republic-era Jedi faces a Sith, expect a [[Kirk Summation]].
* In ''[[Discworld/The Last Hero|The Last Hero]]'', it takes the combined [[Kirk Summation]] arguments of Carrot, Rincewind, and the nameless bard to convince Cohen and his Silver Horde that [[Rage Against the Heavens|blowing Dunmanifestin to smithereens]] [[The End of the World as We Know It|isn't such a good idea]]. It works, but technically is still played straight, as it's ''not'' the moral objections of Carrot or Rincewind that ultimately convince them, but the bard's appeal to their vanity ("No one will remember you.").
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** Kirk actually ''does'' succeed against a [[Talking the Monster to Death|non-automated]] foe, at least once: [[The Empire|The Terran Empire]] in "Mirror, Mirror", when he convinces [[Beard of Evil|Spock]] that ''"In every revolution, there's one man with a vision!"'' Unfortunately for him, [[Star Trek: Deep Space Nine|later events]] show that things went badly without him there to defeat the enemy by more [[Unnecessary Combat Roll|traditional]] means.
** In the novel ''I, Q'', Picard faces off against his own evil side in the form of Locutus of Borg and gives such a speech. When Q can't see the point, Data suggests that he thinks Picard is [[Talking the Monster to Death|trying to talk Locutus into committing suicide.]] To which [[Deadpan Snarker|Q replies]]:
{{quote| '''Q:''' Yeah, and if that doesn't work, maybe the Easter Bunny will save us.}}
::: It doesn't. He (she?) doesn't. They escape anyway.
* [[All the Tropes Wiki Drinking Game|Brutally subverted]] in ''[[Buffy the Vampire Slayer]]'':
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Faith:}}''' Oh yeah? Give me the speech again, please. "{{spoiler|Faith,}} we're still your friends. We can help you. It's not too late."<br />
'''Willow:''' It's way too late. You know, it didn't have to be this way. But you made your choice. I know you had a tough life. I know that some people think you had a lot of bad breaks. Well, boo hoo. Poor you. }}
** Buffy tended to come across this trope whenever there was a recurring villain, or a [[Face Heel Turn]], either subverting it or playing it straight at random. In a later season, Anya lampshades the arbitrariness of the gang's mercy ("Spike has some sort of get out of jail free card that doesn't apply to the rest of us...")
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** Kirk Summations appear at other points in the series and often work, most notably during the early stages of the Earth Alliance civil war.
* ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'' does this between Jason and Tommy when Tommy captures Jason.
{{quote| '''Jason''': If you were a true Power Ranger, you'd be on [[Big Good|Zordon's]] side and not Rita's.<br />
'''Tommy''': [[No One Could Have Survived That|Zordon is but a memory.]] My empress will soon rule the Earth.<br />
'''Jason''': [[Captain Obvious|She's evil!]]<br />
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* Subverted in the original ''[[Fallout]]'', in which the final boss {{spoiler|[[Talking the Monster to Death|commits suicide if you can convince him that his plan isn't feasible]].}}
* Lloyd of ''[[Tales of Symphonia]]'' likes to use this, though the enemies never listen.
{{quote| '''Yggdrassil:''' Why can you not accept the ideal world that I have created?<br />
'''Lloyd:''' How can your world be ideal when you've caused countless innocent people to suffer?<br />
'''Yggdrassil:''' Human. Don't tell me what's right and wrong. }}
* Used in ''[[Mass Effect]]'' where Commander Shepard may attempt to {{spoiler|convince [[The Dragon|Saren]] that [[Big Bad|Sovereign]] is controlling him through his cybernetic implants, and that they can still defeat the [[Sapient Ship|Rea]][[Eldritch Abomination|pers.]] Depending on your alignment, you can either convince Saren to kill himself, or suggest that he can make a [[Heel Face Turn]] and redeem himself. Unfortunately, however Saren dies, Sovereign assumes direct control of his corpse, making you have to kill the guy TWICE, rather than just once.}}
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== Western Animation ==
* Coop's "three things that annoyed me today" speech in almost every episode of ''[[Megas XLR]]'', although it's always said ''before'' the villain gets trashed, and just as easily subverted (such as him blaming an enemy for things that weren't their fault, often Coop's fault instead) or said by other characters (including the villain in one episode). [[Lampshade Hanging|Lampshaded]] during an [[Enemy Mine]] scenario:
{{quote| '''Coop:''' All right, squid. You tried to wreck the city again, made me go to some alternate dimension where Jamie is a bigger creep than usual, and you got me locked up in a jail with no food?! It's time to rumble!<br />
'''Gorrath:''' Are you talking to me? I'm on your side now, remember?!<br />
'''Coop:''' Oh, sorry. Force of habit I guess. }}
* [[Space Ghost]] in the ''[[Space Ghost Coast to Coast|Coast 2 Coast]]'' episode "Lawsuit" after meeting his old enemy Dr. Nightmare.
{{quote| '''Space Ghost''': You vibroshocked three galaxies out of existence! [[Charlie and the Chocolate Factory|You stole fizzy lifting drinks!]] And then you tried to steal my brain!<br />
'''Zorak''': [[Shut Up, Kirk|Pfft. Petty larceny.]] }}
* From ''[[My Little Pony: Friendship Is Magic|My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic]]'', when the mane six face off against Discord for the second time:
{{quote| '''Discord''': Will you ever learn?<br />
'''Twilight Sparkle''': [[And Knowing Is Half the Battle|I'll tell you what we've learned]], ''[[Shut UP, Hannibal|Discord]]''! [[Kirk Summation|We've learned that friendship isn't always easy, but there's no doubt it's worth fighting for!]] }}
* A short but sweet one from Batman to Red Hood/ {{spoiler|Jason Todd}} in their final confrontation in [[Under the Red Hood]]:
{{quote| You say you want to be better than me. But it won't happen! ''Not like this!''}}
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