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* [[All Girls Want Bad Boys]]: Parodied in the storyline where Clown swoons over Zangoth despite the fact that the demon is clearly abusing her.
{{quote| '''Clown:''' This meat tastes very interesting.<br />
'''Zangoth:''' It's an old family recipe.<br />
'''Clown:''' Well, just remember after dinner we have to walk my dog.<br />
'''Zangoth:''' No, we don't. }}
* [[Art Shift]]: Twice. ''Why does the boiled lobster sing'' is drawn in a more stylized, Frank Miller-esque fashion that goes with the spoof [[Film Noir]] feel. ''Woonsocket'', which is told from Burble's perspective, is in appropriately psychedelic full-color.
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* [[Evil Twin]]: Rubble, immediately [[Lampshade Hanging|called out]] for the cliché that he is.
* [[Everyone Is Jesus in Purgatory]]: The original website had an article entitled "How to read Fluble", explaining that it's completely fruitless to try and find any hidden meaning in Fluble.
{{quote| If one strip has, for example, an image of cannibalistic teddy bears, you may think, "Ah, so the bears are there to symbolize the anguish of modern man?" [[Jossed|No.]] ''[[Jossed|No, damn you.]]'' It's there because cannibalistic teddy bears are ''[[Rule of Funny|funny]]''.}}
* [[Genre Savvy]]: Fluble sometimes attempts to take advantage of genre conventions, only to fail miserably.
* [[I Don't Pay You to Think]]: One standalone strip rides this for all its worth, with Clown's boss saying no less than three variations of it:
{{quote| "Dammit Coinean, I don't pay you to ask relevant questions! I pay you to shred Arruda files!"<br />
"Dammit Coinean, I don't pay you to point out my obvious stupidity! I pay you to make Arruda files!"<br />
"Dammit Coinean, I don't pay you to shred Arruda files! I pay you to shred Arruda files!" }}
* [[If You're So Evil Eat This Kitten]]: Played out almost verbatim (except with a puppy instead of a kitten), when Fluble wants to prove he can be scum in order to [[Evil Is Sexy|make himself attractive]].
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* [[The Plan]]: Number One is a big fan of these.
* [[The Power of Love]]: Subverted in ''Do You Remember Love?''. Fluble seems to be [[Killed Off for Real]], and Clown sheds a single tear upon his lifeless body as she confesses that she loves her. Fluble immediately springs back to life...
{{quote| '''Fluble:''' Really?<br />
'''Clown:''' As a friend, yeah.<br />
'''Fluble:''' That's what I came back from the dead for? Friend-love? }}
* [[Private Eye Monologue]]: Parodied in ''Why Does The Boiled Lobster Sing.''
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* [[The Devil Is a Loser]]: Bob, Lord of Hell
* [[The End of the World as We Know It]]: Actually happens at the end of ''Wrath of Woobie Part 2''.
{{quote| '''Clown:''' You know, I think I'm gonna miss the world.<br />
'''Fluble:''' Eh. It was overrated. }}
* [[Timey-Wimey Ball]]: Played with in ''Wrath of Woobie Part 3'', only to throw it in the bin at the end.
{{quote| '''Fluble:''' But if you kill me, you'll never have been born!<br />
'''Fluble's Evil Future Self:''' [[Arc Fatigue|Who cares at this point?]] Just get into the vortex and die. }}
* [[Woobie, Destroyer of Worlds]]: A space abomination, who happens to be named Woobie, and who is bent on destroying the universe because {{spoiler|Number One}} mistreated him as a child.
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