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{{quote|'''''Raven:''' Great bird spirit! Why? Why did you lead us into this death trap?''<br />
'''''Bird spirit:''' No particular reason. I thought it’d be funny.''|''[[Fables]]''}}
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* In [[Code Geass]] R2, {{spoiler|Lelouch}} (falsely) claims this is the reason for his various actions when {{spoiler|the Black Knights turn against him}}.
* Orochimaru from ''[[Naruto]]'' gives this as his reason for arranging the war against the Village Hidden in the Leaves.
{{quote| '''Orochimaru:''' I guess that I do kind of have a goal. Let me see if I can explain it. I find it very interesting to watch things in motion; I get no pleasure when the world is still. Like a windmill that isn't turning: I suppose some might find it beautiful, even if it's immobile, but to me such a thing is truly boring. So now I want to put things in motion myself. The first step is crushing the Leaf Village.}}
** Also from the series, the [[Big Bad]] affected a goofball 'Tobi' persona for no tangible reason, especially since most of Akatsuki already knew it was fake, which can only lead to the conclusion that he did it for shits and giggles. {{spoiler|And this might be why he pretended to be Madara, too.}}
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* [[Superman]]'s enemy the Prankster. Seriously, how can you not love a guy with no super powers, whose only real goal is to pull the biggest practical jokes on the largest number of people possible, and whose favorite target is the most powerful being on Earth?
* While most incarnations of [[Batman|the Joker]] are a [[For the Evulz]] [[Monster Clown]], some versions of the character (particularly Golden/Silver Age ones) fall into this category. Most notably is Joker's wild manner as portrayed in the animated show "The Batman" where he (although still wishing to either destroy Gotham or turn it into madness) will do things "...just for laughs..."
{{quote| '''[[The Joker|Joker]]''': Kid, I don't kill people for no reason. I only kill people when it's ''funny''.}}
* [[Thanos]] gives this as his reason for aiding Annihilus in ''[[Annihilation]]''; just to see what would happen if the universal balance was completely thrown off-kilter.
* Are you freaking ''kidding'' me! This trope is, like, [[Deadpool|my]] prime motivation! That and money, so I can pay my phone bills. For example; I once fought Bullseye in a meatsuit for this very reason... That's to say, I wasn't fighting Bullseye wearing a meatsuit, but rather I was wearing a meatsuit while fighting Bullseye... Yeah, and it was also the reason behind me [[Disguised in Drag|wearing a lolita dress]] [[Faux Yay|and wailing]] [[Ho Yay|"save me Spider-Man!"]] Heheh, that was hella funny... Oh, oh! And that time I wore [[X-Men|Jean Grey's uniform]] and... you know what, if we listed all the times I've done this, we'll be here all day... so yeah, [[Motor Mouth|anyway, as I was saying]], I wore Jean Grey's uniform and [[Blah Blah Blah]] exciting-story-of-my-life [[Shameless Self Promoter|buy all of my comics for more information about that]].
{{quote| '''Me:''' I don't even like chimichangas. [[Inherently Funny Words|I just like saying it.]] }}
== Fanfiction ==
* In [[I Put On My Robe and Wizard Hat]], ''why'' exactly does {{spoiler|Urobuchi}} Shirou piss off Lancer -- who's trying to ''kill'' him -- by forcing a download of dog porn directly into his brain?
{{quote| '''Shirou''': I did it... for the lawlz...}}
* In ''[[Tiberium Wars (Fanfic)|Tiberium Wars]]'', this is the entire reason why [[Dark Messiah|Kane]] has Nod's facilities lit with dim red lights. He finds his minions' constant stubbing of toes and banging of shins against consoles to be ''hilarious''.
* Almost everything that [[Harry Potter|Harry]] {{spoiler|and Sirius}} do in ''[[Oh God Not Again (Fanfic)|Oh God Not Again]]'' is for this purpose.
* In ''[[With Strings Attached]]'', Brox, Grunnel, and As'taris are sadistic practical jokers. Brox's given name is, in fact, “Funny.” (The four would violently disagree with this.) Much of what Brox does is at least partially [[For the Lulz]]. Even Grunnel, who is genuinely fond of the four (at least, they're not his enemies), pulls some fairly nasty shit on them, including making them climb a hundred-foot staircase and not bothering to warn George that Ma'ar is a nympho or of her, um, tendencies during sex.
{{quote| George: I think she carved her name in me back with her fingernails.<br />
Grunnel: Sar uses a knife on me. }}
* [[Methods of Rationality]]!Quirrell: It has sometimes amused me to play the part of a hero.
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== Film ==
* From ''[[Cruel Intentions]]'':
{{quote| '''Kathryn:''' "You were very much in love with her. And you're still in love with her. But it amused me to make you ashamed of it. You gave up on the first person you ever loved because I threatened your reputation. Don't you get it? You're just a toy, Sebastian. A little toy I like to play with. And now you've completely blown it with her. I think it's the saddest thing I've ever heard."}}
* From ''[[The Long Riders]]'':
{{quote| Belle Starr: "You're both crazy, but you do keep me amused. I am having a '''real''' good time."}}
* ''[[Dangerous Liaisons]]'', the original that ''[[Cruel Intentions]]'' was based upon.
* In ''[[Trading Places]]'', the Duke brothers decided to do their "social experiment" out of boredom and for a $1 bet, and completely ruined one of the protagonist's lives (they did help the other protagonist, but that was really only out of boredom as well; they didn't give a damn about him, and were planning to ruin him afterwards as well).
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* In the infamous torture scene from ''[[Reservoir Dogs]]'', this is Mr. Blonde's stated motive: "Look, kid, I'm not going to bullshit you, all right? I don't really give a good fuck what you know or don't know. I'm going to torture you anyway, regardless. Not to gain information: it amuses me to torture a cop."
* From ''[[Wall Street]]'':
{{quote| '''Budd Foxx''': Why do you need to wreck this company?<br />
'''Gordon Gekko''': Because it's ''wreckable'', alright? }}
* In ''[[Men in Black (film)|Men in Black]]'', as K grabs a [[Hyper-Destructive Bouncing Ball]]:
{{quote| This caused the 1977 New York blackout. A practical joke by the great attractor. He thought it was funny as hell. }}
* From ''[[Gremlins|Gremlins 2]]'', the Brain Gremlin after he shoots one of his fellows in the face with a pistol:
{{quote| "Now, was that civilized? No, clearly not. ''Fun'', but in no sense civilized!"}}
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** Dr. Cox constantly torments [[Nervous Wreck]] Doug Murphy for this reason, with notable cases being when Cox gives him 30 seconds to find a clipboard ([[Snipe Hunt|that Cox is holding out of Murphy's line of sight]]) or [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uw3x8XxVLDQ this scene].
* From ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'':
{{quote| '''Voice of Armus''' (on killing a main character): Exactly! It had no meaning. I did it because I wanted to. It amused me.}}
** And then subverted by Troi, whom Armus has held hostage:
{{quote| '''Troi''': No it didn't. You took no pleasure from it at all.<br />
'''Armus''': You're right. It was too ''easy!'' }}
** Also from ''[[Star Trek]]'', this is why Trelane does the shit he does, although for him it may overlap with [[For the Evulz]].
** Q from ''[[Star Trek: The Next Generation]]'', who it is theorized may be related in some way. Though most ''Trek'' fans tend to forget the pilot episode where Q has a very clear reason for doing what he does: to "prosecute and judge" humanity as a directive from the Q Continuum. The audience is reminded of this in the series' final episode, too, when Picard finds himself back in the same court room he encountered Q in the first time:
{{quote| '''Picard''': Is humanity on trial again?<br />
'''Q''': No. The trial never ended. We never reached a verdict. But now we have: You're guilty. Guilty of being inferior. }}
*** And by the end of that episode, Q subverts everything again by also acting secretly as Picard's defense against the judgment of the Q Continuum, and had been doing so since roughly halfway through the series, after Picard and crew saved his life while he was briefly depowered. This of course didn't stop Q from [[Trickster Mentor|screwing with Picard and crew in relatively minor ways]] as [[Secret Test of Character|secret tests of character]] at the same time.
*** One of the [[Star Trek Expanded Universe|novels]] has Q say that the only reason he sent Picard and company to [[Robin Hood|Sherwood Forest]] was just to [[Ho Yay|see him in tights.]]
** Dax is one of the most trustworthy and dutiful officers on [[Deep Space Nine]] and very reliable when it comes to important things. However, being over 350 years old and having seen and done more things than most people ever will, she outright refuses to give in to boredom and instead constantly works to keep her life exciting and entertaining. For some reason, this includes marrying the most uptight and humorless [[Proud Warrior Race Guy|Klingon]] in the galaxy.
{{quote| '''Worf:''' Jadzia, I think it would be better to part here.<br />
'''Dax:''' Oh, I'm coming with you. I took some days of leave and checked it with our superiors.<br />
'''Worf:''' Why didn't you tell me earlier?<br />
'''Dax:''' It's more fun this way. }}
* The title character of ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'' might qualify, although in the end, he often does it to either A) get the paycheck, or B) teach his associates, or even C) both. Of course, there's a ''reason'' he's sometimes considered the [[Trope Codifier]] for [[Dr. Jerk]]...
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** River seems to make commentary designed to deliberately anger or annoy Jayne just because it is amusing to her. Particularly when she insinuated that he has a "girl's name" and solemnly warns him that "I can kill you with my brain."
* In ''[[Two and A Half Men]]'', Charlie and Alan are talking to Herb, and Charlie keeps talking in sexual innuendos that only Alan, and the audience, notices.
{{quote| '''Alan:''' Why do you keep doing that?<br />
'''Charlie:''' Haven't we covered this before? It amuses me! }}
* The real culprit's motive for pooping the bed in the [[It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia]] episode [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|"Who pooped the bed?"]]
{{quote| '''{{spoiler|Frank}}''': I did 'em all. All the poops.<br />
'''The Gang''': Why?<br />
'''{{spoiler|Frank}}''': Because poop is funny. }}
* This is basically the whole idea behind [[An Idiot Abroad]].
{{quote| '''Rick Gervais''': "There's nothing funnier than Karl in a corner, being poked by a stick. I am that stick.” }}
* In [[Dead Ringers]] , Gandalf's explanation for sending Frodo on his epic quests: "Because I am a bastard."
* ''[[The George Lopez Show]]'' had an episode where George and Angie find old love letters that said bad things about them. It turns out they were forged by {{spoiler|Benny}} because she was bored.
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== Stand-up Comedy ==
* [[Gabriel Iglesias]]' "friend" Felipe constantly pulls off dickish pranks on his friends. Because of him, Gabriel has been nearly arrested for giving the impression that they were crossing the U.S.-Mexico border smuggling illegals in the boot of his car. Felipe made light of a cop showing off his scars ("Bullet wound, '96.") by showing the cop Gabriel's stretch marks ("Donuts, 1996."), which Gabriel thinks could have incited the cop to kill them. But what's Felipe's response to situations like these?
{{quote| "I know, but it was funny, huh?"}}
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== Webcomics ==
* Part of the reason why [[Token Evil Teammate|Richard]], from ''[[Looking for Group]]'', follows [[The Hero|Cale]] on his adventure to protect those in need. The other part is [[For the Evulz]]... Do note, he has never been in on the quest, he pretty much just tags along because of the opportunity for destruction, the pleasure of killing, and the fact that watching Cale attempt to convince the survivors of Richard's onslaughts to forgive him on his lapses in morality, and steadily getting more and more disillusioned and cynical as the adventure unfolds, relieves him of boredom.
{{quote| '''Toyk:''' You killed 126 of my soldiers! And another 48 are being thawed out from a massive block of ice. What do you have to say for yourselves?<br />
'''Richard:''' Thanks? It was fun? }}
** A bit more recently, it was explained he has a good... Well, he has ''a'' reason: being an evil psychopathic [[Jerkass]] was fueling his power as a semi-immortal regenerating lich. As he actually [[Heel Face Turn|started to care]], he felt some amount of pain when injured for the first time in who knows how long. Now it seems that he feels [[Even Evil Has Standards|the cost is getting too high]].
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* Some of the stuff that Belkar does in ''[[The Order of the Stick]]'' is [[For the Evulz]], and some of it is this. He particularly likes messing with other people's heads in harmless but disturbing ways. Often, he'll do something that people don't expect from him just because it will confuse them. See [http://www.giantitp.com/comics/oots0620.html here].
** Xykon also entertains himself in ways that straddle the line between this trope and [[For the Evulz]]:
{{quote| '''Redcloak:''' But if you've known all this time <ref>how to unseal the Gate</ref>, why do you keep sending goblins to their deaths?<br />
'''Xykon:''' Because I'm BORED! }}
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* "The Twins" from ''[[Superjail]]''.
* Season 4 Megabyte in ''[[Re Boot]]'', though he doesn't get enough screen time to change sides. He even says the trope name when asked about {{spoiler|why he would disguise himself as Bob and marry Dot.}}
{{quote| '''Bob''': Why Megabyte? Why do this?<br />
'''Megabyte''': (laughs) [[It Amused Me]]. }}
* King Bumi, from ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', actually stated that the reason he screwed with Aang so much is "Mostly because it's fun messing with people!"
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* During all the drama that surrounded Lebron James going to play for Miami, Chris Bosh's explanation for not doing the same with any more tact? [http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/Chris-Bosh-I-played-with-people-s-emotions-du?urn=nba-262662 "It's entertaining to see people react to your real emotions, because if it wasn't fun I wouldn't do it."]
* The entire schtick of the ''[[Jackass]]'' boys.
{{quote| '''Ryan Dunn''': (Explaining to Bam Magera's mom why he stabbed Bam in the ass with a hot iron brand in the shape of a dick) "Because it was funny."}}
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