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StageFright -Aquarius-: Difference between revisions

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* [[Half the Man He Used To Be]]
* [[Heroic BSOD]]: Willy gets one when he shoots Irving..
{{quote| '''Willy''': ''I... I just went to get the gun, trying to show you how to put a bullet in the chamber. See that? I got him right between the eyes! Just like I said... Right between the eyes! Damn... You see that Ally? Right betw... right between the eyes! Just like I said. Between... between the eyes. Got him...'' etc.}}
* [[Homage]]: The [[Mirror Scare]] scene is a homage to [[Dario Argento]]'s ''Tenebre''.
* [[A House Divided]]: Averted, as whe the remaining cast starts to crack in the dressing room, Alicia quickly tells them off.
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