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*** The audiobook version of ''Heir to the Empire'' even felt the need to give him a Spanish accent.
* Captain Jack Sparrow, from the ''[[Pirates of the Caribbean]]'' movies, is a mix of [[Loveable Rogue]] and [[Magnificent Bastard]]. He has his own peculiar code of honor and is generally a protagonist, but is highly pragmatic and values his own skin over everyone else's.
{{quote| '''Cdre Norrington''': "You are without a doubt, the ''worst'' pirate I've ever heard of."<br />
'''Cpt J. Sparrow''': "But you ''have'' heard of me."<br />
* after [[Crowning Moment of Awesome|the Captain's escape]]*<br />
'''Lieutenant''': "[[Magnificent Bastard|That's got to be the best pirate I've ever seen]]."<br />
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* ''[[Hark! A Vagrant]]'' [http://www.harkavagrant.com/index.php?id=53 portrays] [[Robin Hood]] as a [[Loveable Rogue]]. Dick Turpin, [[Subverted Trope|on the other hand...]]
* Rocky from [[Lackadaisy Cats]]. Course, it helps that he's a little... well, crazy.
{{quote| "Are you questioning my logic?"}}
** Just to give a frame of reference, he asks this prior to {{spoiler|driving a flaming truck into a barn/distillery}}.
* The pirates from [[Dubious Company]]. Sure they steal [[Hero Stole My Bike|ships]], [[Trademark Favorite Food|rum]], and [[Magitek|polyphase conductors]], but overall they're [[Poke the Poodle|terrible]] [[Minion with an F In Evil|pirates]]. Of course their main adversaries, the Imperial Guard, are [[What the Hell, Hero?|terrible]] [[Hero with an F In Good|officers]]. A major arc involved the pirates trying to stop the Imperial Guard from giving the [[Evil Overlord|Emperor]] [[Fusion Dance|superpowers]], by [[Human Sacrifice|murdering]] an otherwise innocent priestess.
* ''[[Greg (webcomic)|Greg]]'': Ted displays his rouge tendencies by sneaking onto a college campus disguised as a professor to score the digits of the female students and [http://gregcomic.com/2011/09/09/storyline-back-to-campus-part-1/ more].
* This trope is [[Invoked Trope|invoked]] in ''[[Homestuck]]'' to describe [http://www.mspaintadventures.com/?s=6&p=006414 the difference between the Rogue and Thief classes]:
{{quote| {{color|#929292|UU: a rogUe is a passive class. yoU see, there are passive (+) and active (-) classes. some more strongly passive or active than others. }}<br />
{{color|#929292|UU: the +/- distinction can mean many things, bUt coUld be qUite roUghly sUmmed Up in this way: active classes exploit their aspect to benefit themselves, while passive classes allow their aspect to benefit others.}}<br />
...<br />
{{color|#929292|UU: classes always come in +/- pairs, with significant disparity between them. }}<br />
{{color|#929292|UU: while a rogUe is passive, a thief woUld be its far more active coUnterpart.}}<br />
{{color|#ff6ff2|TG: so basically }}<br />
{{color|#ff6ff2|TG: a thief is like the asshole class }}<br />
{{color|#ff6ff2|TG: the player who says step off shits mine suckas }}<br />
{{color|#ff6ff2|TG: whereas }}<br />
{{color|#ff6ff2|TG: a rogue }}<br />
{{color|#ff6ff2|TG: is bascially robin hood}} }}
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* Rattrap from ''[[Beast Wars]]''. At one point Optimus Primal is presumed dead during the course of one night. During that time Rattrap takes it upon himself to take over his (much nicer) quarters and replace everything with his own stuff. When he is called out on it, his response is basically "Hey, come on. What do you expect?"
* Bender from ''[[Futurama]]''.
{{quote| '''Bender:''' It's me! Bender! The lovable rascal!}}
* [[Secret Identity|The Blue Spirit]] of ''[[Avatar: The Last Airbender]]'', the "lovable" part established in Season 1, with the "rogueish" part not really coming out until he committed several thefts and at least one death threat.
* ''[[Teen Titans (animation)|Teen Titans]]'' has Red X, who is not only entertainingly witty during combat, but also manages to ''completely dominate'' all five Titans at once. He also remarks that he doesn't steal for any sort of incomprehensibly psychopathic reason; he's just doing it all for the fun.
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