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{{quote|'''Border Guard''': ''Recreational shooting? There's over a million rounds in there!'' <br />
'''Yuri Orlov, arms dealer''': ''I'm trigger happy.''|[[Lord of War]]}}
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== [[Comics]] ==
* Deadeye Duck from ''~[[Bucky O'Hare and the Toad Wars~]]''.
* ''[[Sin City]]'' characters are over this trope. Marv certainly laughs when he kills his enemies and calls his gun Gladys. The [[Cool Car]] love is there as well. Dwight and the Old Town girls are also quite fond of mowing down enemies as seen in the climax of ''Big Fat Kill''.
* Pig's militaristic Guard Duck from ''[[Pearls Before Swine]]''. He constantly believes that everyone besides Pig and his friends are the enemy and his first solution to problems is to shoot like crazy.
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* Baby Face Nelson in ''[[Public Enemies]]''. [[Truth in Television]], because in real life, Baby Face used to work for Al Capone, but was [[Even Evil Has Standards|kicked out for his itchy trigger finger]] and even John Dillinger was nervous about having him around. Paradoxically, he was a [[Pet the Dog|devoted husband and father who often had his wife and children with him while he was on the run.]]
** In ''[[O Brother, Where Art Thou?]]'' Nelson is portrayed as manic-depressive, and he's very trigger-happy when he's feeling good.
{{quote| '''Nelson:''' * while hanging out the door of a moving vehicle* Han' me dat choppah!<br />
'''Delmar:''' Say, what line o' work ya in, George?<br />
'''Nelson:''' * firing the Thompson at the cops* Ha ha ha ha! Come and get me, coppers! You flatfooted, lame-brained, soft-ass sonsabitches! }}
* Jim West in ''[[Wild Wild West (film)|Wild Wild West]]'', as lampshaded by President Grant: "Shoot first, shoot later, shoot some more and then when everybody's dead try to ask a question or two!"
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* Jayne on ''[[Firefly]]''. There aren't many scenes where he ''isn't'' carrying some sort of weapon.
** He's shown to be [[Crazy Prepared]] as far as weapons go. His whole room is filled to the brim with them and in the Big Damn Movie, the one time he wants to bring grenades but gets overruled by Mal, the team ends up needing them.
{{quote| '''Jayne:''' [''as the crew is being pursued by Reavers''] [[Sarcasm Mode|Boy, sure would be nice if we had some]] ''[[Sarcasm Mode|GRENADES]]'', [[Sarcasm Mode|don't you think?!]]<br />
And then later on: '''Mal:''' "Please tell me you brought them this time" }}
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== [[Music]] ==
* [["Weird Al" Yankovic]]'s ''Trigger Happy'' is, of course, a song that parodies this trope.
{{quote| ''I filled that kitty-cat so full of lead<br />
We'll have to use him for a pencil instead'' }}
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