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The Incredibles: Difference between revisions

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{{quote| '''Helen:''' Everyone's special, Dash.<br />
'''Dash:''' Which is another way of saying no one is. }}
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: Mr. Incredible and Frozone are both seen running from the police, Mr. Incredible in particular lies to his own wife and kids to keep his superhero work secret, and Dash is seen deliberately causing mooks in aircraft to crash into each other... though to be fair, it's in self-defense. They're not particularly gritty anti-heroes, but they're far from the [[Black and White Morality]] one might expect from a Disney movie.
* [[Arson, Murder, and Jaywalking]]: When Edna shows Helen the supersuits:
{{quote| '''Edna:''' [on Jack-Jack's suit] I cut it a little roomy for the free movement, the fabric is comfortable for sensitive skin... [a sheet of flame erupts in front of the suit] ''and'' it can also withstand a temperature of over 1000 degrees! Completely bulletproof... [four heavy machine guns appear and open fire on the suit, without effect] and machine washable, darling, that's a new feature.}}
* [[Art Shift]]: Invoked. The opening and closing themes are animated in a shiny, 60's and 70's deco art.
* [[Are We There Yet?]]: Dash.
{{quote| '''Mr. Incredible:''' We get there when we get there!}}
* [[Ascended Fanboy]]: {{spoiler|Syndrome}} was a fan of Mr. Incredible.
* [[Asskicking Pose]]: Fun for the whole family!
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* [[Barrier Warrior]]: Violet.
* [[Bathos]]: There's a dramatic moment where the family is racing to save the city in a rocket. Along the way, they do what any family does on a long "car" trip - they bicker.
{{quote| '''Dash:''' Are we there yet?<br />
'''Bob:''' (irritated) We'll get there when we get there! }}
* [[Battle Discretion Shot]]: Just before escaping Syndrome's base in a rocket, Mr. Incredible confronts a van full of Mooks. Cue an outside shot of the van rocking and shaking as he takes them out.
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* [[A Bloody Mess]]: At a barbecue in a deleted scene, Bob uses ketchup [[It Makes Sense in Context|to fake his fingers being cut off]].
* [[Blunt Yes]]: When {{spoiler|Dash, Violet, and Elastigirl are in the ocean after Syndrome shot down their plane, and Elastigirl suggests swimming toward the trail the missiles left.}}
{{quote| '''Dash:''' You wanna go ''toward'' the people that tried to kill us?<br />
'''Elastigirl:''' If it means land? Yes. }}
* [[Bothering by the Book]]: Bob tells his insurance clients exactly how to satisfy all the bureaucratic requirements for getting their claims paid, much to the chagrin of his boss.
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* [[Crack! Oh, My Back!]]: Played straight at first, invoked by Bob to the letter when he throws his back out in the volcano. Hilariously inverted seconds later when the Omnidroid attemps to tear Bob apart... and pulls his spine ''back into'' alignment.
* [[Crazy Prepared]]: After Helen sees Jack-Jack's supersuit.
{{quote| '''Helen:''' What on Earth do you think the baby will be doing?!<br />
'''Edna:''' Well, I'm sure I don't know, darling. Luck favors the prepared. I didn't know the baby's powers, so I covered the basics. }}
* [[Create Your Own Villain]]
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* [[Cut Lex Luthor a Check]]: Syndrome made a fortune out of military inventions. {{spoiler|The last part of Syndrome's plan is to sell his inventions to normal people to get rid of the "special people with special powers" meaning of superhero.}}
* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]: This, more than any of his weapons, was the secret to Syndrome's success - but would eventually be his undoing as well.
{{quote| '''Syndrome:''' You sly dog! You got me [[Evil Gloating|monologuing]]! I can't believe it.}}
** And rather than assume [[No One Could Survive That]], as one might do after {{spoiler|your enemy falls hundreds of his feet into the water}}, he sends a probe to search for him in the nearby caves.
** This even extends to some of his ''mooks''. Within seconds of seeing that unarmed children have superpowers, they start reacting to it appropriately, flanking, separating them, and responding to their powers. For example, when Violet turns invisible and hides in water, one mook throws dirt into it to watch for currents revealing her position.
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* [[Drill Tank]]: The Underminer rides one of these.
* [[Drinking Game]]: The Incredibles stumble upon some [[Mooks]] having one:
{{quote| '''Mook:''' Every time they run, ya take a shot.}}
* [[Drop Pod]]: Mr. Incredible is launched out of one of these at one point.
** Later, the Incredibles improvise one using an RV and a rocket.
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* [[From My Own Personal Garden]]: Mr. Incredible eats with Mirage, who points out how everything was grown on the island, thanks to the volcanic soil. This is before Mr. Incredible encounters Syndrome.
* [[Funny Background Event]]: During the climactic fight against the Omnidroid, the family gets a hold of Syndrome's remote. After the Omnidroid uses a [[Rocket Punch]] to grab Mr. Incredible...
{{quote| '''Dash:''' ''(pushes button)''<br />
'''Mr. Incredible:''' ''(gets tossed into the air by the claw opening)'' Huuwaaugh! }}
** After Lucius comes and gets Mr. Incredible, Jack-Jack can be seen in the back trying to eat the spit that Lucius froze.
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* [[Genre Busting]]: It's a thriller/horror/action/sci-fi family dramedy satire with [[Stuff Blowing Up|explosions]].
* [[Get a Hold of Yourself, Man!]] / [[Quit Your Whining]]: Edna, when Elastigirl breaks down after discovering her husband is on a tropical island in the middle of the ocean, assuming he's having an affair. Edna essentially tells her to go get him and kick his ass. (But it ends well.)
{{quote| '''Edna:''' And call me when you get back, darling - I enjoy our visits.}}
* [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: "Every time they run, take a shot."
{{quote| '''Syndrome:''' Elastigirl? You married ''Elastigirl''? ''[Sees Violet and Dash]'' ...and got ''busy''!}}
* [[Glory Days]]: There's even a magazine cover in Bob's memory room with this as the title.
* [[Glory Hound]]: Syndrome's plan is certainly -- reckless with people and property.
* [[Gloved Fist of Doom]]: Syndrome.
* [[Good People Have Good Sex]]: Strongly implied.
{{quote| '''Syndrome:''' You ''married'' Elastigirl? ... And got ''biz-zay''!}}
** [[Power Perversion Potential]] all over that.
* [[Gone Horribly Right]]: The final version of Syndrome's Omni-Droid is so intelligent that it even recognizes {{spoiler|its own remote control}} as a threat to be destroyed.
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** "I am '''''Syndrome''''', your '''''nemesis!''''' And... [inadvertently throws Mr. Incredible out of sight] [[Crowning Moment of Funny|oh,]] ''[[Crowning Moment of Funny|brilliant]]''."
** The Underminer shows signs of this as well.
{{quote| "I am beneath you! But NOTHING is beneath ME!!!"<br />
"I hereby declare war on PEACE and HAPPINESS!" }}
** Dash's teacher is a less super-villainous example:
{{quote| "Coincidence? ''I think '''NOT'''!!!!''}}
* [[Larynx Dissonance]]: Director Brad Bird voices Edna. This wasn't originally intended, but producers thought his "scratch", or guidance performance, was good enough. This happens frequently at [[Pixar]]. According to commentary, Brad Bird initially wanted someone else (Lily Tomlin) to voice Edna Mode. When he called her and gave a demonstration of what he wanted the voice to sound like, she laughed and asked him what he needed her for. He already had the voice down!
* [[Laser-Guided Karma]]: Thanks to his [[Kick the Dog]], Mirage does a [[Mook Face Turn]] in favor of the merciful Mr. Incredible.
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* [[Magic Pants]]: Jack-Jack's diaper.
* [[Meaningful Echo]]: The page quotes, as paraphrased by Syndrome later on:
{{quote| '''Syndrome:''' And when I'm old and I've had my fun, I'll sell my inventions so that ''everyone'' can have powers! ''Everyone'' can be super! And when everyone's super, ([[Evil Laugh]]) no one will be.}}
** "We're superheroes. [[Tempting Fate|What could happen?]]"
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Many.
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* [[Neck Lift]]: Bob uses it often.
* [[Never Heard That One Before]]:
{{quote| '''Bob''': [[Incredibly Lame Pun|ICE of you to drop by!]] <br />
'''Lucius''': HAH! [[Deadpan Snarker|...Never heard that one before...]] }}
* [[Never Be a Hero]]: What Buddy thinks Mr. Incredible is telling him.
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* [[No Such Thing as HR]]: While Bob does get in trouble for punching his boss through a wall, it's for using superpowers rather than, you know, punching his boss through a wall. Presumably the government had a hand in smoothing things over.
* [[Not a Game]]
{{quote| '''Elastigirl:''' Remember the bad guys, on those [[Saturday Morning Cartoon|shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings?]] [[Well, This Is Not That Trope|Well, these guys are not like those guys]]. They won't [[Wouldn't Hurt a Child|exercise restraint]] because you're children. They. Will. ''Kill'' you if they get the chance. Do NOT give them that chance.}}
* [[Not Now, Kiddo]]: Not now Dash. And Violet, you can set us free ''after'' Dad has his epiphany.
* [[Not the Fall That Kills You]]: Averted. At the beginning, Mr. Incredible's attempt to stop a would-be jumper (when he's already fallen a good ten stories) is to stop his fall, ''hard''. The jumper's neck ends up broken, and [[Hollywood Law|he sues Mr. Incredible for it]]. And at the end: {{spoiler|when catching a falling Jack-Jack, Elastigirl stretches her arms out to slow down his velocity, before turning into a parachute.}}
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* [[Nuclear Family]]: The protagonists.
* [[Obstructive Bureaucrat]]: Mr. Huph — and how!
{{quote| '''Mr. Huph:''' ''[[Bothering by the Book|They're penetrating the bureaucracy!]]''}}
* [[Oh Crap]]: The [[Mook]] in the trailer gets a good one right before Mr. Incredible goes to town on his whole squad. Mr. Incredible gets one of his own in the film {{spoiler|when the Omnidroid notices him with Syndrome's remote and promptly stomps on him.}}
** Also Bob's reaction just after he loses his temper and punches Mr. Huph through the wall-- he realizes he's just blown his superhero cover ''and'' he's going to get fired.
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* [[Outrun the Fireball]]: Dash had to use his [[Super Speed]] to get himself and Violet safely out of the cave when Syndrome launched his rocket.
* [[Papa Wolf]]: Done by the kid brother even.
{{quote| "DON'T! [ducks punch] TOUCH! [ducks another grab/punch] MY! SISTER!"}}
* [[Parental Bonus]] / [[Getting Crap Past the Radar]]: Quite a few, actually. Every single instance of Helen dragging Robert back into the house when he shaped up. Most obvious one, the scene where only her arms are to be seen...
{{quote| '''Syndrome:''' You married ''Elastigirl?'' ... And got (shakes hips) BI-ZAY!}}
{{quote| '''Frozone:''' (while Syndrome's robot is attacking the city) "We are talking about the greater good!"<br />
'''Honey:''' I am your WIFE! I am the greatest GOOD you're EVER going to get!" }}
* [[Peek-a-Boo Corpse]]: Mr. Incredible unexpectedly comes face-to-face with the mortal remains of {{spoiler|Gazerbeam}} while on the run from Syndrome.
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** Also: the now-deceased hero [[Byronic Hero|Byronic.]]
* [[Race Lift]]: Frozone in the special features' [[Clutch Cargo]] knockoff cartoon. He is '''furious''' about it.
{{quote| '''Frozone:''' Wait a second, what's this? Is that me?... I'm white! They made me a white guy?<br />
'''Mr. Incredible:''' You're... You're... Black...ish...<br />
'''Frozone:''' They made me a white guy!<br />
'''Mr. Incredible:''' Well... Maybe the print's faded. You're tan. ...-ish?<br />
'''Frozone:''' Wait, wait, wait. Is that supposed to be me? I sound like a, a... A what? A beatnik! Yeah, that's it, I sound like a beatnik!<br />
'''Mr. Incredible:''' It was meant to sound cool!<br />
'''Frozone:''' Well, it doesn't sound cool, and it doesn't sound like me. [[Samuel L. Jackson|I sound cool. And if it sounded like me, it would sound cool]]. }}
* [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]]: Dash is surprised (and delighted) when he discovers he can do this. He is less delighted to learn [[Punch-Punch-Punch Uh-Oh|that it doesn't work]].
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* [[Theme Tune Cameo]]
* [[That Man Is Dead]]: When Mr. Incredible identifies Syndrome as the grown-up Buddy Pine.
{{quote| '''Syndrome:''' My name is '''not Buddy'''! And it's not Incredi-boy, either! That ship has sailed!}}
* [[Think Nothing of It]]
* [[This Is Gonna Suck]]: Mr. Incredible's expression just before stopping a train early in the movie ''is'' this trope.
* [[This Is Sparta]]
{{quote| '''Helen:''' THIS IS NOT! ABOUT! YOU!<br />
'''Dash:''' DON'T! TOUCH! MY! SISTER!<br />
'''Lucius:''' WHERE! IS! MY! SUPER! SUIT?! }}
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: Completely averted. None of the Incredibles have any problem using deadly force in self-defense, and a lot of mooks die as a result.
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* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: The citizens saved by supers sue over minor injuries incurred while ''saving their lives''. Of course, it depends on how you look at it, which is the whole beginning of the movie: you can see it as the superheros saving people, but in the meantime, destroying half the city and hurting people accidentally along the way. In other shows, if the city is destroyed it's fine later, but this is giving it a more realistic touch, and that is this all costs MONEY.
* [[Unwanted Rescue]]: Mr. Incredible gets ''sued'' for saving the life of a guy who was trying to commit suicide.
{{quote| "You didn't save my life, you ruined my death!"}}
* [[Unwitting Instigator of Doom]]: Buddy Pine, who is arguably to blame for the [[Frivolous Lawsuit]], [[Super Registration Act]] and everyone being forced into hiding.
* [[Vague Age]]: Mirage.
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* [[The Walls Are Closing In]]: There's a visually similar scene, as Mr. Incredible races to get out from between two closing walls of lava.
* [[Wasn't That Fun?]]: Invoked after their winnebago drops from a crushing altitude, lands on a crowded interstate, takes out half a dozen other cars, somersaults down the road, and stops in a vacant parking spot...
{{quote| '''Mr. Incredible:''' Everyone okay back there?<br />
'''Violet:''' Super-duper, dad!<br />
'''Dash:''' Let's do that again! }}
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]:
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* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]: Mirage.
* [[Wouldn't Hurt a Child]]: Averted. Helen Parr makes ''very'' clear to Dash and Violet that they are not living in your [[Disney Animated Canon|typical Disney universe]]:
{{quote| '''Helen:''' Remember the bad guys, on those [[Saturday Morning Cartoon|shows you used to watch on Saturday mornings?]] [[Well, This Is Not That Trope|Well, these guys are not like those guys]]. [[Would Hurt a Child|They won't exercise restraint because you're children]]. They. Will. ''Kill'' you if they get the chance. Do NOT give them that chance.}}
** In the commentary, Brad Bird explicitly expresses that it was averted due to the prevailence of this trope in media set for kids by the [[Media Watchdogs]], saying that he felt that such an attitude is more damaging to kids than helpful.
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: Syndrome's Omnidrones. He pits them against supers and benefits no matter what happens. If the heroes win, he can use the data from the fight to improve the Omnidrone until ''it'' wins, and by 'win' I mean 'kills the super'.
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