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In [[Non Sequitur]] (taken from their page):
{{quote| ''What we need is some way to stay in contact over long distances. Some sort of communication or "telephonic" device which is "mobile"... Of course! That's it! We'll train messenger pigeons!''}}
In [[Derailed Train of Thought]]:
{{quote| ''Alice: We'll need something to stay in contact over long distances. I think a cell phone should work, how about you?''<br />
''Bob: That would work. Say, have you ever thought about how a cell phone and a cell could be related? Maybe the cells in our body have little cell phones implanted in their DNA. Speaking about DNA, have you...'' }}
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* Played with in the 4th ''[[Lethal Weapon]]'' movie, where Chris Rock and Joe Pesci go off on a huge tangent about cell phones, for no apparent reason.
* Happens briefly to Lightning [[Mc Queen]] at the beginning of [[Cars]] when pysching himself up for the race.
{{quote| '''Lightning''': I eat losers for breakfast... Should I have had breakfast?}}
== Literature ==
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* In ''[[Seinfeld]]'', George's boss, Mr. Steinbrener, always gets sidetracked by one thing or another when George tries to talk to him.
* The Tenth Doctor, on ''[[Doctor Who]]''.
{{quote| ''This is my timey-wimey detector. It goes ding when there's stuff. Also, it can boil an egg at thirty paces... whether you want it to or not, actually, so I've learned to stay away from hens. It's not pretty when they blow.''}}
* The Swedish comedy show Hipp Hipp had Melodikrysset, a musical crossword aired on radio, wherein the host would play a song and then explain whet you were supposed to write. After playing In the summertime the explanation is as follows.
{{quote| '''The Host''':That was In the summertime by Mumbo Jerry and it's about the summer, in the summer people like having ice-cream. Personally I'm fond of 88:an. 88:an has crushed nuts in it so therefore [[Groin Attack|Pungspark]] goes on vertical no. 13.}}
== Real Life ==
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