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* Subverted in an episode of ''[[The Brady Bunch]]'' when it first appears that Alice is genuinely crying out of emotion. It turns out that she was only "crying" because she really was cutting an onion.
* A recurring joke on ''[[Chef]]''. In one episode, Gareth has just learned that Deborah is having trouble in her private life, and walks in on her crying in the kitchen. He tries to comfort her, but she matter-of-factly informs him that it's just the onions. Another episode has Gareth and Everton tearfully discussing their problematic love lives.
{{quote| '''Everton''': Is that you or the onions?<br />
'''Gareth''': No, it's me. }}
* In [[Solitary]], Val once assigned the guests in Season 2.0 to do this as a challenge. However, since merely peeling onions wouldn't have had the desired effect, Val took it [[Up to Eleven]] by having them ''grate'' several onions into pulp, releasing all the fumes. The effect was so severe that the guests experienced watering eyes, dripping noses, burning throats, and even ''stomach pains''. There was a good deal of curses of anger and expressions of pain, but no weeping. Several of them compared the experience to standing in tear gas, or having someone put a handful of chili powder in their eyes.
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== Newspaper Comics ==
* ''[[Calvin and Hobbes]]'':
{{quote| '''Calvin''': Why are you crying, Mom?<br />
'''Mom''': I'm cutting up an onion.<br />
'''Calvin''': It must be hard to cook when you anthropomorphize your vegetables. }}
* In a ''[[Mafalda]]'' comic strip, Mafalda's mother is tearing up while peeling onions, and her precocious child (who is always worried about the situation of the world) brings her a terrestrial globe "so that she can cry for something more altruistic than an onion".
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* There's a Harveytoon of ''[[Little Audrey]]''. She sings a sad song to get people crying, and then she cuts up onions to encourage even the hardhearted to cry.
* In ''[[Hey Arnold]]'', when Sid thinks his voodoo-doll he carved out of soap has actually succeeded in killing the principal, one of the contrived coincidences keeping him in that illusion is someone coming to the door crying, which is immediately revealed to the audience to be caused by onion-chopping.
* In ''[[Shrek]] 4-D'' (the ~[[3D Movie~]] that plays at [[Universal Studios]]), newlywed Fiona is crying because her carriage is an onion.
** It's also referenced in the original ''[[Shrek]]'' movie during the "ogres are like onions" scene -- Donkey suggests, "They make you cry!" as one of the possible connections.
* One episode of ''[[The Fairly Odd Parents]]'' had Timmy's parents making friends with a (disguised) Cosmo and Wanda and running off on adventures every day, leaving him with his evil babysitter. Eventually, they decide that they can't keep neglecting Timmy, as proven by Timmy's tears... which are from Vicky forcing him to peel onions.
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