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== [[Video Game]] ==
* The videogame adaptation of ''[[The Thing (film)|The Thing]]'' has a scene where the protagonist is lured into a room quickly being filled with poison gas. The message left on a computer screen in the room is a nice touch:
{{quote| Breathe deep, Blake. Breathe deep and die.}}
* ''[[Star Fox Adventures]]'' had such a room: you had to [[Block Puzzle|push blocks around]] while a special meter started emptying. This troper has never seen whether an empty meter means your life gauge starts emptying, or whether you got a failure cutscene, or whether you lost a life, but when you succeeded, the door would open, letting good air in{{spoiler|1=, and also dropping the bars holding the Queen CloudRunner captive}}.
** You got a failure cutscene and reappeared outside the room. This troper can't remember if there was any loss of health, though (but there wasn't any loss of ''continue'').
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