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* [[Bad Boss]]: Manning, when unwillingly put in charge of a squad of replacements, endangers their lives for personal gain, loses Sanderson in the woods on his first day and plans to abandon him, bullies Despin, and {{spoiler|shoots}} Baxter.
* [[Band of Brothers]]: [[Unfriendly Fire|Inverted]]. Most of the cast is understandably certain that they ''can't'' rely on the protagonist.
{{quote| '''Sgt. Manning:''' Look, if I can help you in any way without endangering my own life, I won't hesitate. If you want my opinion, I'll give it to you. But I'm not taking a bullet for anybody.<br />
'''Lt. Lukas:''' That's not good enough.<br />
'''Sgt. Manning:''' That's as good as it gets. }}
* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Mild-mannered nerd Sanderson turns into a [[Screaming Warrior]] when [[Villainous Demotivator|properly motivated.]] (Of course, he also runs ''away'' screaming.)
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* {{spoiler|[[Downer Ending]]}}: {{spoiler|[[The Hero Dies]].}}
* [[Due to the Dead]]: Subverted. The division isn't even evacuating bodies, and while Talbot's accusing Manning of selfishness, Manning is helping himself to their boots.
{{quote| '''Talbot:''' There isn't anything sacred to you, is there, Manning?<br />
'''Manning:''' Warm dry feet. }}
* [[Elites Are More Glamorous]]: Averted. The 28th Infantry is, for the film's purposes, [[Cannon Fodder|a regular outfit]].
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* [[Establishing Character Moment]]: The opening scene. Manning carries the mortally-wounded Bobby off the front. {{spoiler|Then he shoots him.}}
* [[Field Promotion]]
{{quote| ''' {{spoiler|2LT}} Manning:''' I was a private ''three days ago.''}}
* {{spoiler|[[Hidden Depths]]}}: {{spoiler|Manning was [[Brilliant but Lazy]] [[Beautiful All Along|All Along]], according to Pritchett's recommendation for commissioning him.}}
* [[Home by Christmas]]: Invoked by Baxter, the newsreel narrator, and Bing Crosby.
* [[I Did What I Had to Do]]
{{quote| '''Talbot:''' You {{spoiler|executed Baxter}}!<br />
'''Manning:''' You're damn right I did... [[Jerkass Has a Point|You'd have done the same thing.]] }}
* [[I Don't Like the Sound of That Place]]: The 28th know their section of the front affectionately as "the Death Factory."
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* [[New Meat]]: Manning's entire squad, namely Privates Sanderson, Despin, Baxter, and Lonnie.
* [[No One Gets Left Behind]]: Played straight, mostly by Sanderson, but also subverted all to hell, mostly by Manning, though the replacements don't cover themselves with glory in this respect either.
{{quote| '''Sgt. Talbot:''' Where's your squad?<br />
'''Sgt. Manning:''' [points at Sanderson] Over there. }}
* [[Not in This For Your Revolution]]: Manning's sole motivation is survival.
* [[Ominous Fog]]: Ubiquitous, but especially atmospheric during the replacements' first patrol and the advance through the minefield.
* [[Professional Slacker]]: Manning.
{{quote| '''Talbot:''' See, your little routine isn't as seamless as you think it is. Always hanging back a little, never volunteering. Doing just enough to keep outta trouble, but never enough to really help out.}}
* [[Redshirt Army]]: The U.S. 28th Infantry Division.
* {{spoiler|[[Sacrificial Lamb]]}}: Bobby.
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* [[Shoot the Dog]] {{spoiler|[[Incredibly Lame Pun|face]]}}: {{spoiler|Twice.}} Manning, of course.
* [[Sink or Swim Mentor]]: Manning to the replacement squad.
{{quote| '''Sgt. Manning:''' This is your first big chance to stay alive. Don't fuck it up.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Mentor Occupational Hazard]]}}: {{spoiler|Specifically, as Sanderson's mentor, as Sanderson takes his place in the [[Book Ends]].}}
* [[Sole Survivor]]: Manning, of his platoon after a week in the Hurtgen Forest, and later {{spoiler|Sanderson, of Manning's squad.}}
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* [[Unfriendly Fire]]: Talbot threatens to frag Manning if he lets his replacements get killed. Manning {{spoiler|actually does kill Bobby, Baxter, and pulls a pistol on Talbot.}}
* [[War Is Hell]]: Lampshaded:
{{quote| '''Manning:''' No more room in hell.<br />
'''Chamberlain:''' What are you talking about? There's plenty of room. All they gotta do is stack 'em higher. }}
* [[We Have Reserves]]: The commanders of the 28th Infantry Division, in the view of Chamberlain and Manning.
{{quote| '''Manning:''' You're just a bunch of guys in line to get shot, so they can send in a bunch of other guys. See how that works?}}
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