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Save the Princess: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|''Link! He come to town,<br />
Come to save, the Princess Zelda!''|'''Joe Pleiman''', "The Legend of Zelda", from ''The Rabbit Joint''.}}
{{quote|'''Mario: '''We gotta find the princess!<br />
'''Luigi:''' And [[Memetic Mutation|YOU]] gotta help us!|''[[Hotel Mario]]''}}
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* ''[[Disgaea]]'' plays with this.
** ''Absence of Justice'' take...
{{quote| Almaz: I must save the princess!<br />
Sapphire: * [[Groin Attack]]* <br />
Almaz: The princess! She touched me! I can die happy now... }}
** ''[[Disgaea 3 Absence of Justice]]'' also looks at it more seriously with the reasoning behind its [[Inverted|Inversion]]: Princess Sapphire has seen far too many people go off and die all in the name of protecting her. So she became a [[Badass Princess]] capable of destroying anything that might kill a hero.
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